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Everything posted by blackberrygoo
And that's why this game can't stop going in the survival direction it's in right now .. Many people want the survival elements to stop growing or at least be postponed until everyhing else is worked out and I think that would be the worst idea .. We need all these systems to be implemented ASAP (as they are being added) because after a few months of glitches and bug filing we have all these systems that push us closer together : harder zombies , less loot , more gardening , and soon to be more hunting (when fishes are fixed and more animals are added) . All these things have a chance of making us killers but the way things are with such scarce ammo as well, there's a slim chance that the majority of us will just want to PVP . Player interaction for me has been getting more and more friendly as the months go by , sure there will still be bandits killing for scarce food but there will also be more friendlies who are too afraid to lose the little gear they have for just a little more , when if you team up you could get a whole hell of a lot more .
Hmmm ... No I haven't had any of these things happen , if you have a bug tracker account try and log it in there , you could be the difference if these bugs make it into .56 or not ! Gonna jump in soon , I'm loving how scarce food is (really not loving the lack of animals , or how fileting fish are broken , but I'm sure that will be fixed in the next patch) , I just ran out of my last can of beans And my garden is all set for more seeds when I find them , unfortunately my last garden was forgotten about while I searched for food so it all went rotten :/.. Can't wait to see what's on the next patch, so excite !
Speakin of ignorance , your post stinks of it .... The only reason why people shit on these complainers is because they don't come out right and state their opinions like adults , instead they come here and make a post stating "fuck this stupid game do the fucking developers even know what they are doing ??? Like who's idea was it to make ZOMBIES HARDER !??" Lol , we know that constructive criticism is needed which is why us "elitists" are the ones that bring these bugs and half broken mechanics to the bug tracker before the complainers even start to complain on the forums (oh and you do know the bug tracker is for bugs and broken mechanics right ? ).So stop being an asshole and tryin to assume all of us are "elitists" because my play style IS "casual" , I stay on the coast at all times and still survive , not because I'm the bestiest at everything and better than you but because I realize that this game , although it got more challenging and some things are broken ATM , DOES cater to all play types . If you wanna be some bad ass pvp wannabe then go for it , but know this : now that the games getting harder don't expect to be able to run and gun all the time without some survival troubles .. You think this game is being run into the ground by elitists but once again I must tell you these "elitists" attacking the voracious complainers are the FIRST ONES to log broken mechanics into the bug tracker , we then mention it once on the stable discussion and that's that , no bitching, Moaning or insulting "elitists" simply because you're mad that you can't find food or a gun in the first house you run into . All play styles are catered to : if you wanna be an "elitist" and go straight inland , do it , if you wanna be a big badass PVPer, go do it but realize that you better prepare to be a PVPer (get lots of food first and no I don't mean pick berries , no one is FORCING you to be a survivor play style , you're just assuming with butthurt rage that this game is forcing you to play a certian way...it's not but you have to realize that this is a SURVIVAL GAME, in which you have to SURVIVE SOMETIMES , so don't complain that you have to gear up on food before pvping , don't say this game is being run into the ground because of elitists , because yet again the people who you call "elitists" are the ones filing bug tracker reports while you and many others are thinking of how they can dismiss an "elitists" opinion with insults and how they can totally rule out how dayz is a true survival game , if you don't want to be a survivor at one point or another (having to go hungry for a long time , or gettin constantly attacked by vicious Zeds , that will get better by the way don't assume everything's going to stay the same) then you have to ask yourself "so, do I even want to play a survival game?" So to sum it up for you ,whatever you think you are it doesn't matter if you want to play this game follow these steps and don't pretend like you are doing dayz a big favor by backing up a bunch of people who are just raging about shit that we "elitists" have already made aware of to the devs (odd Loot distribution, hardly any animals , fileting fish not working , zombies too fast , these are all bugs that we "elitists" logged before any of you complainers even knew they existed): play the game , realize what's broken or needs fixing , log that info Into bug trackers and state your opinion POLITELY on the forums , if somebody tries to argue with you , well that's life and you can't change their opinions , but what we know for sure is that the devs don't care for casual run and gun pvp play styles any more , but the fact is they still allow those play styles in the game and don't say that's not true because again I'm someone who sees everything in dayz as going in a good direction so technically by your ignorance I'm an "elitist" but if you know how I play I'm technically a "casual"'play style , although I play for very long hours a day I ALWAYS stay on the coast and guess what ? I still survive , and I still think with all these bugs that my play style is totally viable , so this isn't a "toughen up" post but rather a , "get the fuck off of your denial trip" post , because we all know that plenty of people are surviving and that plenty of those people aren't just elitist fan boys , there's casuals , PVPers , Heros, cannibals , dean halls , you name it and