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Everything posted by blackberrygoo

  1. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Ya my guess is tommorrow with an extended maintenance period , or Friday night right before they leave for the day ... Regardless unless another wrench is thrown into the gears I'm thinking we'll all be enjoying dayz .59 this weekend :) after this patch dayz will truly be looking like a survival game , I just hope to see zombies back in by .60 in larger numbers .
  2. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Ughhjjj they really gonna do this silent thing til they finally release it ? If those are "survivor evangelists" In that test room i'm gonna be piiiissseddd! Some scrub ass PVPers shouldnt get first stab at all the good patches , it should be US the TESTERS , but he'll we've only been their bitches for 1.5 years it's whateves :/ ! Eugen harton please put some sense into your boys at the office and let us into your love !!!
  3. blackberrygoo

    pre .59 hype

    Neeeeeeeeeeeeeed .59 !!!! Im thinking it will be wednesday seeing as they aren't saying anything at all =/ !
  4. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Plox give .59 update we need moar zombee we need moar content !
  5. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I think the devs are having too much fun playing .59 ... I've never seen more than 4 devs in a locked test room at a time !
  6. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Hmmm it seems as if the experimental won't be today :/ im really excited for it regardless of what's on it , I haven't played in a while but im ready to get back into dayz full force for Halloween :) !
  7. I really think a lot of you that saw the mod as a "great" game , truly only look for massive amounts of content like base building and helicopters because truth is the mod was a very frustrating , incomplete mess that had a good idea but was never pulled off correctly .. It was too simplistic , the menus and inventory screens were buggy and clunky , there were hundreds of zombies everywhere but you could literally walk through them except for when they patched them to push you down , and at that point they were just an annoyance and not a challenge . The only thing the mod truly Had over standalone is a grittier looking environment (of course though because the mod wasn't made from scratch , there was all the time in the world to make the existing Chernarus look Gorey when they didn't need to do what is necessary for standalone now) and content like helicopters and base building (content that will make it to sa soon anyways). So in my opinion people are clutching for straws and getting too nostalgic , do we all not forget that the mod was just as laggy and Desync ridden as the standalone ? And the mod was complete so that kind of shows what an imperfect beast it was , standalone is still growing , but people don't remember that they just remember the (laggy) dog fights in the air that amazed people at the time and constructing bases , but looking back any sane man would realize we have better standards for today's multiplayer gaming quality and Sa is coming slowly to make sure it hits those raised standards (and to be honest it's still struggling but it will make its goals we just need patience and I guarantee it will exceed its expectations) .. The standalone has all the potential to be Better because it's being made with zombies and survival in mind , and although it seems like were so far away from a viable build, I believe it's right around the corner . The proof will be in the pudding with .59 , but i truly believe everyone is just frustrated that dayz isn't the game it's going to be yet so we fall back on rose colored views of the mod that are completed by what we want dayz to be and not what it truly was . The mod was nothing sustainable that's why we've got the standalone ... dayz sa is sustainable that's why millions of people bought it the day It came out despite those same people shit talking it before it came out (if any of you remember , the community was cynnical of the standalones future saying it would "destroy the good mods left" when it came out) , a lot of these people expected all the content the mod offered but it didn't and still doesn't have that , but it's quality level is far higher than the mods and I believe the Desync will be worked out before beta end as well , so that means as soon as all that good content is put in we will see survivors making even more fun adventures than we ever had in the mod (mostly because the crappy engine limitations are lifted and the game itself is being made for the genre , and not forcing a zombie game out of a mil sim like dayz mod) , sure the mods content kept us entertained but now we're looking for content AND quality and that doesn't come quick , we need patience for it , and we're so close to seeing all that long desired content in game with zombies back and desyncy (hopefully) starting to improve . Hold on to your butts gentledudes cuz im pretty sure this winter is gonna be a dayz one .
  8. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    #hardwarefailuretookthem #needtosmokeforthis
  9. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Always a hardware failure ... Always always always ... Are these guys frequently spilling bong water on their server hardware ?
  10. blackberrygoo

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    GTFO please .
  11. blackberrygoo

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Ya it is sad to see 1PP dying for now .. It's mostly because lots of hardcore 1PPers are feeling devoid because a lack of content and zombies , it's not always a smart idea looking to PVP when you can't look over walls so unless you have a 1pp private server (which there are a good 5 or so that get really full prime time ) you won't have much fun 1PP style . I thoroughly believe though, that .59 stable/ experimental patch will bring back the 1PP crowd .
  12. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yea at this rate I'm gonna come back next week; I can't bare .58 because of lack of 1pp players and zombies ... I really hope they work on pushing .59 out this week but I doubt it will happen ...
  13. blackberrygoo

