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Everything posted by blackberrygoo

  1. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    You will keep your old Stable character(unless there's a wipe with this new push to stable , whenever it happens) , and you won't be able to use your experimental character until another experimental version comes out...
  2. Well i was first thrown into some shady luck with the .52 EXP Curse everyone is raving about.... To my surprise i was saved by a house full of goodies , but first chernarus tested me and made me eat a bunch of rotten fruit making me sick like a dawg which darkened my vision within only 30 minutes (while also being energized and hydrated)... After lightly gearing up i figured i was going to die soon anyways due to my black and white vision so i decided to run til i dropped... I ended up running to another shack of godly goodies,and got a High Cap vest, Gun and plenty of other goods inlcuding a tent. Being all giddy and such i ran as far as i could and ended up unexpectedly back close to the coast, at Blunt Rocks (hehe) so i decided to get Blunted at the Rocks and pitch tent, here's my photos of my spot and a picture of the goodies obtained in the shack: Then, suddenly, a dingy ass smell of diesel befell my nose, and then the noise of a V3S loomed over the rocks... I went to investigate and caught a glimpse of the vehicle that alerted me, before i had to lay down for cover: After the sighting of the wild V3S driver i ran back to my tent and the server restarted =( I'll report back to tell if it survived restart on us east ... Anyways I found many new items and content , i have to say that it's the best patch by far as it's been overall very smooth and literally no crashes yet except for when i exit . Now i just need to grow my own pumpkins and peppers and find that new town (towns?).
  3. Lol of course ! I hope you're not skipping dinner for that D= ! Can't wait to get home and "do this thang" ... Has anyone seen how often v3s's spawn now ? Or has anyone painted / seen a new colored v3s?
  4. Wow holy shit .... No wonder it was taking so long for a new update to experimental !! I'm so excited to see the new colored v3s's, can we actually paint them ourselves ?? But what does Peter mean when he tweeted something saying a bunch of new items and one of them was "guts" ... does anyone know what guts are ? Is there now something left behind when you cannibalize someone ? Anyways I can't freaking wait to get home tonight , and lemme just say , wow green bell pepper seeds you fucking read my mind devs lol ... Now we need jalapeño seeds ... And I can't wait to see if cooking With the gas stove works yet , also I'm curious about the cooking tripod :) , wether the gas stove works or not that tripod looks like it could cook up a solid rabbit haunch Stew :0 ! Edit : does anyone know what the "huge map changes" were ? And if you've found them mind posting a picture ? ;)
  5. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    This all day lol . It's a real club . We have jackets . Those of us obsessed with experimental are automatically in 'da club . Can't wait to see what unfolds ..
  6. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    I'm too excited :) ten hour day today but after , is dayz time all night :) ..
  7. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Hey that looks promising , thanks for the heads up Riddler... I can't wait to get back onto experimental , I know it might be greedy but I hope there's a new feature to test out ;) !
  8. blackberrygoo

    One Year of DayZ

    Can't wait for the next year to be done ,'dayz will r game of the millennium! :) the next three months should be interesting ...
  9. blackberrygoo

    Know your role, and stick to your words.

    This is exactly it ... It's not like we're saying "oh pvp no fun plz REMOOOVE DEVZSS!" Like some people on this discussion believe Lol , all we are saying is don't be a slime ball simply because you don't think you can take someone out from afar , or a least leave the guy for dead after robbing him to see If he can truly survive! I'm sure though you guys would rather make it easy and just shoot to kill when their back is turned to get onto the next twenty second thrill , I guess the apocalypse only changes the world and not the humans :( ... Of course the world is filled with liars and cheats , but the only reason it is , is because those who do that are afraid , afraid of being poor so they steal , afraid of being caught so they kill (unless you were just thoroughly abused as a child causing incessant rage, which would basically be a KOSer). If you're killing for no reason then you deserve to be killed for no reason , but if you rob and cheat without killing for no reason (because you're hungry or cold or sick) then the people like me will always forgive you :) ... But in my opinion why get close to somebody if you're truly worried that they are hostile and want to kill you, you're just endangering yourself to maybe save yourself from something that may not even be a threat ? By the logic of some of the self admitted KOSers above , it seems as though they lure and fake friendly because they are intimidated one way or another by someone they see (or they are assuming that everyone is like them, but they are not .. I love talking to people regardless of their intentions , it would be nice to find more sophisticated bandits out there instead of straight up meaningless KOS ! ) but I'm telling you if you're cautious you can definitely get some one close to you to at least talk without having to kill them after if you take the necessary steps and make sure to profile everything they say and do ... That's just me though I guess because I go out on a limb, seeing as this is just a game and I'm not too scared of dying , I get to see and experience a lot more unique situations than just " hey buddy come over here I'm friendly" *pew pew pew* "sorry buddy you shouldn't have trusted me " lol ... KOS will always be in our hearts as that low rung of entertainment , kind of like puppetry is to the world of art , but does that mean the higher walks of life should observe and practice it ? I think not lol ... A time and a person for everything ;) ! Note : hardcore KOSers please don't take offense , it's just my viewpoint that trust is only for the strong , and that most KOS comes from mindsets Like "it's just a game " or "I'm too suspicious of strangers to let them live" which both can be quelled by going out on a limb , lose a couple of lives trying to play hero and eventually you'll be a master at "controlling" uncontrollable situations , and those lives will start to last longer everytime you experience a near death experience as you learn from every one of them !
  10. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - Week of 08 Dec 14

