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Everything posted by blackberrygoo

  1. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Looks like experimental will be solely 1pp tonight for about 12 hours straight !!! First person lovers rejoice ! Everybody else riot !!! My bbcode isn't working on mobile (even when I try to go full site style) so maybe someone can make something out of this : https://mobile.twitter.com/Hicks_206/status/672103480341958658
  2. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Hmmm... The devs probably shut it down for a while to " get some dater" ! It's annoying when it happens but don't worry it's for the greater good . THE GREATER GOOD (chanted) !
  3. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    3pp is great to play with friends (as they all play 3pp :( ) but I have to say I am getting sick of it , there's so few of us 1PP guys left im really looking forward to the return of our home servers... But on another note has anyone even fixed Up a bus and driven it ? I was waiting to see a bus fly by with 8+ occupants but nay, just pantsless Brits!
  4. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Probably when they realized ten years is a ridiculous amount of time to work on one game lol.... They could easily stop after 5 years (after 1.0 release) as long as a sequel was in the works ... I can't wait to see how it turns out , we all know this is gonna be a hit considering the amount of people that are so passionate about the game coming through the forums alone (positive or negative) .. Just imagine this game still being worked on ten years after release ; the most in-depth , ridiculously detailed, freest open world zombie game ever (most likely with virtual reality support at this point ). I'm gonna go ahead and say five extra years is plenty .
  5. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So after the suspected squeaker induced madness , me and my team of four decided to trek any where and every where to find decent group pvp ... We traveled far and wide but only found a young Brit lad (who admittedly got the jump on us) . He was pants less and frantically yelling "I'm unarmed I have nothing please don't kjll me don't kill me !!" It's sad to see the initial reaction of people in this game when seeing others , i have a decent 50/50 chance to make friends with strangers or at least get by them without having them gun me down , but this guy seemed to never have a friendly encounter ever... He was so Thankful we left him alive he was offering everything (including pants ) before he realized we truly weren't the harbingers he had thought .. But we were in pavlovo mil base so that could have been why he was so scared . Dayz is a wonderful place filled with many goods and bads, but you have to know to get good dayz karma , you have to take a chance and try to be docile to every person you come across , one day someone will do the same for you (but of course In a harsh world you have to be frosty , and never let your guard down , even to supposed friendlies !).
  6. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Global chat abuse has been well known before this patch ... I highly doubt some squeaker is haxorzing each server forcing them to come down , I mean anythings possible but it's more likely one of the two reasons I listed above !
  7. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Servers are restarting randomly .... Something's up here , I'm guessing there's a way to break servers like many times before , or maybe the want for buses is literally too heavy and crushing the servers lol...
  8. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Servers are crashing left and right , us east 01 , the. Us south 0-3 crashed twice ... What's happening ? :0
  9. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Does this mean we will never be able to keep loose objects (not related to base building) on the ground , say in our barricaded houses ? I always imagined stashing my guns up agaisnt a wall and all over the floor to look badass , or arranging things in a tent to make it look real :)! Second Question , will we see barricading make an appearance any time soon ? We now see static objects moving thanks to the last sneak preview on the dev tracker of the car hitting static objects and them moving , so I wonder if that same mechanic would allow us soon, to take some wood we see in the world , and use our hammer and nails we already have to board up windows ! Thanks for taking the time to answer any of these questions and for alreadh getting to a bunch of interesting ones :) !
  10. blackberrygoo

    A vision of what DayZ 1.0 could look like

    That's excellent , it really makes me feel more like this is a Horror game and not a bright and sunny shoot em up. The only thing I would like to see is the world around you continuing when you go to options (in video the cloud and game freezes it seems when he brings up pause menu). Otberwise great work .
  11. blackberrygoo

    Chain-link mail

    I would like to see chain mail and plate armor. We already have the great helm (a typical plate armor helmet , one of the most defensive of its time against slashing and piercing) so why not make the whole outfit with the sword ? I think its already coming anyways , first it was the great sword now the great helm , I'm thinking breast plate is next :) ! Please developers and community , add plate armor and maille for role playing and bad assedry !! Edit : you would never use chain link fence to make chain mail suits lol , it's special rings that are incredibly small holes , smaller than an arrow tip and mostly woven over eachother (not like you see in movies where you can see through one hole all the way to the flesh) . So IMO we SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CRAFT THESE ITEMS , but they would be amazing to find in a museum or castle turned museum (take black Castle and turn it into a tourist attraction , featuring a loot spawn with recreated armor , which isn't replica armor BTW, this soawn would be rare much like the great sword and the protection agaisnt bullets would be less than that of a plate carrier vest (depending on bullet caliber) but would mostly be for role playing and choice of clothing .)!
  12. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Where did you guys find that one ! I still have yet to find one sedan but yet I carry a tire for it ... And who's the third passenger in back ?
  13. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    We neeed mkre servers! No 1pp and very few 3pp :( it's all packed and I think one of the UK servers are failing ...
  14. blackberrygoo

    Steam Price?

