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Everything posted by doctorbadsign

  1. doctorbadsign

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    I would have much preferred it if they did not release DayZ in Early Access. It should have been a paid alpha via Kickstarter that is expensive enough that only a few thousand dedicated people would have bought it, and those people would no doubt understand and agree to be a part of testing. That way we wouldn't have hundreds of these topics a week. People would play the mod still or forget that it exists and then one day we get a finished DayZ standalone on Steam---which is either good or it isn't. Right now it's so ambiguous. I don't even know if DayZ is going to be good, I don't know what features will remain at the end of it all, which bugs will remain. I don't know if the finished product will be the game I wanted when I paid for it. With a finished game you know that it is either shit or not. You know immediately whether you've wasted your money. DayZ Alpha is like one long torturous wait to find out whether I just wasted £19.99.
  2. doctorbadsign

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    I work a day on/day off routine, and I still haven't broken 100 hours yet. Doesn't anyone worry that they may have already totally burnt out on the game before its even good?
  3. I think you're reading too much into things here. I'm not upset or emotionally harmed by what you said at all. I'm pretty thick skinned so far as things like that go. I do however come from a place where you don't let people calling someone a nigger slide. It's a disrespectful term and is not really considered funny in most contexts---out of respect for the connotations. We don't like homophobic and racist people here. That's pretty normal.
  4. What the team needs to do is come up with an overarching story, that overlaps and interlinks---a story that should never be officially revealed to anyone. Things such as where the infection started, how it spread, what the reaction was and so on. Then this story needs to be hinted at in clues throughout the map. Never explicitly told. That way we can be detectives and try to piece together what happened. The cool thing would be that we might be way off from the intended story, but it would be excellent to have rumours floating around as to why such and such a thing is on the map at a certain location. Maybe expand upon the books and stuff in the game to include diaries found on corpses or in houses. Kinda how the legends of Green Mountain took off but way more in depth. Leave stuff that hints at conspiracies and all sorts. This kind of thing would totally raise the game for all the Survival MMOs out there IMO
  5. A soundtrack would enhance it a lot. S.T.A.L.K.E.R is sooo damn creepy at night, this is mostly because of the pitch black and the soundtrack. DayZ has the pitch black, all it needs now is the ambient music to really emphasize the creepiness.
  6. Ok I'll put it like this: If the guy you met was black (I'm talking about IRL) would you have said the same thing? If not then you know why its wrong to say shit like that.
  7. doctorbadsign

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    How can people find time to play DayZ for 600 hours? Don't you have jobs?
  8. doctorbadsign

    Poll: Are you happy with update news/management?

    It started off good. Now I have no idea which thread to look in to find the most recent updates. They all seem pretty old too.
  9. That is not what the OP said; he said "Don't trust black people"---I find it difficult to read that interpretation into it. Like I say, I can, if I'm generous allow for racist remarks in an ironic satirical manner---set up in such a way as to mock racist people. But this is on the borderline between that and outright racism. The OP could have clarified if this were the case, and should have made it clear in the video. The response I got sounds like something a racist would say, with all that "political correctness" bollocks they use to defend their prejudice. And I do dislike irrational prejudice against any group regardless of what the prejudice is based on. Mocking and satirizing it is a valid way to criticize it, but to be honest from the response I got I doubt the OP was really doing so.
  10. Not really that obvious, or funny.
  11. About not trusting any black guys To which the other guy replies "Damn n*ggers" EDIT: 3:44 I can see how the OP's remark may have been a satire of something a racist might say, but the fact that he just lets it slide and actually laughs when the other guy casually says "damn n*ggers" makes me think otherwise.
  12. Whether or not you meant it seriously that racist remark is not cool
  13. doctorbadsign

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Every time I've died on regular servers..... Owwwh just kidding I have not died to anyone that I can confirm is cheating. However I do remember Rocket saying that many hacks would be impossible in the SA, so it is kinda disappointing to hear that this is apparently not the case.
  14. doctorbadsign

    India forum spam.... wtf

    Yup, personally I wouldn't even mind having to do one upon posting a new topic (not a post though, that would be a bit much)
  15. doctorbadsign

    What a Ducking fickhead

    If it was me I'd give the guy props for getting one up on me not trying to troll them in the most unfathomably unoriginal way ever. Not to mention that identity theft (albeit in a mild sense) is a tad of an overreaction to dying in a video game. I assume you did hide your IP when doing this
  16. doctorbadsign

