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Everything posted by blackberrygoo

  1. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    You're definitely right on this one : but it's ok because those that are still KOSing after these changes will be the ones who will always be those adrenaline junky KOS bandits . So the KOS crowd will be rooted out to those that would truly choose this lifestyle over all others . So you're right , it won't really cut down on the TRUE bandits just because they don't wanna lose some soft skills , but that combined with scarcity of ammo like you said , will surely make game changing differences that will be great for all playstyles : we still get bandits but we get more sensible people who like to preserve their soft skills ! Honestly though I've thought the level of KOS was just right in the past six months of dayz , but then again my motto is "talk first and most likely die but have a better time than those who KOS", I'm considered a "hero" playstyle so im too positively biased , but like everyone agrees , anything that might take down the KOS populace is a good decision for dayz . Can't wait for .59 experimental patch , it Will finally make dayz become the game we've wanted it to become since day one of standalone !
  2. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    It's not just for harvesting , so I can't be inclined to agree with you . If you only have 30 minutes to repair a truck before a group of bandits catches up with you Id say its damn worthy of telling the group mechanic to start fixing the truck seeing as he's 30% faster at it ... These are the "soft skills" that will truly matter , the harvesting ones are just the easiest to give an example of , but I know for a fact (as this was talked about a lot when soft skills were first brought up) that it isn't going to stop At harvesting ! Edit : and of course they reset when you die , did everyone miss the first second and third talks about soft skills throughout alpha ? The purpose of soft skills is to make each life valueble, so of course they will reset at death ! Soft skills is a beautiful thing as it will finally limit KOS in a meaningful way !
  3. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    What is everyone's predictions on when it will truly arrive ? My pessimistic prediction is this Friday November 6th.. My optimistic prediction is tomorrow for halloween (probably not though). Anyone else wanna chime in ? The wait is boring me to tears so I have to ask stupid questions lol ....
  4. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yea he probably means next Friday :( it better be a big patch !
  5. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I'm going to be really sad if we don't see .59 before Halloween .. Lol I remember telling my friends all this amazing stuff was coming in just before Halloween , but that dream can still ring true , don't let us down dayz devs we still believe !
  6. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    They best be telling us something , I can't go another week getting the cold shoulder . Come on eugen and brian get off of vacation and give us some sweet .59 news !! It's been months since a new build !!
  7. blackberrygoo

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    I don't agree at all . Standalone is so addicting because it pushes the envelope on realism , attention to detail, and complexity that other games don't . Do you remember how little buildings were enterable in the mod ? Do you remember how we didn't have a "hands up button" until standalone introduced it making encounters in the mod MUCH more shallow and unnecessarily deadly than they ever could be in stabdalone (believe it or not that proximity only voice system makes a difference, you actually yet to interact with some people instead of making friends in global chat ).. Remembering how great the mod was , is a sort of fickle thing to do because what made the mod so great was that it was something that noone had ever done before : open world full loot pvp zombie sandbox environment. Now that standalone and many other games are going down this path there are two points : the first is people expect great things , and naturally standalone is highest on that list because of all this content that the OP despises and all the attention to detail put into the game . The second is that people should be putting their memories into fruition because those that did play the mod remember it for being very clunky , very simple (which OP over praises as a good thing) and very unbalanced (ppl with thermal scoped .50 cal sniper rifles camping the coast because of overly populated gun and vehicle servers . Long story short , if you want another slapped together shoddy mod quality game then keep the rose colored glasses on but if we wanna see something that is so in depth that we really feel like we're living in the apocalypse then believe in standalone and give it time because although it's taking its sweet as time we know for sure it's going to be the first of its kind in terms of content weighed with quality and attention to detail and that it will keep everyone entertained wether you're a zombie fan or not . All in all I think people are all very passionate about standalone but everytime a delay comes up people freak out and look for the next thing to keep them from admitting they love SA, but I for one know that standalone is going to be my only zombie game I keep for the long haul ; Mostly because Ive played them all , looking at multiplayer pvp zombie survival games especially and I have to say dayz is the one with the best potential , graphics, content with quality, and especially content balance (compared to the mod and tons of unbalanced MMOs / multiplayer games this game is balanced pretty well ).
  8. lawl this is Angels (zombies) and Demons , an arma mod that puts zombies and demons into arma 3 but no where near the quality that stabdalone is putting out and there is NO servers , it's just a coop (1-2 I think) mission (very linear FYI) for arma 3 slapped in with a bunch of other random mods to make a cinematic couple of screenshots , not nearly anything anybody would want to play for as long as we want to play dayz , it's simply "kill all the incoming waves of undead and quit when you get bored ". What we're talking about is big boy stuff , not Childs play, script come back when you have some real survival zombie sandbox game footage ;) !
  9. blackberrygoo


    1 : unconcious state is very random , best to have a friend with you and if you don't just repawn.2: your friends are a bunch of shit talkers , who have given into the typical mainstream view of dayz depending on the relationship between the time it's taking standalone to finish compared with the amount of content in the final version of the mod (LAWL to your motha). And lemme just ask you , why would you be posting on these forums if they were supposedly "not active "!? 3: this isn't like the hand holding mod , you must find a Map , city name , and compass to really orient yourself , as in the mod you'd usually start with these things . Best way to find these items (map compass) are in sheds or in civilian households . Street signs are found at beginning and end of towns on roads . You're making me wanna play dayz , and that's bad cuz I've sworn off until .59 ... But maybe I'll just have a taste :) !
  10. blackberrygoo

    Reasons to adjust field of view mid game?