    Yea as far as "hermit" goes , it truly is not very viable right now , but honesty i Iike to pretend by finding a persistence on server and making a house in the woods as my base =P
  11. blackberrygoo

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    "Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another like him." -Carl Sagan Stop it harteman lol , after all you could be killing a good friend to be made !! And : "To err is human , to forgive divine." -Alexander pope Forgive bros, if you're pretty good at fighting then you can handle deception when it comes and deliver mercy justly. Besides who will be left to kill when you've killed 'em all, besides yourself ? :0 And lastly : "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." -mahatma Ghandi I get the pvp aspect and definitely respect it , as we wouldn't have much fun without KOSers and bandits ... I just have no mercy for the types that backstab and kill on sight (or try to) for the sake of being scared of a , in my case, friendly (until rubbed the wrong way) survivor !
  12. blackberrygoo

    Open inventory while sprinting

    You can surely open your inventory while sprinting , it's been like that since day 1 , you must be experiencing some weird bug ? What button do map under controls for it to work ?
  13. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Lol best comment this week ... Oh mj you used to be something for everyone ... I can't wait for Monday to see if there's a .52 update :) here's to hoping ...
  14. blackberrygoo

    Know your role, and stick to your words.

    I never fake friendly, unless I know the guys been murdering people and one of those guys who only befriends other terrible murderers (pretend to be a bandit and earn his respect , then kill him as soon as possible)... Other than that I really try to stay a friendly survival hero (when I'm finally fully geared with food and survival supplies I start to play hero and save people , until then I avoid all interaction unless someone strikes me as "innocent"). This Is a good point you make , choose a role and stick to it , because you can still be a devious liar , just don't be a hero that same day or else you're a total asshole lol !
  15. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Yep I'm just lucky like that , great dayz Karma , I guess all the other people ranging into the tens of thousands playing right now have the same luck ! Damn majority , why do you 50 people have to be so unlucky ! Lol .. Get on and play for those that aren't experencieng ctds , I can't even believe you're not playing just cuz some people have crashed mid game constantly ... Which happens every patch btw !Edit : going on to play crash free , let's see how lucky I am ! :)
  16. blackberrygoo

    Where's the devblog this week?

    That's exactly what I was thinking , they should have a fallback seeing as a lot can happen , or nothing at all , right before the Christmas holidays lol ... Seeing as people are eager to go party til 2015, they could either have .52 rolled out promptly or just work until they gotta go Xmas party and load up dayz .23 or whatever it was !
  17. blackberrygoo

    Haters gonna hate. Bandits gonna die...

