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Everything posted by blackberrygoo

  1. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I really hope so , .59 is great but im ready for what we've been promised for a long time : better performance and actual content ... Give me better optimization and some barricading / base building and Id be a happy man for years .
  2. This is a tricky thing , I've alwYs wanted a spAwn protection simply because dayz unfairly puts you in a vulnerable position for 10-60 seconds after seeing the please wait for the first time ... Like lucid says you can see your buddy when he's at the please wait sign, and actually my friend just yesterday killed a guy logging into the woods behind the police station (he was deep in the woods where noone should be camping , he logged off in a "safe place"'did it work out for him?). People jump to arms when they see this topic , IMO lucids idea is the best : make it so the entire world loads in , but your character doesn't yntil you can properly move without 1 fps (like it normally does when you finally gain Vision) you won't be able to see the world around you until your character is there , there will be NO INVULNERABILITY , just the simple logic of your character spawning in AFTER THE WORLD HAS LOADED AND NOT BEFORE . It's a simple fix really and doesn't even ask for invulnerability , it just simply asks for a proper loading system instead of plopping our character down first and then loading all the proper things to get us moving and seeing . TL;DR: we don't beed invincibility for logging in , we need our world to load in first and THEN our bodies , not the other way around like it is now .
  3. blackberrygoo

    players running to fast

    It's not just for this reason lol , it's to make EVERYTHING about the dayz avatar look , move , and run more naturally then they do now . Momentum is necessary because right now basically everyone is NEO from the matrix , real people don't dodge bullets by running in tight circles , also REAL people fall down when they run in tight circles ... So yea momentum is needed for a number of things , not just to make PVP less cheesy and unbelievable (which it is now).
  4. blackberrygoo

    Burning energy faster when killing somebody

    Lol you really think that the crappy hero/bandit skin system or the annoying , troll-filled global chat was helping the KOS mindset ? People never had to interact with eachother because of that stupid global chat , sure tou could make into a group if you shared the same stupid feelings over global but it was mostly just a channel for people to troll over , it didn't help stop KOS one bit.. And as for those stupid skins , they didn't do shit to mitigate KOS... The only real way to mitigate KOS is to add more PVE danger , and to , like the second poster stated , make it so the more injuries you sustain the slower and weaker you become .. So people constantly getting shot will be much slower than someone who stays away from gun fights . Boom . Simple fucking logic with no crappy bias towards the mod fuck up dayz !
  5. blackberrygoo

    players running to fast

    Yes momentum has been discussed at length and will be added with the new stamina system , just gotta give it more time unfortunately .
  6. blackberrygoo

    Waking up from Unconsciousness

    This is a very good suggestion , I just hope that there's a slight (very slight) Indication of someone awaking into conciousness ... Kind of like when you see someone go from unconscious to death - their body limpens... Maybe your head could perk up a bit along with your shoulders so it's possible to fool your attackers into thinking you are dead , but if they have a good eye they can truly know if you are just playing possum or not !
  7. blackberrygoo

    How can we fix camping ?

    Lol, we don't have to face any fact like that , because real fact of the matter is , that your delusional and nobody sane really agrees with that .. There's far too many armaholics out there that think this "map is too small" .. I couldn't disagree more , why do people want empty barren map like that crap altis ? What so you can hide your 30 rifles and ten cars in the hillsides somewhere where no one will ever go considering it's so goddamn barren and void of anything interesting? I've played 1500 hours and still get lost in the middle of the map , so it's really just a delusion caused by yourself and many others thinking the map is too small, maybe start enjoying it instead of bee lining from one side of the continent to the next ... Hell I bet you've walked right by my camp inside buildings/ next to hotspots, but yet everyone still complains because you happen to hop too many 3rd person servers and find everyones "hidden" Chernogorsk PVP tents ... There's a big difference between a camp out in the middle of nowhere and a camp in an extremely popular spot outside of the NW airfield or right outside Cherno/ myshinko tents (which is most likely all the camps you've been finding , honestly if you know the right spot in the woods you would still Agree that there are still nice camping spots on the map) .
  8. I said predator animals and weather effects ! Gimme wolves please we've waited soooo long !
  9. blackberrygoo

    Is there any Launcher for Dayz Standalone?