the play style still exists ... So don't think that you need to change the direction of the survival aspect, this is the direction the devs have wanted to follow for so long and now that I've seen what a great game this is Already I'm all for seeing where it goes , so please remember this : run and gun playstyles / super casual play styles are gettin harder to accommodate in his game but that doesn't mean it's impossible , and remember these "elitists" are really just people who care so much for the future of this game that when they see a bug or glitch being explained by a rager , we have to chime in an tell them exactly where they are wrong , mostly because these ragers start off with "everyone hates these new zombies and loot get rid of them " when they damn well know that there are plenty of people that disagree with them , and there are others that agree with the ragers but they realize all they Can and should do is to log the issue on the bug tracker and drop a comment here on the forums , that way people notice and they aren't just being an asshole like 75% of the people on here complaining about valid things ... Sure they are complaining about something that needs fixing but we can criticize without having to whine , insult , and explode . so if you're one of those people that like to attack the forums instead of politely putting in your opinion then I suggest you stick to just being a bug tracker and log those on the bug tracker , it's a big help and it helps WAAAAYYY more than coming here and saying "you're all elitists , this game is broken because it's too hard and some things are still broken " this Is alpha so once again stop denying that fact , log bug trackers and politely drop your opinion here and things WILL change for the better, that's it and I don't know how some of you think that that is not enough the devs DO look at the bug tracker ya know , and that you have to come onto the forums to create stupid threads like this thinking it's going to change something ? Ignorance and denial is all that is , people want this game to be a pvp fest again, I hope that never happens but once again you can still be a PVPer if you like NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU!
oh well, i had hoped for fishies being properly edible, but when you cut a carp up all you get is guts =( ! I need to check around towns near camp for matches and cooking pots as well see if they have returned ! :ph34r: why does noone ever use this smiley face? "murder" lol ------> :murder:
I really hope this update fixes the fish , I hate being able to fish 'em out of the pond only to have to eat it raw and get sick :/ ... When filleting fish is fixed and more animals are added (only seen one this entire patch) I'll be an even happier camper , as this patch is already awesome just has a few flaws , one of which (the lack of cooking supplies and matches) is already being addressed :)!
DayZ 0.55 has given the sentence "the coast is clear" a true meaning
blackberrygoo replied to Mental Burner's topic in General Discussion
Well when the stone furnace fireplace was added the devs said it was an alternative to cooking pots , but I honestly haven't tried cooking on one without a pot in a long time so it could be broken in this patch :/ regardless there are more ways to cook being planned , like the stick thing but if stone ovens really don't cook any meat correctly that would definitely be a glitch , because what's an oven for if you still need to use a pot ! -
DayZ 0.55 has given the sentence "the coast is clear" a true meaning
blackberrygoo replied to Mental Burner's topic in General Discussion
I play on a private server too , it's "bone dry" as well it seems , but honestly I haven't had to pick apples except for one occasion (some areas seem to respawn loot while others don't) ... The point is don't just assume "there's no loot here so I have to pick apples" try jogging (not sprinting) to the nearest inland town and don't panic when you start to get hungrier, try and hold off apple picking until you've walked inland at least two towns with no success as it is a waste of time doing it right off the bat believe it or not .... Also loot the weirdest things you can think of (outhouses, offbeat houses and broken vehicles) and you will find plenty of little canned goods and survival materials, but don't spend more than 15 mins in each town or else you will be dead by the third town for sure if you don't find food .... To OP : Cooking on a stick is announced already , more alternatives to making fire has been heavily talked about and I expect a number of new fire making methods given the input from the devs already that they wanted more options to start fires . Also if you don't know already you can make an "oven fireplace" by adding small rocks you find on the beach to a regular fireplace , you can cook steaks in there without a pot or pan ! -
55. Experiencience Improvements
blackberrygoo replied to Damnyourdeadman's topic in General Discussion
I definitely agree , it seems all of these are planned or have been talked about though ... One thing we need now and not in the long run is way more animals to hunt , I feel like somehow all the animals got wiped out too because you rarely ever see them. With all the people dead you would think that a lot of animals would start traveling down to the coast randomly , and breeding more often ... I just want there to be a large chance to see animals EVERYWHERE it makes the game feel more alive so to speak . -
Lol , hate to end your venom trip there basher but tents have been persisting for 2 days now.... Lol we have 5 of them set up for tatankos get together, so ya go have fun and set up a tent and don't worry because you can now literally find them in every town !Edit : reports seem to state that very few servers are still eating tents ... Make sure to find two before placing one down , as it very well could disappear still if you happen to be on one of these servers (seems to be barely any now, but just be careful , we have 5 tents set down and they are still here , maybe try and find another one and set yours down on a private hive ?)
