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Everything posted by doctorbadsign
Yesterday I played the Mod after 200 hours of Standalone.
doctorbadsign replied to Bambi Population Control's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I like my games to be difficult, but not insanely difficult. I would like it if they configured the difficulty to be so that if you are skilled as a player you are rewarded with survival and if you aren't skill you die over and over. EDIT: What I mean by that is no skilled player should die via ladders or stairs, -
From who's perspective? The game has been a huge success and has remained on the top sellers list for a long time now. From a financial perspective it hasn't really been a mistake. BI had a limited window of opportunity to release their product before one of two things happen; 1. People lose interest in the concept. 2. Another company releases a similar game that reaches a wider audience. I don't agree with the whole Early Access thing in general, but I think it was a pretty good call to release the game when they did.
The warnings worked then...
Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?
doctorbadsign replied to TranquilityEden's topic in General Discussion
It is a bit frustrating but going to an airfield on any server is asking for trouble. Do not assume that people are friendly in such areas, even if you are unarmed approach with extreme caution. -
The idea of pooing does not offend me. The thought of allowing a player base with the maturity levels of the DayZ community the ability to defecate concerns me. I don't want my game ruined by juveniles that want to throw shit at me, or force feed me shit, or do anything related to shit near me, it is not necessary whatsoever.
It is a game. I would define a video game as an interactive form of media in which you---the player---is in control of the movement or actions of an element of what is happening on screen. This is what you do on DayZ. DayZ is a game. It's not a social experiment. It started out as a mod for a game, it is now a standalone game. It's pretentious to pretend otherwise. I never claimed anyone thinks rape is okay because they think having a crap is okay. My point is that it is so wide open for humiliation and abuse that they might as well throw rape in too. Some people might find pooing fun, and amusing. Most of these happen to be small children. I personally do not want to allow the same people that got the notes system removed briefly by writing racial abuse to be allowed to defecate in DayZ. I cannot think of any way in which allowing players to defecate could be done tastefully and in a manner in which immature morons would not be able to abuse in various ways.
Ok so you want a mechanic that acts as a vector for disease that is not open to abuse? Spoiled meat? Zombies? Animals? Corpses? Those would all mitigate the inevitable abuse that would result from including defecation, and would all be a means to the same end. The simulation of the act of defecation does not add anything that could not be added via another means. In other words the discussion about mitigating the abuse is unnecessary. The abuse can be mitigated simply by achieving the same ends via a different means. From that perspective defecation is akin adding rape in its capacity for abuse and humiliation.
People will, I imagine go out of their way to make sure you are not dead when they shit on you. Also by extension of your logic, rape should be okay, as it doesn't really matter how the player feels about it. Personally I think any game which involves interactions needs to account for things that might upset players. Of course this should not extend to things like players being killed, however I think a game that allows people to simulate visceral humiliation and abuse is going over the line. Call me what you like, but I would not want to see anyone pushed away from DayZ by persistent juvenile bullies who ruin their experience because they game allows them to be shat upon, pissed on and humiliated in various ways.
Personally I think the option to choose when to defecate will lead to serious and over the top abuse even if it is mitigated with a timer. Whole entire clans will be clenching their buttocks, waiting for their elaborate plan to come together whereby they all shit in stereo on their unsuspecting victim. The timer will just allow it to become more of an event, with extra preparation. Which is arguably worse than a impromptu, cobbled together excremental violation, which, whilst more frequent would at least not have the sting of an event that took a great deal of finesse and preparation.
I was well aware of that. A timer is but a small issue for a determined child. If he or she is determined to break your legs and shit on you, followed in turn by the rest of their childish clan as they all capture it for youtube, a timer is going to do very little to prevent it. All a timer will do is allow for more planning leading to a precision form of scatological abuse which may turn out worse than an impromptu version.
Adding defecation to DayZ and expecting it not to be abused, no matter how it is handled, is as realistic as expecting ruined gear to prevent KOS. It isn't gonna happen. If you let the children poo, they will play with it.
Yeah same here. Is Rocket an actual 12 year old? Lets add throwing shit in DayZ. Lets all run around Electro in our pants throwing shit around because that is an authentic zombie survival experience.
I have this strange image in my head of Rocket on a closed testing build, throwing poo around and infrequently mentioning how cool it is in between childish fits of giggles whilst the rest of the team watches, baffled yet compelled to agree.
As Rocket himself has frequently stated, there is a point at which realism gets in the way of gameplay, and that authenticity is a much better term to apply to what they are doing with DayZ. To me, when thinking about the requisites for an authentic zombie survival experience, having to shit does not really enter my mind. Its not a necessary element to make it authentic. It doesn't contribute anything that could not be achieved via other means. When one thinks about a zombie game one does not think "oh I hope they really nail taking a dump, because that is just so essential to the whole experience". I get the concept that diseases should be a threat in the game, and the idea of using it as a weapon is really cool, but why can't spoiled meat, rotting carcasses, or dead zombies themselves be the means of transmission. Perhaps making rags out of a dead zombie's clothing and using them to bandage someone and stuff. That is all interesting and cool. Shitting isn't. It is only good for one thing and that is appealing to simple minded scatological children. We have already had an example of why this should not be implemented. The notes system, which as you may remember had to be removed for a time because people were using it to write racially abusive messages and such. This is the level of maturity we have to contend with, and with that in mind we most certainly should not give the DayZ community poo to play with.
Personally I think allowing people to ruthlessly murder someone, steal their stuff and then take a shit on them is taking it a bit too far. I can see it now. People breaking other players legs so that they can shit on them as they try to crawl off. I'm sure people will get more creative than that with it. I don't want to be a part of that, because I am not six years old and do not find poo amusing anymore.
I think you should have to press a button to breathe in and another to breathe out, because it's realistic. Also you should need to sleep, during which time you can't actually do anything in game, just look at a black screen, because it's realistic. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and I think needing to shit is pretty far beyond it.
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On the face of it, not a bad idea. The using disease as a weapon and so forth. However, adding poop to a multiplayer game without a certain level of maturity among its player base is asking for trouble. Why can't infection spread via other means? I've been ill a few times in my life, not once was it anything to do with shit.
Do tell...
Fuck no. It's stupid. I will literally stop playing until someone mods it out if they do add it.
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I managed it when I was a student
Seriously though, I end up cursing at my character for whining about being hungry. I'd be so fucked off if I kept having to shit all the time. I'm not playing the Sims. Aside from that, it will just result in so much childish nonsense that I will find it unbearable.
DayZ has gone to shit then it seems... Might as well uninstall now...
I would absolutely not advise hacking whatsoever. If you want some good scenic shots of Chernarus there are ways of importing the map into the Arma 3 editor. Any action shots that you want you're just gonna have to get creative and have someone in your squad as camera man to get into certain positions and capture events.
Given the maturity level of the average DayZ player that I have encountered in game. Adding poo is just about the worst thing you could do. We'd just have a bunch of people running around giggling and shouting "yay poo"
Rocket says a lot of things