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Everything posted by doctorbadsign

  1. doctorbadsign

    Third person

    Christ, how many times are we going to have this argument...
  2. doctorbadsign


    Neck beards and fedoras I say.
  3. doctorbadsign

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    I don't see the issue, as long as you can filter out mods in the browser.
  4. doctorbadsign

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    And means that they will finish it :P
  5. doctorbadsign

    Dayz Poetry

    DayZ Standalone Tactical bacon sandwich My last meal on earth
  6. doctorbadsign

    Most frustrating way you have died?

    Definitely glitches. Every time I've died at the hands of a player, I may have raged, but its all fair in love and war. I got totally bitched by the rocks near Electro and flung into the air. I rage quit and didn't come back for weeks.
  7. doctorbadsign

    Whats the situation on tents?

    If this were the case I'd just get my friend to move the items from my tent to a new one. I'm sure there would be ways around it.
  8. doctorbadsign

    Whats the situation on tents?

    Imagine you arrive at someone's tent looking to raid it, you shoot said person and poof their tent magically vanishes. Or that person just suicides to spite them. It's a nice concept, but it would mean that base raids would be pointless, so no they shouldn't add it.
  9. doctorbadsign

    Whats the situation on tents?

    I really want persistence, I'd definitely start playing again once its working. Having and maintaining a base camp gives you an aim in DayZ that is completely lacking at the moment.
  10. doctorbadsign

    Trophy Body Part Collection

    Or teeth, if you're the kind of person who likes torturing people but letting them live :D People who have all their teeth removed can only live off soft foods.
  11. doctorbadsign

    The new 3pp camera and FOV Slider

    Maybe just disable free look whilst in 3rd person? That would stop the worst of it.
  12. doctorbadsign

    What happened to DayZ player lore?

    I hope they add something similar to the Mount Chiliad conspiracy from GTA V. It doesn't even need an actual resolution, just something for people to speculate about. I love mysteries and having something to explore and theorize about on here would be awesome. I really, really, hope they do it.
  13. doctorbadsign

    Server Hopping Fix

    Server hopping is not a playstyle. If I had any say so I'd classify it as a form cheating and punish it severely. No legitimate player would change servers as frequently as a server hopper, so it doesn't take much of a stretch to imagine a system that would be able to tell the difference.
  14. doctorbadsign

    New weapons damage in action

    His pant's weren't ruined by the bullets, they were ruined when he heard the first shot ;)
  15. doctorbadsign

    Server Hopping Fix

    The issue with having non-severe punishments for server hopping is that it is not enough of a deterrent. It has to be a punishment that is more severe than having to run anywhere to find the loot that they need. This is what the player is trying to avoid by server hopping, they are cutting down the time spent running around and searching. 5 minutes doesn't outweigh hours searching the map therefore server hoppers will still do it, and just get a coffee in the meantime. The deterrent needs to be more severe than that; say losing gear, being spawned far away from any loot, or being forced onto a cheaters server with no high value loot. Any small punishments will be tolerated by server hoppers because they are still less hassle than running the map. So long as the developers issue the mechanics of the punishment system legit players will know what to avoid.
  16. doctorbadsign

    Server Hopping Fix

    Not a bad idea. I thought of one a couple a while ago; 1. They could spawn someone in the middle of nowhere if they repeatedly server hop. 2. Server hoppers could have a specific server that they get locked in to for 24 hours after a certain amount of hops (obviously has to be higher than the amount you are likely to make due to shitty servers etc.) This server would have some food, drinks and cosmetic items, but nothing else.
  17. doctorbadsign

    Developer Appreciation

    Christ Almighty! Just because they add stuff like farming or new items doesn't mean they aren't working on performance issues! There is more than one person there you know. If you had been paying attention to performance you would note a steady increase over time, not immense but it is there. The people who create models and textures are not likely to have the ability to work on performance issues, nor are all of the coding team. Different people have different specializations. Because it is easier to create items etc. We see more of them than we see performance increases, but it doesn't mean performance is not being prioritized.
  18. doctorbadsign

    Possible improvement for third person and fire fights.

    I don't see it as a broken system. If all the servers were 3PP then yeah it would be a problem because those who play in 1PP would be at a constant disadvantage. But we have our own servers to play on. If you want a realistic tactical experience play on 1PP servers and leave the others to look around their walls etc. As far as I am aware they have implemented a fix for this anyway. I don't like the exploits in 3PP, I don't play on 3PP servers. That's the end of it as far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to achieve anything by giving people who do play on 3PP aggro.
  19. I don't have that much of an issue unless I'm playing at some ungodly hour of the day. If most people want to play 3PP that's just the way it is. The developers would have to be insane to remove it.
  20. It is on some servers, so what is the problem?
  21. doctorbadsign

    Everyone plays the game the way they want, so...

    Combat logging is cowardly and dishonourable. I disapprove.
  22. This again? No they should not force it. I don't know why people are so fervent about it. You can play dedicated servers for each perspective, thats all you need. I play 1PP because it's my personal preference. I see no reason to deny other's theirs. It's kinda like wanting shops to stop selling diet coke cause you don't like it, when the option to have both is there. Grow the cunting hell up.
  23. doctorbadsign

    Possible improvement for third person and fire fights.

    I don't think its really necessary given that we have different servers. If you don't like 3PP combat go for the 1PP servers. I'm not sure what the issue with that system is? No point arguing about which is better, it's subjective, we all have different criteria for what makes the game fun and interesting for us. It's been done to death, no one person is right or wrong. It reminds me of people at school arguing over whether skateboarding is better than BMXing...
  24. doctorbadsign

    Dayz Core Fucntionality

    Most of the things you mention are being worked on and have improved since the release of the public alpha. People seem to assume that content such as guns and outfits are holding progress back. In reality the people who make clothing and items are different to the people working on core functions. Given that making items is presumably a faster process than making major engine and performance tweaks one can easily see why we have more of one than the other. Having said that though, performance has improved notably since day one, as have the zombies and most of what you mention.
  25. doctorbadsign

    faking death

    Good idea. The problem is, people don't roleplay. They learn mechanics and play around those. In other words people will start shooting corpses.