Quarterly Status Report - Quarter 1 2015
blackberrygoo replied to SMoss's topic in News & Announcements
Keep up the great work guys , there's lonely nights that the old lady creates with too much nagging that is only quelled by putting on my headphones and playing some dayz ! Ain't that some shit ! -
Mine didn't , set it down last night and it was there two hours later , haven't checked it today though .
Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015
blackberrygoo replied to Tatanko's topic in General Discussion
I voted Prison island, because although it can be a security disaster, it has the greatest potential to protect ourselves ... the attackers will have to swim in , only being a challenge when nightfall comes, but by then we will definitely have some people up high watching the area =) ! Keep it coming mates its tied 8 v8 for Prison Island / Black Lake! -
Lol that last part just got me haha ... But seriously guys negative criticism is ok but look at the way you word things ... I mean cornholio above me is wondering why his comments get deleted (or is assuming that will happen) but then goes on to ask If the devs are serious with all their choices and how they could have made better decisions if only they had listened to his worldly opinions ... Voice your opinion all you want but stop at that and don't say "do you guys seriously ever think of what you are doing ?!?" And start to personally insult other forum members (pg.7, c-holio) Because you just sound like a rude , Ill informed alpha tester . People say "give us less updates so stable can be stable" well guess what? It still won't be "stable" enough for people like cornholio complaining about absolutely everything from zombies to the structure of the games release pattern ... Because you just can't please everyone , I believe that this is the absolute right way to develop an alpha game and I think peoples ridiculous accusations that zombies are getting worse with no progress forward is just ignorant, plain ignorant to say because it's obvious how they have changed ... and don't be offended if you've chosen to be ignorant by believing everything you see is permanent ,we are all ignorant at one time or another but you damn well know these bugs won't last , neither will this Desync that causes all the zombie crap to occur. So if you have an opinion just drop it here with a well thought out reason why it should change and how , beyond that you're just attacking others with your opinion, and If someone argues with your opinion don't blow off the handle and personally Insult them . So when the time comes , that being when all of those that heavily criticized this game (based off of emotionally fueled personal bias) come back to the game to check out all these "useless features not worth adding yet" they will quickly realize adding features and working on everything slowly is much better than completing one part 100% and then moving onto the next .. They have added new Ai for zombies because we NEED to progress , so please unless you really know what you're talking about don't look ignorant like cornholio and think just because you are having a less than ideal time with some of the mechanics that the game is broken now and that they aren't making progress because when you open your eyes you realize what you hate most IS progress(new glitches = progress, old glitches take time but eventually get worked out, and new content cannot be avoided no matter how scared you are of the sometimes extreme testing we do as alpha testers with that content , I.e how extreme zombies are right now , data NEEDS to be collected on EXP AND stable as well) . I think many are feeling annoyed because they thought dayz was something it's not : "a shoot 'em up survival sim with some zombies!" It was in the beginning but that's starting to change, so please unless you know how to debug large lines of dayz code , don't act like you know how to fix bugs (or which bugs should be easy to fix , as sometimes it's not as easy as it seems and will be connected to many things ) , and unless you have developed a game with a better method , don't try and come here to a public forums and act as if you've found some industry changing way to develope video games proper, and if you're one of those polite negative critics, then just express your opinion here and don't go on a rant like cornholio or others do on a regular basis which ostracizes them into feeling like those who defend the mechanics are just biased , we are not , we want improvements too which is why we use the bug tracker to track broken stuff and we *politely* place our opinion here for everyone to see , we get noticed in a positive way and even though not all of our opinions are seen by the devs , it won't matter because were not here to sway the devs in a certain direction were here to test the game and give pointers to where the game needs fixing , those who see what's broken can just simply state it , not scream it in ten posts and attack other members because we don't agree with them ! Time to play some stable and get more weapons , I found a Pm-73 RAK an mp5 and a shotgun just an hour ago so I'm going back in !
