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Everything posted by doctorbadsign

  1. doctorbadsign

    Yesus the hacker

    If you forget your password steam will send a link to your email account to change it. If you want to log in to your steam account from a new pc you need to get a code from steam in an email to verify. He won't be able to do shit with people's locations. He would need access to your email address and your steam name. The point of this thread isn't lost on people, the point is that there is no threat in someone asking where you are from in DayZ.
  2. doctorbadsign

    Do these GPU usage fluctuations indicate a bottleneck?

    Thanks for the response, I'm not sure I'd be willing to spend a whole lot more on something that Dean may or may not decide to support in DayZ, especially considering that I don't play the game often enough for it to be the deciding factor in my component choices. I would be curious to know your opinion on whether I would get noticeable performance increases upon upgrading my CPU despite the minimal bottlenecking? (I'm a bit of a noob about all this).
  3. doctorbadsign

    Want to See Molotovs in This Months Update

    I can see them adding molotovs I don't think they will be that good though. I can't see them setting things alight for sustained periods of time or fire spreading or anything.
  4. doctorbadsign

    Buying parts for a computer need help!

    I don't think you will gain much from having someone give you a list of exact parts. Figure out what your budget is, and do some research into it. You will get loads of people telling you loads of different builds to get and it will just serve to confuse and frustrate you. Everyone has different tastes and brand loyalties and such. Personally I'd advise just keep researching. Look at reviews of the best CPU and GPU to get within your price range. Make your own mind up. One piece of advice I would give for people on a budget is do not scrimp on a power supply. Get a good one. Other than that you'd learn a hell of a lot more, and end up with something more personal to your tastes if you researched and built it yourself. Also DayZ will not run smoothly on any PC in the known universe at the moment.
  5. doctorbadsign

    Does rain affect or not?

    I think it could be good if done right. If you were soaked and then got extremely cold for example, it would be interesting if it did simulate hypothermia. However, the ruining everything part is just stupid. The only items I can think of in game that would actually be ruined if they got wet are matches and that is about it.
  6. doctorbadsign

    Do these GPU usage fluctuations indicate a bottleneck?

    I know the game is different to Arma, but this wasn't really my point to compare them. Merely to state that I feel something must be holding my GPU back if 30-40 fps is all I get with it. I might have a look, I personally was thinking of getting an i5-4670K and had heard that in gaming the difference between an i5 and an i7 is negligible. Any second opinions on this?
  7. doctorbadsign

    Does rain affect or not?

    It is pretty ridiculous if you ask me. It should just make you soaked (which would in turn create health issues) and make things in your pockets wet, and perhaps ruin certain items that would realistically be ruined if they got soaked (matches for example).
  8. doctorbadsign

    Do these GPU usage fluctuations indicate a bottleneck?

    Thanks. Just wondering whether there would be anything noticeable across the board (as I don't play Arma or DayZ that much)? In Far Cry 3 for instance I get 30-40 fps on Ultra with my GTX 770, but get the feeling it could be improved upon fps wise.
  9. This might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9T6WGFmam0
  10. doctorbadsign

    Proper Evisceration & Decapitation Would Be Nice

    I don't think there should be anything over the top gore wise, but the wounds/blood could definitely be improved. A system where by you might be able to tell the direction of a shot from the blood spatter would be awesome. Decapitation and mutilation however seems a bit much to me.
  11. doctorbadsign

    How to be a idiot ...

    Another tip is to keep asking things constantly. If they are delaying their responses in any way they are probably communicating with their friend(s). In that case its probably best to kill them and leave.
  12. doctorbadsign

    New airstrip is being planned?

    If they are adding an airfield to Balota they might as well delete the rest of the map
  13. doctorbadsign

    Taking care of the bandits in Elektro!

    I gathered, just a little ironic still.
  14. doctorbadsign

    Taking care of the bandits in Elektro!

    "Don't kill fresh spawns" *shoots a fresh spawn* Consistency ftw!
  15. doctorbadsign

    How to be a idiot ...

    By taking the authoritative position. Make them put their gun on the floor and walk away from it, if they don't the trade is off, and if they aren't careful their dead.
  16. doctorbadsign

    Will my PSU run this set up

    The title explains it all really My PSU is a Corsair CX500M I want to build the following set up Intel i5 4670K GTX 770 I know the recommended PSU for that card is 600W however according to this calculator my system would draw under 400W I don't have any particular plans to overclock with that PSU installed, so my question is will it handle it without blowing up?
  17. doctorbadsign

    Will my PSU run this set up

    Thanks, I figured as much, but just wanted to be certain :)
  18. doctorbadsign

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    There needs to be better stealth in this game full stop. Then we can have difficult hunting. If the animals are anything like zombies then they will see you at the same distance whether you are crouched or prone. I would love a system that takes this into account, along with camouflage (for hunting at least). I'm not sure how it could be worked, but perhaps items of clothing could be giving a camouflage rating which when totaled up affects the distance at which animals can see you.
  19. doctorbadsign

    Will my PSU run this set up

    Hello, just an update here. I am now running a 770 in my set up with no discernible issues. One thing that does make me slightly paranoid is that the PSU does get a bit warm during gaming. So far as I can tell (and I have checked quite often) it has never gotten too hot to be able to hold my fingers on it for a sustained period. Neither does it appear to have any effect on how the system runs even after a few hours of gaming. I guess what I am asking is, should I be paranoid? (I will be getting a new case + a new psu at the end of this month)
  20. doctorbadsign

    A Guide to having FUN

    You immersion ruiners you.... *shakes fist*
  21. doctorbadsign

    How to convince a friend to get dayz

    Pretty accurate tbh. I don't see why anyone without a vested interest would see DayZ as anything other than a bit boring and rubbish at this stage in development
  22. doctorbadsign

    How to convince a friend to get dayz

    Just let him try it?
  23. doctorbadsign

    Servers becoming a problem

    Its only happened to me once, but I do appreciate the frustration. They need stricter rules about the naming of servers, also some sort of system whereby servers that consistently kick a lot of players get looked at.
  24. doctorbadsign

    More coastal gun spawns?

    I think the whole of the coast needs rethinking in terms of loot. I know its not very realistic but loot should get proportionally better all the way up to the NWAF---where you find the best gear in the game. There needs to be some kind of incentive to get players to travel, I'm not fussed if people still head back to the coast after gearing up to kill fresh spawns or whatever, just as long as there has to be some effort involved.
  25. doctorbadsign

    What Mods do you want in the SA

    As long as its not self bloodbag, spawn with the most powerful gun in the game, and 100,000 vehicles, or easy-mode zombies I'm pretty much open to most suggestions mod wise.