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Everything posted by doctorbadsign

  1. doctorbadsign

    What has the standalone become ?

    Okay can you think of an emotion based system that would be good? Cause I can't. More stuff to do in game will reduce KoS because a lot of people don't have anything better to do at the moment. Once you have a gun and get geared up you have very few options for what to do. Most decide they might as well use up their ammo on other players. If you spent ages developing some skills on your character that will be wiped on their death, would you want to risk it in unnecessary or unprovoked PvP? If this was implemented you would not eliminate KoS but a lot of people that engage in it now out of boredom might think twice. Nothing will ever end griefing, but I would posit that an emotion system is the worst solution because it will change nothing. My suggestions, which are planned will have some impact I'm certain.
  2. doctorbadsign

    What has the standalone become ?

    1. Vehicles, rare items, bases to name a few. 2. Stats, perhaps some cool appearance type things, and learned skills that develop over time
  3. doctorbadsign

    What has the standalone become ?

    Not sure if any of this would be possible to achieve. Even if it were, its never going to stop people killing. Why would anyone care about these effects? Most would just find them annoying at best. Also I disagree with the concept of anything persisting beyond death in game. You want to stop DayZ being a deathmatch, which is fine, but this would be the worst possible way of doing so. Here's some simple things that would work: 1. More stuff to do in game 2. Make the character more valuable than gear 3. Better zombies etc etc.
  4. doctorbadsign

    What has the standalone become ?

    What do you envision?
  5. doctorbadsign

    Thoughts on the Map

    Ok so I want to make it emphatically clear that this topic is mostly my opinion and I am willing to accept that it may differ from yours, despite this I wish to keep things civil. Also I want to make it clear that despite some heavy criticism of the map, I do not hate DayZ, I am just thinking about how it could be improved in my opinion. Finally if you want to scream "alpha" you'll just get ignored, this is not about any features that are subject to changes that radically alter my criticisms, its about the map---which despite some minor changes will be pretty much as it is on release. Any changes that are made, unless they are ridiculously large and beyond the scope of the project do not invalidate any of my criticisms. Now that's out of the way, lets get to some of my thoughts. I think that defenders of Chernarus are often touting the fallacy that large = better. Whilst size is a factor in a good map, I think it needs to be balanced with a map that draws you in and makes you want to explore it. I hear some of you about to say "well I like exploring Chernarus" and that is fair enough, but it is evident that the majority of the player base are happy sticking to a few select areas, thus it would seem that for most the map does not call for exploration. Why doesn't Chernarus call for exploration? Firstly because the terrain lacks a great deal of variation, we do not see any mountains that call out for us to climb them for example. Secondly we know what to expect everywhere. What I mean by that is, we know what the buildings look like in every town on the map as they are just pasted everywhere and most of us do not feel an overt desire to see them in different configurations. We also know exactly what all the forests and fields look like from a glimpse of any of these areas. Even the potentially cool exploration points such as castles are just copy/pasted. Many people will protest that they only hang around the coast because there are no vehicles. But the thing is people will not use vehicles to explore they will use vehicles to drive around to specific copy/pasted buildings in search of specific items and this will be done in a very formulaic "there's a piano house in this town" manner. The distance is a chore that requires a car, not a pleasure that would be fun on foot. In my opinion Chernarus doesn't feel like the kind of map where I think "I just want to drive around and get lost" like say San Andreas did. Even if it were, if cars are made exceptionally hard to maintain this would not be plausible anyway. Another problem with having a larger map is that the larger the map the less chance you have of encountering other players. This is probably the main reason people hang around spawn points. No matter how the spawn system works, people will hang out where people are, that's what DayZ is about anyway. If the map size was reduced people would feel more like exploring because the chances that there will be someone else around that area will be increased. I know nothing will be done to change the map in DayZ, but that does not stop me from criticizing it or us from discussing it. In short I think DayZ could do with a smaller map with a much higher attention to detail. Whilst it is cool that BI used satellites and shit when making Chernarus, this data does not necessarily create a great game map. Really a new map could be designed with every aspect of gameplay considered, with enough wilderness, containing enough variation to satisfy explorers, with no copy/pasted buildings to remove the extremely formulaic looting process and encourage everyone to explore, that is not so big that people view it as a chore to traverse. An example of a good map would be Skyrim. When I am in that world I think "fuck the fast travel I'm walking everywhere" because it is so beautiful and fun to explore. When I am in Chernarus I feel no such inclination. My exploration is limited to, "there's a town, there's a chance of such and such an item in that house, lets take a look, ignore everything else. Fuck it I'm going to log out, I'm bored of hiking." Basically, despite being a really good concept pretty much all other areas, DayZ is let down by its map, which fallaciously assumes that larger is better, and in doing so sacrifices any inclination to explore because of its copy/pasted towns which make looting formulaic and boring and it lacks of places that call out for exploration. If you've been to Electro, you've basically seen every worthwhile building on the map, and if you've been in the trees around it you basically know what the rest of it is like. Players hanging around a small portion of the map is not a symptom of poor spawn mechanics, or loot balancing or anything, its because the map is poor and the map is poor because it sacrificed so much in order to be bigger than everyone else's map. TLDR? Find another topic.
  6. doctorbadsign

    What has the standalone become ?