:rolleyes: Have I found any weapons? Well not too many, but all in one police station :huh: That mp5k with 2 mags is in my hands by the way, whats on my back is an mp-133 shotgun, so in total including the machete and flare gun, that's 7 weapons...Five of which found in the police station of ... somewhere outside novy / stary (i'll never tell :D ) but my gut tells me there are more caches of this loot somewhere else on the map... The fact of the matter is though i kind of loved seeing this in the police station (my first time ever finding or seeing one too, so i was ecstatic!) : A pm-73 RAK if anyone can't see! I really believe we SHOULD be able to find these types of weapons in police stations, not on the coast or in any spawn area of course but there's no way that all the police stations in all of chernarus would be bone dry of weapons. Especially just months after the apocalypse happened (i estimate months by the lores' description stating "not long after the outbreak" or something like that but even so , some would stay untouched for years depending on the severity of the outbreak). Maybe it could be a special case type thing where as it's very rare and mostly in the west, where you find a police station with an AK or an MP5 (i know cops wont deal with ak's but in the apocalypse nothing has a "home" so theres a significant chance that somewhere theres a police station packing heat. Just think Resident Evil 2 and the awesome locker with a grenade launcher inside !) ;). Lastly i noticed that the fields are really "colorful" now, mostly a combo of an aloe-like plant that seems to glow white (at least on my screen lol) although this could have been added a while ago and maybe i missed it... Here you can see the difference, the right is our regular green grass and the left is the "aloe-like grass" ... Someone help me out harr..
Well they all need work , and when you're dealing with a big crowd of testers it makes much more sense to do little bits of everything all at once so the game can wrap up nicely at the end instead of making one system fully only to have to deconstruct it later because it has major issues connecting with other systems that are just starting to be created . It's like building a sky scraper , you don't build half of the building upwards only to complete the other half after , it would be unbalanced . Instead you build the entire base of the building upwards all at the same time . Just like a building , some parts of the game are still unstable but the other parts that have been slowly being worked on will eventually strengthen that unstable part(and eventually will become stable altogether) although right now the unstable part and stable part are still having a tough time fitting together it would be almost impossible to fit the pieces together after if you built one half first and then the other and tried to merge the two .
In order for things to improve they , ummm how do I say this , have to IMPROVE lol , if you like the zombies that we had before then you're the only one ... We need harder zombies and that's what this is about . Yes there will be Desync, lag , and rubber banding because of the new systems but this is just one of many iterations to the Zombies and their ai so we need to learn how to adapt until they become less glitchy , which is happening every month little by little ... The zombies have a very advanced job to do because this game is so open ended , the characters movement speed is going to change soon so I'm guessing when they nerf our run speed the zombies will slow down as well .. After a few more months of optimizing the servers, engine , and client side you will see far less "invisible zombies" or teleporting or "invisible tentacle" zombies as the servers will be far more stable . So in a nutshell the answer you're looking for is, this game is still in alpha and needs to develop itself in such a manner , as opposed to adding end game content like base building that will only need to be redone If the Devs work on it too quickly in the game development process as many many things are linked to each other in game developing .. Give it time , but if you can't deal with the new glitches or lag/Desync of the zombies, then the only thing to do is log as many bug trackers on these issues as possible and take a break from the game .
Chop the tree down with an axe mate !
That's not an image of chernarus the fictional land but rather the area near Russia which includes this south zagoria place ... So i think arma 2 and dayz lore is said to be based off of these lands but I'm not sure if in the lore these areas are all attached together (as many places in the game map aren't an exact replica of other cities near Chernogorsk , but rather taken from all over the devs native and neighboring country sides ). So I really believe they will not stitch these places together as it all might be connected in real life but like I said in game it's all different aside from Chernogorsk being there !
