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Everything posted by sausagefingers

  1. This is why my friends and I play on a private server. until stand alone dayz is fucked. PM me if u want to join our private server
  2. sausagefingers

    3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

    This thread makes my pants happy
  3. sausagefingers

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Excellent news, I hope they do put a good price on it too $60-80. This will keep the idiots and hackers away.
  4. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    I am glad some people enjoyed the video anyway
  5. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    So you're saying I should have removed the M16, and told him... Hey bud, I just stole this from you to show you its possible ? I promise you as soon as he saw the M16 in my hands I would have copped an SVD round in my black face. And for the record I didn't pretend to be friendly, I only started talking to him once he turned around, before that he didn't realise I was following him for the last 2-3 mins up the road. I can show you guys PLENTY of FRAPS vids I've caught were cunts have stolen my ATV and killed me only for me to respawn and and they see me on the beach and kill me again. I just laugh and think well he got one up on me, next time I will be more careful etc.
  6. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    I should point out, I normally help new players, found a guy with a broken leg the other day on AU 19, he only had a hatchet, so I gave him a Mak since he said he had not found a gun in the past 2 weeks of playing. I escorted him to the ATC at Balota and helped him get an AKM, then sent him on his way... See a nice guy right lol
  7. sausagefingers

    DayZ wtf i going on? Ban hacker not me!!!

    LOL, I will see my Lawyer... I almost wee'd a little when I read that.
  8. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    Thanks gents, my mates also got a kick off this
  9. sausagefingers

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    I am the shooter in this vid, Its a fucking game you for Christ sake, what the fuck is wrong with all you "survivors" if you want only to "survive" without having to kill anyone go and play fucking SIMS. What would be the point of finding cool weapons and snipers etc if you only want to kill Z's ? whats the point of the game at all ?? what's gonna be next ?? players who refuse to kill Animals and just eat beans ?
  10. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    If you look at the vid, he pulled out the SVD to show it off and scoped it, this was his biggest mistake.
  11. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    Good news.
  12. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    I didnt realise what I was doing because of the excitement
  13. sausagefingers

    Seriously Pissed off!

    yep, all 3 of the servers i play on were hacked tonight, cunts spawning in guns and huey's is outta control. then the cunt spawned next to me and said he is telleporting around giving everyone weapons. I told him I hope his mum gets aids and I don't want his hacked weapons.... he shot me with his AS-50
  14. sausagefingers

    AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

    Maybe you're one of those guys who are just a total pain in the arse to play with ? telling everyone how good you are, and what everyone should do or how they should do it? maybe not ?
  15. just logged into server on hill at Kemenka-komarvo 4pm GMT+10 spotted guy in Gillie (with an AS50 or the like ) getting attacked by Z's, I go to take a shot with CZ 550. when I hear my mate say"the cunt just spawn a helli and jumped in. I shot a few times and the helli crashed and I saw the FEz is killed. all this is caught on FRAPS for proof. cheers
  16. sausagefingers

    Hacker on US638 username FEz

    So now this cunt is killing everyone with my clantag everytime he spots one of us, then logs out. FEz I am assuming you read this, I am sorry I said things about your mother. PS. I hope your mum gets black aids
  17. Bill Murray doesn't like you.
  18. sausagefingers

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    Bill, Sorry to hear of your recent demise. PS. I loved you in Zombieland.... in fact DayZ will not be complete until we have Bill Murray Z's
  19. sausagefingers

    Looking for a Ghillie, Lots to trade.

    I have one, I will be online in 10hrs. PM me on here not being a troll, I seriously do have one I am willing to trade for the La85 Thermal
  20. sausagefingers

    Hacker on US638 username FEz

    I was just in a server ANZ1, and noticed in Side chat FEz, I asked him in side chat if he crashed a heli earlier today.. not reply, asked again and next min I got shot in the back of the head ( while prone on a hill) and so does my mate. then FEz logs out. I run back to my body and find my now rotting corpse with everything intact NVG's AS-50 Range finders etc. as does my mate. Fucking Hacking scum cunt, hope his mother gets aids.
  21. sausagefingers

    Graphical bugs

    I had it really bad last night, logged out at Balota med tents. logged in today and its perfect?
  22. sausagefingers

    Manually update battleye if stuck at loading!

    Still nothing FML
  23. sausagefingers

    US346 scripters/hackers

    there are like 30 broken heli's on the coast around Balota, this server is a hackers dream, as admin are never even online. We just saw a crashed A-10 on the beach too. I entered the Teamspeak for US346 and as usual its unmanned.
  24. Just spawned back in between Komaravo and Keminka. heard a huge bang, run west to see 3 or 4 broken helli's ( start Fraps ) find one working helli, run over, some cunt spawns right in front of it ? maybe he was in it??? I kill him and check his body for his username and then I go for a quick fly before ending my flight in a fireball. true story. happened about 5 mins ago Video to come