    What a Ducking fickhead

    I wouldn't say "dickhead" I'd say that was pretty clever even if it did annoy you. You fell for it big style. Not many people would have the confidence to pull something like that off without you smelling a rat.
  17. I wouldn't say remove them completely. I would just say aim for some substantial progress with them by the next update. Whenever I look at the changelog it always seems to be a long list of various stuff and then one or two things about zombies. It's almost like an afterthought. I know I am not one to speak about what the dev team focuses on, and there may be various legit reasons for not being able to put a lot of focus into the zombies at this moment in time. However I for one would love the reassurance that they are actually going to get sorted in terms of AI and pathfinding etc. My experience of the mod and of the SA so far has shown me nothing to convince me that the RV engine can even do decent zombies. So it would be nice to get a little dev blog or video showing some progress just so I don't feel like all hope is probably lost.
  18. I agree. What I want though is situations where you turn a corner, see something a load of zombies and think "oh fuck" and have to turn on your heel and run as fast as you can. Or going into a certain building looking for loot and finding it full of zombies, meaning you have to quickly get out of there. Things like that will make zombies scary and challenging regardless of how boring it might eventually get to kill them. At the moment there is nothing scary or challenging or even interesting about them. They just serve to annoy you whilst you want to stop and have a drink. If they stay anything remotely like this, then as far as I'm concerned DayZ is fucked.
  19. Different types may or may not work depending on how its done. I'd rather 1 type of unpredictable zombie to 10 types of predictable zombie. I know its probably impossible to script AI that is impossible to figure out, but they sure as hell could make it harder to figure out than, "its doing that animation, its about to jump attack" or "its doing the other one so its going to claw me". As I say I am fully aware that this is alpha and so on. However the zombies are very important to the game, and have been neglected pretty much up until this update in which they have just become baneful and annoying. My sincerest hope is that they will add good zombies to DayZ, but I fear that they won't ever get them right.
  20. Well the thing is killing zombies in almost every other zombie game is kinda fun. Mashing them until their heads burst with a satisfying squelch. Or that thrill when you think you've killed one but then it mauls at your ankles as you turn away. If the zombies were anything like this then it would be good fun and I wouldn't care how many there are or how difficult they are. The problem is that zombies beeline straight towards you through walls, and attack in a formulaic manner with 2 variations which are totally predictable and easy to dodge. There is no necessity to destroy their brain, one hit with a fireaxe will suffice. Ergo they are not a challenge. The rate at which they aggro at you is nothing more than an irritation, that makes me sigh and think "oh for fucks sake" as soon as I see one running towards me from inordinately far away. Not wanting this utter shite to ruin your experience does not equate to wanting pleasant zombies. I want good zombies. I know they are supposedly placeholder. But fuck me, are they terrible. What you need is for zombies to be unpredictable so that there is no one size fits all strategy for coping with them. You also need some pay off for stealth tactics. As long as you can look at a zombie and know what it is about to do from how it is moving, they will never be very good. We need zombies to surprise us, so that dealing with them is a challenge that gets our blood pumping, not an irritation that can be dealt with once you have the formula down. Yes I know its alpha, all I am giving is my feedback, I know they aren't finished and that's fine. I just don't feel compelled to play the game with them in their current state.
  21. Nope, it turned my loot simulator into a zombie interruption/irritation simulator. They are not difficult. Still one hit kills, but they are just incessantly fucking annoying. They aren't hard to survive so its hardly accurate to call it a zombie survival simulator, they just make moving through any area a hassle.
  22. The zombies are worse than ever. I've not played since they implemented the new respawn mechanics. I don't much care for running along, and having to stop, get my axe out every few yards to hit a zombie. Its made moving from A to B even more tedious than it was normally.
  23. doctorbadsign

    DayZ and soundtrack...

    This is probably going to be controversial, but I will posit my thoughts nonetheless. I think DayZ would benefit from some simple ambient music. Don't agree? Well you could just turn it off. Or you could try playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R at night and you'll see how much a simple eerie soundtrack can enhance the atmosphere and creepiness of a game. If it was done right I think a simple soundtrack could enhance DayZ... Combined with ambient background sounds like owls and wolves and you're onto a winner.
  24. Okay so I have an i3-4130 CPU 3.40 GHz which I intend to replace with an i5 in the not too distant future. Anyway, I'm just curious as to whether I am currently getting that much of a bottleneck from this CPU, and whether a better one would infact give much of a performance boost. These are some results of GPU usage during a couple of games. Notice how the usage seems to fluctuate pretty much constantly and sometimes it is very pronounced especially in Far Cry 3 (ignore the right hand edges of some of these cause this was where I closed the game). I'm just curious as to what this indicates? CPU bottleneck or am I off the mark completely?
  25. doctorbadsign

    Do these GPU usage fluctuations indicate a bottleneck?

    Cheers for the reply. On my current budget, I really only have room for an i5, unless someone can point me towards an i7 that would cost about the same as an i5-4670K. I think if it comes to the stage at which multithreading is utilized in all games I will upgrade, by which time i7's might not be so pricey. Thanks for the input though