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Everything posted by doctorbadsign

  1. Is this for a DayZ mod server? If so you posted in the wrong section, but I suspect it will get moved if that is the case
  2. doctorbadsign

    Possible hack/bug? Anyone experienced this?

    I experienced something partially similar. After a server restart, I came back to the game to find my character in the sea, starving and bleeding. No idea what happened, but I'm guessing it was a bug.
  3. doctorbadsign

    Anyone use Shadowplay to record their dayz action?

    Seems to work for me. I did have problems, but they seemed to be solved by launching the game from the Steam folder in C:/....
  4. Probably the stance adjust from ArmA 3
  5. It's either that, or beyond a certain number of hops the next server the connect to instantly transfers them to a punishment server that has no loot at all and ruins everything in their backpack in the process. Any subsequent attempt to hop will bring them back to the same server.
  6. Nah I'm thinking way out in the middle of nowhere, as in its going to take you a long time to even get to a small town.
  7. doctorbadsign

    Neutral safe zones that physically prevent combat

    That was Epoch, the DayZ vanilla mod never had safe zones or traders so far as I recall.
  8. doctorbadsign

    Neutral safe zones that physically prevent combat

    Yeah it would just have a fucktonne of douches and griefers camped out side. There are safezones all over the map anyway... I call them "the middle of fucking nowhere".
  9. Here is my suggestion with regards to server hopping. Collate data to work out how many times is reasonable for a legitimate player to change servers in a row within a certain time period (lets say 20 mins). I'd say in the worst case scenario a legit player would only change servers 2 times before getting to one that they could play on. Make it so that anyone who hops servers more than that given number within 20 mins of joining their last server should have their character wiped. Or if that is too harsh, same system but rather than a char wipe, they get spawned in the middle of nowhere, and continue to get spawned there every subsequent server hop. How about that? ;)
  10. I reported two then got bored... I figured once they become aware of two they'll see 'em all.
  11. How would it work better to stop server hopping? You loot Balota, go into the trees, log out all the while being able to see who is coming so you can't be killed unexpectedly, hop to a different server and repeat. How does that not make it easier for you? You can stand up to end the timer if you see anyone, thus meaning that you can get away from being killed after logging (safer than current) and you are proposing that you won't get hit with a timer upon log in, so you can go back to looting quicker. How is that not wanting a new system that works out more in favour of server hoppers than current. Currently you see someone teleport into Balota, loot it then run into the bushes to log out. You kill them. Failing that they have to wait 5 mins to be able to loot again. Your proposition rids the server hopper of both these things. In other words they favour server hoppers...
  12. Because your suggestion would make it easier for you to server hop. You appear not to want the timer when you join a server. A server hopper that wants to get rid of the timer upon joining a server gets crucified. Like that wasn't going to happen.
  13. doctorbadsign


    Lol yeah I realised my fail and corrected it
  14. doctorbadsign


    Ran across the map Found a gun and some ammo No can opener?
  15. doctorbadsign


    I'm in Balota I know you need some baked beans Stop whining at me
  16. Yeah I've been hit with the timer as a legit player too for similar reasons. Having said that, I happily accept it. It's just a shame that it won't stop people like the OP from server hopping :/
  17. doctorbadsign

    Guns are really weak now

    Not been shot at since the new patch, but I can say that zombies can hit me a fuckload of times and it won't even make me bleed. Less about the guns and more about the damage parameters I'd say.
  18. For more players I think we do need loot respawning. Once that is done I'd like to see more players more than I'd like to see more zombies as other players is what it's all about.
  19. Thanks, I'll leave it unsaid what I have in mind to respond to that with out of respect for the forum rules :)
  20. The last resort of someone with no merit, justification or decent argument. To throw their toys on the floor and shout insults (edit: nice of you to remove the part where you called me a retard ;) ). None of this is off topic, you made a suggestion that sounded like a server hopper wanting to make things easier for themselves, I just made things clearer by pointing out that this was the case by showing people you are a self-proclaimed server hopper. Now go back to server hopping and enjoy all the loot you didn't earn in all that action that you just teleported into.
  21. Your position is so incredibly inconsistent, its ridiculous. I agree with the sentiment that server hopping has negative consequences on the game, and on that principle I do not do it. Where you fall down is you fail to live up to your standards and principles. Don't kid yourself, you are not helping to stop it by doing it. And you are trying to apologize for it, that's where all this "I'm helping to make the game better" bullshit comes from. You just said it, you do it because you enjoy the benefits of it, first and foremost. Stop trying to make excuses for it. People like you ruin the game for every legit player out there plus you make it difficult for developers to see what loot needs balancing and where etc, you have no excuse.
  22. I agree, unless he was silly enough to be on a regular server with 1PP on lol. Cool video though :) I just think it would have been way more intense in 1st person though.
  23. Well you say you do not "like" server hopping in your first excuse, then you say you do it to find action, why implies that you like the act of doing so because it gets you to the action quicker. How many times do you need to perform an exploit to be able to report on it? Have you actually reported anything substantial and worthwhile? I'd love to see it. Hopping servers to take loot might have a detrimental impact on people who actually want to get the loot balanced. Have you ever thought of that whilst you were "testing"?
  24. Simple, because most people don't do things that they don't like. So in other words you're talking shit.
  25. Firstly you say you do it because you can, secondly because you are looking for action, thirdly you pull the altruistic "I'm testing the game" bullshit. Neither of those excuses are the same. How many times do you need to test it to see if you can still do it? Bearing in mind any changes of that nature will be mentioned in patch notes. Do you also glitch through walls and kill people because you can and because you want to test the game? I could understand doing it once to test if the timer worked, but why continue to do so? This whole "I'm testing the game" excuse is bull. You're not testing the game, you just want an excuse that doesn't make you sound like a server hopping scumbag.