    Believe it or not Mang , but it does happen ... My friends laptop screen is broken so he uses an old LED monitor by some unknown Japanese maker (lol) and his screen is so dark you need to crank it up almost all the way to see In day time , I think it was a defected model by the way you look at it because it seems so dark it seems broken .. But anyways I go on night servers regardless if other people have their gamma up , i just make sure to not be super PVP-ey because when I do get in a night time battle , they usually shoot first as they usually have gamma up . so if I truly can't see them and am worried of dying I just crank that shit up too sad to say , but I try to leave it down ... But if I have a feeling I'm fighting another blind ass survivor I usually try and run or just keep shooting from cover and see what happens without increasing gamma lol ... I think they just need to make it so you can only change the gamma at the main menu , that way only some people will feel like exiting just to change the gamma (it's not a cure-all but it would definitely stop SOME people from using it if they had to exit the game to crank it up ).
  18. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    No ctds on my end , none for my friends or my whole squad of ten last night ! No issues with this patch in my opinion , except my friend crashes when he hears a v3s (lawl) so I told him to turn down his audio and it works (his computer just sucks) ! :) I can't wait to get on and play today with my other group of 3 , we will vigilante the streets for loser bandits , while simultaneously getting eerily stoned in real life ... Can't wait for a new experimental either I'm really looking forward to these next three months and I hope getting persistence working 100% is one of the first things in those three months to work on , it would make the game feel so much different if we don't have to search for proper servers to make camp on !
  19. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    No , you came here to start shit with people who don't agree with you ... "I came here to post about the ctds and how thy are an issue for the majority of player " LOL are you and your ten people that have had the same problem the majority of one million people ? Get real buddy , and just face the facts that you are impatient, and incredibly ignorant if you think that picking battles with the "kiddie trolls" is going to help you ... Are you trying to be some hero to the many asshole trolls who think this game is shit ? Take a look at your own comments buddy , Tatanko didn't do shit except for defending his view point , the view point shared by the REAL MAJORITY of these forums and that opinion is : the game is fine and you're just here to BITCH ... So please drag up all the "evidence" supporting Tatanko being unproductive , hell do it for me cuz I guarantee you you will find nothing but highly researched or experienced evidence based off a number of things and not just "boo hoo my game crashed and so did my friends , this game is broken " grow up and stop throwing around insults to get your point across "baddest ass" .
  20. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Believing something over one post isn't a good habit to get into .. Also I'm assuming unless it's a game breaking bug they don't stop all progress towards future builds to tackle a few ctds ... This is their process as far as I can tell , if there's small bugs or ctds for a MINORITY of people like there is now, then the programming team works on fixing them while also working on the next to do on their list to get the next exp branch up and running .. If it was game breaking like when the vehicles first were implemented and EVERYONE crashed constantly , then they (programmers only) would definitely stop working on exp and put the whole team of programmers to work on the bugs , but of course there's still designers/artists , and a slew of other jobs still working on the newest exp branch (or at least future content) regardless of if there's a game breaking bug because that's just not their area of expertise... So IMO they are almost always working on a new experimental , and they did mention that .52 and .53 were going to be mainly bug fixes so People like" the baddest ass " an 1337 can stop worrying about some conspiracy going on , as we all know SOME people are crashing but it's not the majority like they've expressed many a times in this discussion :P !
  21. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    I can't wait for new experimental patch :) let's all kumbaya and hope it comes today !
  22. blackberrygoo

    Too much food

    Yes I totally agree ... Hunting and fishing should be much more viable. I mean animals should be everywhere so we don't need to hunt for canned goods (but animals take a big hit on server fps I could imagine so it's an optimization issue for now) and in my opinion the only areas that should have over 4-5 canned goods would be untouched pantrys in houses or stashes that other survivors have made ... So once in a rare while it would be great to come across some sort of "survivor stash" where the loot is delibrately over spawned to make it look like a stash but almost every other house will be close to empty . But they are getting closer to item degradation like that last guy above me was talking about , so that should definitely reduce canned goods and when they start reducing the numbers well really see the apocalypse levels of canned goods lol .
  23. blackberrygoo

    Can you shoot through the V3S window?

    Lol I was wondering how you were going to convince us of that in a picture ... Well done sir , beans when I finally get off this damn mobile site ...
  24. blackberrygoo

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Lol the reason for writing that quote was to show that there was about 5-7 of you in the past five pages that don't get the fact that there's nothing we can do to help you(although I tried helping , but one of you decided to assume I was trying to insult them) . I suggested 1337 should validate his game files, simply becAuse my friend did that and his dayz .51 stable doesn't crash for a couple days til he has to do it again , I mentioned he (my friend) had a terrible computer and 1337 ASSUMED I was telling him that it must be his computer , this is NOT what I said nor what was meant .. And if you truly had been "keeping up" with this discussion you would have known that and not decided to defend someone so eager to attack others over an alpha video game that is BOUND to have crashes ... We are not denying at all that there are ctds this patch or any patch for that matter, I simply tried to help 1337 and the reality is there's no memory leak , there's no game breaking bug that's causing this , so all you can do is log a bug tracker post (and don't listen to whover said thy they are futile , they DO WORK , how else would we have gotten through all those other patches that were riddled with CTDs lawl ?) . So , lastly I want you to know that you assumed just like 1337 , I was trying to help the kid but when he assumed that I was saying it was his PC (which again I never said) he got all flustered and decided to throw insults around .. Now tell me how is that helpful ? We all know there are ctds , so please go log a post in the bug tracker and move on with your life , that's all you can do and anymore fighting on this discussion won't help you .. So do what everyone else including Myself has told you two to do , validate files , if that doesn't work there's a whole page of things you can do that could resolve ctds (that I won't bother linking seeing as you've been watching the forums so you should have no trouble finding them as someone posted the link just recently ) and if that doesn't work then like I said to some other guy, right after 1337 personally insulted me : sorry bud but all that will help you is patience :) .
  25. Uh oh ... This means that were not gettin another experimental this month ? :( but hey I'm down if there's no other new exp planned to be released