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Everything posted by DMentMan

  1. DMentMan

    An owl stole my beanzs :(

    i hate when that happens
  2. DMentMan

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    horrible idea, sorry, it sucks. ​(friendly version of my post) also title is kinda misleading lol. edit: this has been suggested multiple times before.
  3. DMentMan

    Beware of TKTSO Bug (maybe).

    i have a full set of TTsKO and it has not happend to me.
  4. DMentMan

    Covering yourself in zombie guts.

    that was friendly compared to what i wanted to say.
  5. DMentMan

    explosive sniper rounds

    there.. is no tanks in dayz SA...
  6. DMentMan

    Covering yourself in zombie guts.

  7. DMentMan

    explosive sniper rounds

    because it would ruin dayz.
  8. DMentMan

    explosive sniper rounds

    ... no
  9. DMentMan

    Dayz Video with edited menu screen

    i shared this already? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/209794-dayz-menu-and-gameplay-concepts/#entry2099790
  10. DMentMan

    I want some combat.

  11. DMentMan

    Transportation Suggestion(not a car or bike!)

    suggested a LOT of times before actually.
  12. DMentMan

    DayZ Cinamatic "Hostage"

    please leave ideas for improvements and stuff, Thank you!
  13. DMentMan

    DayZ Menu and Gameplay Concepts

    no problem, you should work with this stuff dude.
  14. DMentMan

    DayZ Menu and Gameplay Concepts

    lol shit i´m stupid, ban me... no don´t accualy, i like it here.
  15. DMentMan

    DayZ Menu and Gameplay Concepts

    the distance gunshots was my favorite, but every thing was awesome.
  16. DMentMan

    DayZ Menu and Gameplay Concepts

    actually, the guy that made this, i believe is called Joe horan. <-- swedish word for... nevermind... (does not mean nevermind but.. yeah)
  17. DMentMan

    Hyperthermia Guide Exp. 0.49

    awesome video
  18. DMentMan

    Triple kill on bandits! [2:07]

    good job dude.
  19. DMentMan


    nice job, kinda.