    To be cheaters . Boom daddy . But seriously I thought that was fixed already ?
  11. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Eugen harton , please fucking save us from despair ... I NEED .59 . NEED ! I'm just gonna curl into a little ball on my floor and cry til it's released ! I tried playing .58 , I got geared up in twenty mins , one town away from the coast and saw no animals or Zeds in 2 hours :( im so ready for .59 I can't even think straight .. I've been calling out of work all week Cuz of the flu watching martial arts movies but my heart yearns for dayz .59 : a true dayz experience it will be .
  12. blackberrygoo

    Changing Chernogorsk

    I have to agree Edwin , as blunt as you are it really is my opinion , it was too boring seeing the same old Cherno/berezino , I was actually pleasantly surprised when they added the police station to bereZino and changed it all around .. That being said I only played the mod for about a year and I absolutely hated the map because you couldn't enter in ANY buildings of importance , maybe a small shack here or there but that was it... So frankly this stabdalone map blows the old map away and any city changes they make will impress me ... New Cherno looks absolutely amazing and much less bland : very colorful looking I love it .
  13. blackberrygoo

    pre .59 hype

    lol we got a psychic here , everybody relax Nostradamus here knows exactly what's gonna happen to dayz so we can just listen to him and give up now ! Get the fuck off of these forums scrub life , all you have been doing for the past 8 months is whine and cry about development and it's always something different ... Go do something else man before I bench your mum .
  14. blackberrygoo

    Vehicle Windows WTF?

    Alpha bitch . Daddy don't give no fucks no more til .59.
  15. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    New zombie models won't make an appearance til .60 :( brian stated that somewhere in the q+A I believe... But regardless this wait is killing meh I just wanna hibernate til Friday ... I am aick with the flu too that could be it XD
  16. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    RPGs on Twitter .... Yayyy ... Now .59 plox , I need to stop playing mortal online ....
  17. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    This is killing me not hearing any more news on this experimental update ... It was gonna hit around 15 days ago before all this hardware failure and ddos stuff happened , now that it's all over why still no word ? I really would like to break open .59 and I could care less to wait for more stuff to be added to it , I'm sure it's good as is ...
  18. blackberrygoo

    pre .59 hype

    I still give more respect to dayz over ark and certainly over h1z1 because those devs are working for what makes them the most money and the most popular ... Dayz devs on the other hand have a definite vision and its the exact vision I've had for a zombie game all my life , so I don't really care for how much content is pumped into a game, I got bored of ark after I realized all there is to do is build more cut through content like its a WoW expansion (no exciting pvp like dayz, more like a simplistic cod shooter for h1z1 and a very boring meta game for Ark, pvp isn't exactly adrenaline inducing in ark) . Dayz actually makes me take my time with every little bit of content and I know when it has all the content it's promising its going to be endless fun for those that are still with the zombie concept when it's done (and everyone comes back to zombies at one point in their life Haha).
  19. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I really hope for .59 experimental this monday , Wednesday , or Friday ... Here's to hoping Cuz im itching to play Dayz :0
  20. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Hey brian thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! Will we ever be able to construct ladders (or find them) to get on top of houses ? Also , will it ever be possible to crawl through broken windows (those that are just above the head or lower)?
  21. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    No status report still ! Brian hicks why I oughta !!
  22. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    No status report either ? Dayummmmm !
  23. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I haven't play mgs since 3! Such a great series ... And yea I got the good stuff :) .. Cant wait to play with the experimental group again though !
  24. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Gotta hope these devs are playing dayz .59 super secret experimental version In a villa somewhere near CZ , most likely all drinking and smoking ... Please invite us Dev team , we love parties too ! But yes to target the ongoing arguement of engine entanglement , I think their doing a great job and know that eventually what they are doing with old and new engines will be exactly what dayz needs (and not some fresh new unreal engine coding as if they started completely fresh). Maybe it's just a hunch who knows but dayz is just gritty but also beautiful and very open world and no other engine seems to get that (unreal does but it's too over used IMO).
  25. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    As of all this silence I wouldn't doubt if it's pushed back yet another week ... We can only wait and see unfortunately , hicks and eugens twitters are dry as a bone Dx