    Not being able to find certain servers can happen with bad internet , my cousins have the worst of DSL and sometimes can't see our favorite server despite it being very close to our home .. And other time it's because your ping filter is set too low .. But yea honestly there is no other alternative if steam browser and play with six won't work ..
  10. blackberrygoo

    Wheels and Jerry Cans Space

    Yes v3s won't need a glow plug to start (but like said the v3s is the worst vehicle for some reason , it handles slightly worse than the bus and has less power, hopefully that will be fixed soon). Also ditch that Jerry can man ! They basically give us infinite gas in each car to test them unless you get the infamous "gas leak" glitch (I don't know if it's a glitch or a feature lol). I'd look for an offroad hatchback at these locations : cap Galova lighthouse , Cherno western end near storage garage close to the school, and the town of Pusta. Those three spots are so close you can server hop your favorite aervers on those three spots to try and find a car , then spend your next few hours scouring Cherno and elektro (best place for spawning offroad tires). Like said above repairing a car is kind of a group effort but that doesn't mean it can't be done by a single person ... It just takes some planning and a little bit of luck , keep two tires on the car and store two tires in a house close to the car and that will solve your tire issue , always keep the battery and spark plug on you so it doesn't get robbed and when you are having trouble finding wheels ; don't be ashamed , just server hop and find those damn wheels (we are testing , don't let availability of wheels on one server ruin that for you !). Best of luck Mang !
  11. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Yea I have to agree , unconscious rates are wayyyy too high for certain melee weapons (guys have been knocking me unconscious in one hit with the crowbar , regardless of head hits or not !) on this certain patch ... Funny thing is .58 didn't seem to be this way .. I agree certain weapons should be a guaranteed knockout in the head like the sledhammer , but for a crowbar (and in some cases just fresh spawn fists) to knock someone out reliably when you're randomly swinging it at someone doesn't make sense . There should be a clean head shot to knock someone out and lately I've been seeing people get knocked out with crowbars to the crotch , and yet three shotgun blasts or a whole clip of the RAK won't even break a bone on someone . Certain items like the stick and crowbar need to be looked at and brought back to better values , make it so face shots have a small percentage to knock out , but back of the head shots have almost a 50% chance to Knockout , that would make sense and have less randomness in melee fights .
  12. blackberrygoo

    Sugestion and petition

    I like these ideas , definitely keep those negatives with the positives though for balance so I like the idea of not being able to have a backpack when you have the Extra primary ...
  13. blackberrygoo

    Car Despawning

    I don't think the issue is cars that haven't bren touched need respawning , because everyone is using their cars , they aren't as easy to get going like in the mod dayz so I honestly have to say those people hiding vehicles in the woods only have three - four max and those are usually on low pop servers just to get the Hang of vehicles . I'm actually rather pleased with how Vehicles persist , and I don't think despawning them should happen unless it hasn't been touched for 2 + weeks real time , that way you eliminate those that hide vehicles and then never play again, but you won't punish those that forget to "touch their car".
  14. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Happy Xmas eve everybody :) ! And for those that celebrate something else happy holidayz!
  15. blackberrygoo

    Gas Stove?

    Yes use cooking pot and you can cook things , I think lard has some actually use to boiling it but I dunno I just put that stuff on a stick and cook her up ... I can't wait for more fleshed out cooking mechanisms ! Imagine making bread or something , maybe even wine ? Who knows what the possibilities could be but I'm ready for some sophisticated cooking !
  16. blackberrygoo

    Do Infected know it's Christmas!?

    Lol all this Xmas stuff in a zombie game reminds me of that awesome PSP game called infected which featured so much Xmas stuff even a giant santa zombie , ahh how times have changed !
  17. blackberrygoo

    anybody can tell me how did he kill me?!

