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Everything posted by doctorbadsign

  1. doctorbadsign

    Reason to Walk

    This. I see even camo'ed players instantly if they are sprinting.
  2. doctorbadsign

    Hey... You friendly?

    I much prefer "Drop your weapon and get on the floor, if you turn around I'll kill you" After which you can gauge whether they are friendly and compliant or not.
  3. doctorbadsign

    Grey DayZ

    If it occurred the instant you spawned in, the perhaps make a bug report about it on the tracker.
  4. doctorbadsign

    Clearing this up: DayZ is NOT years afterwards

    I'd say heavily rusted vehicles all about the place gives some indication that a lot of time has passed, or at least could be used to argue that point. And the buildings seem to be going for that abandoned post apocalyptic look, because the designers seem to like that aesthetic---and that's fine. I just don't think they are particularly bound by making things entirely consistent which is precisely why people can use anything to argue their opinion of when the game is set.
  5. doctorbadsign

    Clearing this up: DayZ is NOT years afterwards

    Personally I don't think they have given much thought to the consistency as far as the time setting of the game goes. Parts of it indicate that the game occurs very soon after the initial events, other parts indicate that it is some time after... I think they go with an aesthetic that looks good, and add items that seem cool. Doesn't seem like anyone goes "does this fit with a recent event or a while after?"...
  6. doctorbadsign

    My sad story

    I am of the ilk that don't like to use maps or any source to guide my progress. Not that I have a problem with those that do, but for me it takes away from the game experience. I haven't died of dehydration yet but I am finding thirst hard to manage for the first time.
  7. doctorbadsign

    My sad story

    You playing on stable 0.50? I'm sure most people are dying from dehydration on that build since the wells don't work.
  8. doctorbadsign

    do I have any chance?

    Unfortunately you may find that people have a hard time trusting you if you don't use your voice. In your case this would seem very harsh, but the fact of the matter is that often when people only type to communicate, it means that they are talking with their friend and telling them what is happening. Try not to take it too personally if you do get killed when you don't use your voice. Although anyone reading this topic might want to take this into account when they meet a player who does not use voice chat. I hope this doesn't put you off the game, and I hope other players will be more considerate and less paranoid when people don't use a mic after reading this.
  9. doctorbadsign

    Next Vehicle

    A huge truck... [i think I have been playing too much Euro Truck Simulator]
  10. doctorbadsign

    I kinda feel that chernarus needs to be "blown up"

    I am generally bored with Chernarus as it is. The new parts are fun to explore for sure, but what I really want post release is for the map design folks to make something unique. My favourite part of DayZ during the mod was when I felt lost, it added another aspect to survival that is now gone for me. I think yearly map updates would be the best thing to keep that feeling alive among players. When I spawn in Chernarus I know where I am and where to go to get what I want, this meta-game knowledge spoils the fun a bit.
  11. doctorbadsign

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    If you can afford to do so, get a TrackIR... Then 1PP really is way way better. DayZ/Arma with TrackIR is so immersive and fun.
  12. doctorbadsign

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    I wish people would make more 1pp servers. There really aren't enough.
  13. doctorbadsign

    Stop DayZ from turning into a Twitch shooter

    I agree, travelling across the map should feel like more of an undertaking than it does currently. Something that is a survival decision, that requires some degree of forethought. Will I have enough food to make it to Zelenogorsk from Berezino? Where can I stop along the way to get supplies? Things like this should be a consideration when travelling in DayZ. It should feel like a journey, not a boring double tap W and hold it until I get there kind of deal.
  14. I always have a twinge of regret when I don't have the heart to kill someone. I often see folks running blindly around towns from my vantage point in the trees, I stalk them for a bit and then I decide I would be a bastard if I got the jump on them and killed them. But inevitably I question this and think about how fun it could have been if I was a psychopath.
  15. doctorbadsign

    How much food is too much food?

    If you play well you rarely take damage. The risk of 15% more is worth it in my opinion. I prefer the ability to be able to wait patiently and meet other players on my terms than to ever find myself having to run around after food. I order my inventory on the fly so that ammo, first aid are at the top and food is to the bottom. I don't suffer any issues with this. I have suffered many a time through no having any food though.
  16. doctorbadsign

    How much food is too much food?

    The majority of my loot space is food. Stocking up is never a bad thing, it means you only go into towns when you want, not when you need. It allows you to hold a position for an extended period if necessary---which can be a big advantage if you are hiding from/stalking someone. It means that you can get energized at any time---which is handy if you get injured. I personally would not heed the advice of those who don't carry much food. The last person you want to be is the guy running wildly around a town cause you just got mauled by a zombie and you're hungry.
  17. doctorbadsign

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I wouldn't know. But to be honest I think it is ridiculous that I went from nothing to long range sniper with plenty of ammo in one short session. Bearing in mind I also found a Blaze a CR527 and 2 shotguns all in one town.
  18. doctorbadsign

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Found a mosin and lrs plus 40 rounds for it in 10 mins. Easy mode is back on.
  19. doctorbadsign

    Video Card Suggestions

    I use a GTX 770 by the way. It runs everything on high to ultra settings at 1080p with it generally above 40fps at all times and mostly higher. To be honest I'd get a new rig rather than putting a high end GPU in a PC that doesn't look like it was made with gaming in mind. I'd get a decent PC with say a GeForce GTX 650 or something with an eye to upgrading that at a later point. Sticking a GPU in that PC might not have the desired result of making it good for gaming. At the same time however, It would obviously improve your gaming experience, but I'd say you'd be better off not spending too much on a GPU right now. Basically I mean don't get a 770 yet. Lol sorry to ramble.
  20. doctorbadsign

    Video Card Suggestions

    What is your total budget? I really, really recommend not skimping out on the PSU to spend more on a GPU. Get a good PSU and a decent GPU, you can always upgrade the latter. Go for a reputable brand of PSU something like Corsair, Seasonic, etc. I use a Superflower 750W PSU and that serves me very well.
  21. doctorbadsign

    Hopes for 0.50 stable

    All I want is for servers to stop fucking crashing every single time I fucking play
  22. I didn't understand the question... I voted based on what I thought you meant by the question alone. I thought you meant if DayZ was released with the same rate of progress as it is having now, but the devs did not keep us informed of updates ("nobody knew what was going on") would you be happy? In which case I would not. You could do with rewording it to something like "If the Standalone was released now at 0.49 rather than when it was released last year would you be happy with the content?" The fact that you said "nobody knew what was going on" totally threw me because it seemed important to the question.
  23. doctorbadsign

    New hub and spawns[?]

    I really hope they fix the spawn points. Everyone sticking to the same areas makes the game super boring for those who like to explore.
  24. doctorbadsign

    Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.

    Seeing as there are no domesticated dogs, I think we can safely say that DayZ is set over 10,000 years ago
  25. doctorbadsign


    Trying to find a server that doesn't crash is a good start...