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Everything posted by hellcat420

  1. hellcat420

    If you combat log don't play, quit.

    that is a load of crap. while i do not condone combat logging, those people who do that bs did not pay for this game to give you or anyone else enjoyment. this is a sandbox game and they are free to play however they want, nomatter how cowardly that might be. the point of sandbox game is to play however you want. if you cant handle that aspect of a sandbox game then maybe this game is not for you.
  2. hellcat420

    DayZ feels American

    that is a load of bs. there have been multiple wars on American soil, hell the British even burned down the white house and capitol building in 1814.
  3. hellcat420

    Farmer Clothing

    i have seen many farmers, none of them wore clothing that looked like this. however i have seen many people in college dressed like this.
  4. hellcat420

    DayZ feels American

    no, the destruction of the entire planet will be the result of american war mongering. zombie apocolypse is smallfry shit like something china would do!
  5. hellcat420

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    i dont play dayz for firefights, but that doesnt mean im just gonna hand over my stuff because some random asshat demands it. if you want to be a bandit, you better be prepared for people who are gonna fight back.
  6. hellcat420

    Why co-operate if you're gonna get shot anyways?

    lol being robbed doesnt amount to fun interactions for me. however shooting at people who try to rob me does.
  7. hellcat420

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    this is not the mod. go explore and find out for yourself. the point of playing the game is not to have other people play it for you.
  8. hellcat420

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    get far away from the coast if you want to find anything. loot is plentiful in the north.
  9. will be longer than that most likely, and that is if it even is ported to consoles in the first place, which is not guaranteed.
  10. hellcat420

    Why should street lights work?

    not everything just stops working because people quit messing with it. take the hoover dam for an example, it will possibly run and generate electricity for 10+ years before it fails with no human intervention.
  11. hellcat420

    Will there be more performance updates?

    if you want an fps boost buy a real computer. a low end laptop is not gonna cut it when this game gets close to completion.
  12. hellcat420

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    i hope they dont add any aircraft. they are way too cheesy and make the entire game trivial.
  13. there are much more important things for them to worry about right now than useless cosmetic stuff like this.
  14. hellcat420

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    no. the game is in alpha so the gameplay and graphics will be underpar. what makes you think this game should magically be different from any other game in history that was in the alpha stage of development. hell the gameplay in dayz sa is better in the alpha stage than arma3 was at launch.
  15. hellcat420

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    i think they should make characters bound to the server they spawned on. that is the best way to stop server hopping. it would also prevent people from gearing up on an empty server then taking that gear to a high population server.
  16. hellcat420

    M4 potency/accuracy

    if you shoot a man and kill him you take one person out of the fight, if you wound him you take 2-3 people out of the fight.
  17. hellcat420

    Fumbling Around In The Dark

    ya it pretty much does.
  18. hellcat420

    Fumbling Around In The Dark

    not really since humans lack a tapetum lucidum in our eyes.
  19. hellcat420

    Fumbling Around In The Dark

    just because humans can see a slight little bit in lower light conditions does not mean we have night vision. and yes i know how the human eye works.
  20. i choose option 3 because i was too busy licking the windows on the shortbus to read your poll.
  21. hellcat420

    Why is der a F****** hide body function!?!?!

    i like the hide body function
  22. hellcat420

    Fumbling Around In The Dark

    no its not unrealistic. have you ever been out in the wilderness at night more than 10 miles from the nearest street light? you cant see your hand in front of your face unless you are in a clearing with a nearly full moon. and btw igrage, humans do not have natural nightvision, or else we would have naturally been noctournal hunters throughout human history and they would have never invented lanterns and flashlights.
  23. i played the dayz mod, tried to play arma2 but couldnt even make it 5 mins into the tutoral before i quit playing, the horrible voiceovers made me want to hang myself. wont even consider playing arma3.
  24. hellcat420

    Too Many Severs - Dynamic Server Allotment

    well I don't hang out on the coast or play empty servers, and I run into people all of the time, I roam the northern 2/3's of the map.
  25. hellcat420

    Too Many Severs - Dynamic Server Allotment

    no thanks. this is supposed to be the zombie apocalypse, but it doesn't feel like it when you run into people every 5 mins. I think the servers are fine how they are now. full servers are only good for playing deathmatchz, which is not fun to play all of the time.