    Yep definitely lag and desync , and definitely NOT a Cheater... The Desync is literally the worst part of this game for me , I'm constantly losing battles on Desync ridden patches because of this same thing : you have a clear sight on the guy but in all actuality he's really 15 seconds closer than you are seeing , so technically he either saw you somehow still Glitching in the hallway, or your client didn't update how fast he ran inside , making you a few seconds slow to the draw (although it didn't seem that way, if the desync wasn't present you WOULD have killed that guy).
  18. I don't mind the vicinity at all , which is weird because I'm all about immersion and realism .... But I do agree , eventually the vicinity window needs to be removed to get us into the world more , so instead of running through military camps staring at our vicinity windows we would be watching everything everywhere , for not only loot but people . Basically it would help everyone in a positive way if we all accepted the removal of it over time , but then again I think that same way about removing 3pp from the game , and many people say it's necessary so I'm not sure how the public will feel ..
  19. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Me and my group are actually having a great time with the vehicles (well the offroad) , we had gotten it running , it was very powerful and adequately climbed hills and never skidded out unaturally (although we did some awesome fish tailing driving). After we got stopped in the road by an invisible roadblock (twice) me and my friend decided to log out and in real quick , I took the battery out just in case . I log on first and my friend takes a little longer as he's stuck at please wait , I see someone coming down the road and laying in the grass , unlike my normal self I start taking single Fire shots at the guy (knowing he was up to no good I told myself lol)... I'm anxiously waiting for my friend to spawn in , as he has an Svd and could easily take out the would be car jacker . . But he was too late , as I fled to the car to get it running I see two more baddies running from either end of the three valleys bus spawn , I stupidly run into a house and meet a fourth member of said group ... They took me out after I put a half a clip into the one in the house , and unfortunately my friend spawns in with his Svd right at the same moment they pass by , so he wasn't even able to fire it , they just kOSed him hard lol... But we got our revenge , we loaded up with skorpion and RAK and ran back to the cars location . We sW them trying to scour for another tire and we let them do so , to prepare our attack as soon as they started up the car me and my friend take our raks out and start to light up the side and front of the hatchback (I was pretending by making shooting sounds over the mic, I actually had no ammo lol) and my Cuz shooing wildly with the skorpion . The car spins out ferociously and me and my friend run out of ammo ... My Cuz takes a shot with his scorpion and wrecks tbeir brand new tire sending them Ito another spin this time accompanied by a wall in which they can't get off of ... They hop out and unload on us killing us all lol ... At least we got our vehicle broken so they couldn't desecrate Her anymore lawl .. I know I was frustrated with vehicles before but I would like to thank all the experimental testers that made this stable possible (along with the devs) . well done guys you really stuck through it when the vehicles were honestly , IMO , at their worst , and for that I thank you !
  20. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Looks like vehicles were wiped , my bus and car are gone (they were POS's but still lol).. I got my drum mags at the myshinko military base !
  21. blackberrygoo

    I probably sound lame

    I honestly don't like that stuff in a zombie apocalypse game but hey realistically people WOULD be putting up trees if it was Christmas time (at least in america hehe) so if the time were set to December I wouldn't mind the immersion breaking so much !
  22. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    That's relieving , I just hope the vehicles start acting a little ... Nicer ? Lol .
  23. blackberrygoo

    Fresh Spawn on every server

    Looks like It is still slowly updating and slowly taking down each server : https://mobile.twitter.com/eugenharton/status/678923509633064960
  24. blackberrygoo

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Sorry for the format, I'm on phone and can't use full version Atm!: https://mobile.twitter.com/eugenharton/status/678923509633064960 Looks like stable is offline but will recieve some sort of hot fix patch from experimental , wether it be the one tested over the weekend or the one being tested now is still up in the air I guess ...
  25. blackberrygoo

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Twice now I thought me and my squad was sniped while at the myshinko well , little did we know somehow that well knocks people unconscious (and the first time killed the person knocked unconscious) in ... I was sitting at the well during the first incident watching the three others crowded around the pump about to take a screenshot when all of a sudden we hear what sounded like an sks firing once .. My cousin goes unconscious while we all scramble . The server had about 7 people on, and there was four of us so we thought it was one of the other three . We left without finding a trace of the supposed shooter , mind you two of us had Sks. The next day (today) we were at the same well trying to drink real quick , I was watching with my gun out making sure we don't get sniped again and then a weird noise is heard , and another of our squad mates that was filling a canteen at the well went unconcious (lol) , this time he wasn't killed after but it was the same thing , we went to well to fill up or drink and bam a weird noise hurts (and in the first scenarios case kills) the person near it . I'm gonna file this on the bug tracker because the second time there was noone but me and my friends on the server , and we all made sure of that as soon as our friend went unconscious and shortly before :0 !