    I don't. When I do I feel real guilt and doubt etc. Why simulate it? No need to explain what an emotion is. DayZ is not real life, nor is it a simulation, it tries to create an authentic experience that balances fun with aspects of realism (to paraphrase Rocket). Some things such as simulating emotions are too far and will ruin the fun of the game. Also how the fuck do you do it effectively? I feel actual emotions during my gameplay. I do not want my character to simulate emotions that I am not really feeling. "You are feeling guilty" Fuck off no I'm not...
  7. doctorbadsign

    What has the standalone become ?

    Worst idea ever. I don't want DayZ to tell me what to feel. I feel things for real during my play, I don't want it to pop up saying "You feel guilty" or "You are unhappy" or "You feel ennui". I don't want DayZ to even come close to trying to "simulate" emotions
  8. doctorbadsign

    Buying a gaming PC!

    You could have a look in the specs thread for people with laptops that run the game at that level?
  9. doctorbadsign

    April Fools DayZ: Plans, ideas, and more!

    I'd just troll people by saying things like "have you found a bicycle yet?" Or "You can harvest wood with the axes now"
  10. doctorbadsign

    Thoughts on the Map

    I did play the mod. However I never found driving much of a pleasure and the extent of my exploration was to get to a specific way point on the map, rather than I'll just drive around. Although I admit that this may have been a symptom of how it felt to drive a car in the mod. In fact perhaps my criticisms are biased by how much I played the mod. I explored Chernarus already. There is no getting lost in it anymore, ergo its kinda boring when I know where to go to get what I want. I have forgotten what it felt like when Chernarus was new to me I am fully aware that this might factor into things.
  11. doctorbadsign

    Thoughts on the Map

    Thanks for the response. I pretty much agree with you. My only question would be that how would you solve the issue of players staying in one part of the map? I'm not sure different building models would do it. In my opinion its a symptom of the fact that the distance is not worth it for loot that can be found in a very small area, which implies that the map does not really call players to explore it (if that makes sense). I like your idea of community based contributions, I'd love to see the development team get the community involved with competitions for designing new buildings and stuff.
  12. doctorbadsign

    South coast spawns?

    In my opinion what we need is some kind of localized loot, and specialized buildings that only appear in certain areas. Maybe a camping store in Zelenogorsk where you'd be pretty much guaranteed a tent and a stove etc. Maybe a certain gun only spawns at the NWAF. It is stupid that the whole game revolves around the coast. I want to run around random towns inland and feel like I have a chance of bumping into people.
  13. I hope someone mods out the zombies, decreases the loot and makes ammo rare as fuck
  14. doctorbadsign

    KoS or Human Nature?

    Its not human nature to kill others on sight. People kill on sight in DayZ for the following reasons: 1. There are no consequences (IRL there are) 2. There is no great value to your character in game. You fail, you lose some shit, so what? IRL you risk death, it makes you much less likely to be killing everyone you see. 3. People find it entertaining in a game. IRL only psychopaths find killing other humans entertaining. Saying DayZ reflects human nature, or is in any way a social experiment that can somehow provide answers applicable to real life is stupid and ridiculous.
  15. doctorbadsign

    Will my PSU run this set up

    Cheers I thought as much. I will upgrade my PSU at some stage just to give me more headroom but I just wanted to make sure it would run without having to replace it first.
  16. doctorbadsign

    Will my PSU run this set up

    PC part picker also rates my system at just over 400W. I think I'll be alright but I want to be sure.
  17. doctorbadsign

    Will my PSU run this set up

    Sorry my bad
  18. doctorbadsign

    Maybe 1st person is more friendly.

    I don't think its necessarily true, just seems to be one of those ideas that everyone has that gets banded around (like the rabbits making zombies noises thing). I've been killed and had friendly experiences in equal measure in hardcore and regular servers.
  19. I haven't really been in a PvP scenario, but I've found zombies mildly irritating since the latest patch. I can imagine it would be kinda annoying for anyone in a PvP scenario. I think the problem is that they spawn with aggro at you when you kill them with a gun, so you instantly have an infinite stream of zombies coming straight at you without any regard for walls etc. What it really needs is for the zombies to respawn a finite number of times within a certain area without bee-lining straight for you but stumbling in the general direction of the shots until they get close. That way people taking shots would need to be wary but would have a chance to move off before having to deal with infinite zombies.
  20. doctorbadsign

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    I wish it were that simple. However I think you'd still get server hoppers. People would get all the loot they want from one server, and rather than waiting or walking to a new area, they would just hop and loot the same area again.
  21. You actually make an invalid assumption there, I am what you could call a friendly player. If I see a fresh spawn I'm way more likely to give them a can of beans than a shot to the face (depending on how they act towards me of course). If I see any player I would favour a friendly chat and even teaming up over killing or robbing them. I merely accept banditry as a valid part of the game and therefore think forcing friendly cooperation would deny bandits their play style. EDIT: And my sig is just a joke based on the infamous line from Skyrim
  22. doctorbadsign

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    I think blocking third party communication software would be impossible. If it were I can just use Skype on my phone. Having the mic always on is a plausible option, however some people would have privacy issues with it, also you could still text chat with your friends, or even unplug your mic and skype them on your phone. There is no fix, its something we all have to accept.
  23. doctorbadsign

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    I don't see why everyone cares so much Other than to dish out their unwarranted "people with PC's are better" rhetoric. I have not a single care in the world whether or not DayZ comes to consoles
  24. I dunno, maybe its an early symptom of infection? I'm not saying KoS would happen, I'm saying there is no way any of the proposed scenario would happen. Therefore one is allowed to imagine it as one wishes.