Application Name: William Username: Paddyjuce Skype: Masadi001 Age: 27 Timezone: GMT (I sometimes come on at random times as well or stay up late, so you should see me alot, unless I'm working in the morning of course) Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division / Engineer Secondary Job: Infantry Sniper (I would be willing to change this but it would most likely be heavy support) Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Tactical Realism Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Yes, I'm looking for a long term clan, since being on my own is getting abit old now. I've picked Engineer and Infantry Sniper for a few reasons, mostly due to if I'm not needed in a squad I can always help build and defend the base being a sniper, so means I can be more flexible.