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Honesty baker as of the past 6 months all of your post are troll posts ... Damn what's happening to these forums , I think we really need a new content update because the lack of it is making people more stupid than they already are ... Good job OP don't listen to these people who have no sense of right and wrong .. Report the server as much as you can bare , I've repoeted over 10 servers more than 2 times each as they always come back but I will continue to do it to help the public server community out . I server hop , what are you going to do about it butt fuckers ? If you see a corrupt server , report it once at least , and don't be a pussy !
  14. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Wow it's been silent on the Dev tracker ... Can't wait to get past .58 and see this game finally get rolling !
  15. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Has anyone seen the preview of the FN-Fal that's WIP? It looks awesome and is my favorite carbine , I really hope it comes soon .... :) played a bit of stable today and did t get wet at all , I'm choosing all dry servers it seems , but I did complete my cop outfit again and found a nice cr75 clip for my gun along with an extra battery for my walkie talkie ! Any other officers out there still alive , please , tune to 91.3 fm and talk to me !!!
  16. blackberrygoo

    Character Reset

    Your character will be wiped if you don't immediately disconnect from that server and try another , even then there's a 25% chance your character won't be loaded ... This happened a lot last year it seemed , I usually was able to save my character 7/8 times but there was always that one corrupted character that never came back ....
  17. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 15 Sept 15

    Can't freaking wait til .59 , although my spider senses are tingling and telling me that zombies won't be in the first iteration of .59 in large numbers . Still great to hear some info on .59 , my guess is we get it next Wednesday (not tomorrow/today, but Wednesday after that).
  18. blackberrygoo

    Changelog Stable - 0.58129488 - 4.2MB Patch Notes

    Let me help you with that one Mookie... WARNING: "Apology": Boom. And in reference to your dismissal of the "alpha" argument: Land mine posters aren't placed in fields for shits and giggles, neither are Alpha warnings. EDIT: if twitter post isnt showing under "apology" go to Twitter.com/eugenharton and scroll down to his 3rd most recent tweet from a couple days ago saying something about persistence needing a wipe and couldn't be avoided.
  19. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I can't wait for .59 exp , the experimental group is just - different - :) ... Well guys what can I say other than : MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (I fear only Americans will get that).
  20. blackberrygoo

    DayZ Item Economy \ Value

    Trading is incredibly fun and simple already .... I've in game traded with 5 people so far .... 2 have killed me (I was an idiot and wasn't wagching them , I was too ecstatic that they wanted to trade -_-) and the other three were successful trades ! I would love to see a "hand to hand" giving animation in which you would present an item selected and when the other person enters the animation the two weapons would swap (just so we don't have to drop items on the ground). But I have to say right now it's pretty close to perfect and like said above , people don't need "General currency" in an apocalypse (unless it's booze/cigarettes which are coming) they need what they need when they need it ... So In the words of two other survivors from this thread , "get it ? Ya dig ? "!
  21. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    You guys are too fucking good at finding the lootz, I almost shit my pants when I came over the grassy hill into the apartment complex , it literally looks like a survivor camp ! I left a note and have survived my illness (well I'm still sick just logged off before death)... I contributed a measly one glow plug and battery before logging :0 but my blaze is there for whoever loves those things (loaded with scope ).
  22. blackberrygoo


    Can't wait for .59 ... And the "45 days" persistence timer wasn't made to accommodate the .59 patch, I think It was just coincidence ... But yes they are rather silent about .59 and the new bug fix for laggy camps on .58 which can only mean something good after all these days (they are probably close to a solution and have tons of extras for .59). I'm just taking a break , playing some a3 dayz( some mod for arma 3 currently in steam workshop , it is arma 2 vanilla dayz mod but in arma 3!).
  23. blackberrygoo

    Arma 3 and the DayZ Mod.

    There actually IS an arma 3 dayz mod , look in your steam workshops for A3 dayz , it just came out and it's pretty damn cool ... I killed some guy tonight for his helicopter he was just crouching by a zombie (I had some regret but not much as I was playing arma 3 gaha). Search it up its fun and is only 3 GB.
  24. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yep I'm wondering this as well ... At least a status report would be cool but I'm sure it's just another "can't tell much" report .. I really can't wait til .59 , eugen tweeted saying it will be a bit because of massive engine merges and changes , maybe this means that we will have some advanced stuff in like new player controller / falling system (and of course new vehicles and such). As for .58 I can't see myself playing til after this is all fixed , my favorite 1PP seevers are dead and im too lazy to start a new guy :0 !
  25. Forgive my ignorance , but do I need dayz vanilla mod to get on this server , or is it namalsk only ? Server sounds great , like when dayz first debuted and we all saw survival instead of pew pew !