    Technically we could have saved 26 cents if we were to wait because we DID buy the game for $30 not $29.74 as listed now in this price, but the joy ive gotten by purchasing the game a year and a half ago is far better than a silver quarters discount ...
  15. blackberrygoo

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Lol, rocket himself stated a long time ago that they wanted to have car crashes damage players inside .. When this game is fully complete it will be amazing and have every suggestion anyone's suggested (worth having !) . This game stretches our patience but it's well worth it , we just have to keep implementing these good ideas and remind the devs that these things will make this game different from all the rest ...
  16. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Aha this happened to me last night when me and a friend were taking fire , funniest damn thing ever .. just double tap or triple tap the left key it should stop !
  17. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Try and restsrt computer and then validate files on experimental branch ... This for some reason worked for me .
  18. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I'll try that thanks , stable is now working after a Restart , we'll see about experimental and the graphics driver .
  19. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Neither stable nor experimental are working for me ... What the hell is going on ? Some error as soon as I start it saying some BUllshit about performance 3d error , I got that on .59 experimental but was able to start it ... Now it gives me that error I press ok and then it takes literally 15 mins to load the game , if I press anything it crashes , I wait the minutes and finally get into the game and onto a server which takes another fifteen minutes .. What is going on , why is this happening after todays patch ? Can't even play experimental and I can hardly get into stable aervers . Edit : now getting into a stable server hangs at "waiting for host" while on my desktop it has that black command console box open saying BE is updating and my mouse is completely gone after its done , it restarts dayz on its own and gives the same performance 3d error and continues to take a long ass time to load in ...
  20. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So is anyone else getting some BS memory error when they try and start experimental? I can no longer get in after today or whenevers patch... This is a first for me.
  21. blackberrygoo

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    Yea whoever said a club isn't more badass and threatening than a regular club .... Oh wait , everyone who's ever lived in the dark ages ! : http://medieval.stormthecastle.com/armorypages/club.htm Although a nailed baseball bats more impractical than what I just linked , it would still hurt , and the nails would not bend when they puncture the foremost of your skin , and when someone drives nails into a bat where do you think they will hit you with it ? The back , the leg , the chest? Most likely the face , so You can suffer mild head trauma and a couple of gashes to the face , not to mention the nails don't make it nearly top heavy enough to imbalance it so as long as you don't have to pull it out of the opponents face the first strike , you can come with a backhand strike making up for its reduced blunt trauma (it would have to be driven Into his skull for an average man to struggle with the pull it out, and in regards to adrenaline : Im pretty sure the attacker would have much more of it ) . But if I were to make the choice I would pick up a baseball bat and save my nails , a nailed bat hurts in many ways that a regular bat cannot (fear reducing the defenders adrenaline to fight back after being hit , bleeding and blunt trauma damage + pure shock value) but a regular bat is going to have a better chance to guarantee a knockout than a nailed bat would, and that's precious to someone in the apocalypse not trying to rack up a body count . So I have to disagree with the dismissal of how deadly it still is but I do agree the regular bat is more practical in terms of carrying and knock outs !
  22. blackberrygoo

    Players dwindling

    Exactly , and that's what OP and many others don't understand ... This isn't some Aaa title , so let's not pretend that it needs 50 k people playing every day to keep it afloat . This game will be dead when it has only 500 people playing at peak hours like Friday nights , sure there's a decline , but are you really gonna cry wolf everytime the population goes down for some new video game or because content is slow ? You guys realize that many people buy the game with intent to get it cheaper and then finally play it when it's released right ? Fact of the matter is this is a thread worried about the decline so much that they think it will stop the game dead , that doesnt happen because a couple of Whiney twitch players decided to rage quit, games die knly when the developers and community let it die , and neither will let that happen , at least for some years to come. So to close it all out , I think everyone worried is grabbing at straws for nothing , steam charts only show those that are currently playing and seeing as .58 stable is one of the worst stable branches it's no wonder that the decline happened alongside fallout coming out , but the word decline doesn't mean it's failing , and certainly doesn't implicate that the decline is steep. Only temporary , nothing else !
  23. blackberrygoo

    Players dwindling

    This game is popping right now . Why don't you guys go ahead and check some other games steam charts i play and report back to me if standalones numbers are low: Mortal online : http://steamcharts.com/app/287920 Nosgoth: http://steamcharts.com/app/200110 The second game has only been around for about a year and a half so that can't attest to how long low population games can survive for but the first one is the real gem , Mortal Online came out in 2009 with an alpha version , it is now SIX years into its life , on the same buggy old engine with relatively the same small amount of players . Yeah dayz is doing fine lol , and to see so many people swearing it will die soon is so funny to me , you guys really have no sense of the future or an intuitive sense of potential , because this game is the only alpha game I've ever know to keep people playing for thousands of hours IN AN ALPHA DEVELOPMENT !! That's an achievement , now how do you think it will be when 1.0 comes out? We've had the chance to mold dayz because of this early access , and the game came to us much quicker because of that (on top of that we the community can crush more bugs before 1.0 release than the devs alone). Overall I know it must be super duper hard to play an awesome video game and have to wait for it to get better , but bare with us here , if you already have more than 500 hours then you already play this game more than the average AAA title that costs you $60 , And there's more to come and all you have to do is report bugs and wait , so yA let population decline when new games come out and stable patches are stale , but we all know damn well as soon as .59 hits stable , all those that are so incredibly disappointed , will be playing again non-stop. Almost 4k players on during a Friday morning , yea this game is soooo dead XD !
  24. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Well the strange thing Is I get terrible lag (fps) down to like 2-5 fps and its a slide show for a few seconds , deleting my config file gelped mostly but I noticed when me and two of my friends were playing on an exp server (all together at my house) I was occasionally getting this terrible fps and my screen would freeze but my friends said my character was still running , keeping up with them ... This happened out in the woods mostly but sometimes in town ... Strange happenings, I can't say it happened when we got near dead bodies because I had to watch over my Friends two dead bodies and one of them was standing (dead body bug) . Not sure if what I'm experiencing is Desync though , but it really doesn't happen like this on stable .
  25. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I'm guessing they will take out v3s to let everyone test the cars more so, but that's just a guess . I also hope they eventually spawn small vehicles everywhere (coast included) as a car needs plenty of work when you find it , so it won't matter if a million freshspawns find it on the coast , it will need work they can't provide without leaving the coast to search for materials .. I suggest that because lately I've been thinking , when all the vehicle types come in well need more variety in spots as there will be so many , but hey maybe I'm wrong on that ...