This .... Is .... Experimental ? :D , stable comes Later today, is everyone assuming that this thread is for stable , if so is that why people are angry that it's only 300 mb ? |:-|
Well that was a guess to be honest , as my logic says why push an experimental update to experimental and then only a few hours later push that same patch to stable ? Also it makes sense like it normally does , as we usually will get a new experimental right around the time we get a push to stable , I think the thing confusing you is that the new experimental usually comes after the push to stable , but I'm guessing they were ready to throw out the new experimental to exp branch, at the same time as releasing patch.55 #5 to the stable branch , so why wait to release the experimental if it's all ready and the stable servers are down anyways? That's the way I see it at least , so basically when stable comes back up My thought process is that stable will be .55 #5, and experimental will be .55 #6 , which is only confusing, again , because of the fact that a new experimental is being released before a stable version... Confusing but worth it as long as one of these builds is stable enough to play!
Smoss said in a general discussions thread labeled .55 stable , that they are indeed working on pushing .55 to stable today , but I'm sure it's going to be an earlier version of .55 as we all know a new version of experimental .55 just came out today , so I wouldn't expect the stable update to be what they released today on experimental but rather what we've been playing on experimental for the past week... So in other words i believe we should get the stable update today as well ...
We appreciate this Smoss stable branch updates are no joke !! :)
Big D's got the rest of the day off , so after some crunchy ab workouts I plan on loving the crap out of this 80 player server I've heard tall tale of . As many people on the internet say pertaining to video game content : my body is ready .
I really like the idea of sleeping , like nettles said it's a great way to promote realism in team work: You and a mate have just done a Cherno run on foot , you get back to your base in northern moglievka and now after a nice big rabbit stew you realize that your dead tired , you tell your buddy you're going to take a nap for 2 minutes (anything longer would be weird, maybe five maximum)... While you're asleep some bandits slip into camp , you wake up well slept , to hear your bro scream in terrifying horror as his Hand is forced into the fire that had just cooked your meal by said bandits , they didn't expect a sleepy brother to be inside napping dayz style so as they laugh each one is capped by an sks from you , who just got the right amount of sleep and was at the right place at the right time because of wonderful sleep... Also It would further help the stamina system , and make it more immersive ,requiring you and your friends to rest (and not just sit down) after traveling half of chernarus (I mean come on guys isn't it a bit worrying that we can run all the way across the continent and only need to sit down when we want our gun to stop shaking?). I think the rest / stamina system is too simplified now and would love to see sleep added as it would really change the way we move around places , just think of how badass it would be to have to take five minute naps while one person kept guard , it would be an intense moment for both clans and lone wolves , also sleeping in vehicles would become possible , just In case you're not near a safe house or if your passenger wants to sleep while you drive .... and of course adding sleep would be a great one up to lone wolf play styles as it makes opportunities to attack large camps Of people easier, you will have some sort of advantage If they are asleep . Also to avoid annoyance you would only have to sleep once every 6-12 hours of being logged in (and only for five minutes max), so if you only play an hour a day maybe you won't need to sleep everyday , but if you're like me when I play dayz and play for at least 4 hours a session then it would affect you more . Even being only a five minute thing every 6-8 hours would make a difference in our travels , of course the numbers could be changed according to what works best but I think you should go no longer than 12 hours without some type of tiredness setting in and no less than 6 hours of running without sleep to get the "you are tired" message . Dayz is definitely a game changer (no pun intended) to the whole industry of video game fun ... I mean were farming crops , hunting animals , making backpacks and having freelance open world encounters with all different types of people with all different types of personalities and gear for fun , and I never thought a game could bring so much to the table that others have not and could never , that I truly believe we need to go the extra mile with dayz and not stop at just a stamina system . I want my experience to be as close to a zombie apocalypse as possible and for me that includes the dangers of having to watch each other's backs while sleeping and getting tired and having to deal with it's consequences (or having to lone wolf sleep out in the woods in a tent , so freaking terrifying and adrenaline inducing, but also a huge step towards realism and making chernarus feel less "traversable" which it is far too traversable now with our infinite stamina and no neeed to rest other than to help out your weapon sway ! ).
I think this is just due to how the user interface is set up , certain items that have certain categories are able to have those plus or minus signs next to them , it could mean that eventually it could have something attached to it but I think it's just because the binoculars are technically not a consumable so they are given a different category (in terms of coding it ) which makes this plus/minus sign appear much like for boots and containers ...