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Everything posted by jamerific

  1. jamerific

    Tents, A Man's Best Friend (In A Zombiepocalypse)

    Even if you do have the ability to sleep in your tent, chances are if someone finds it they booby trap it so when you log back in you die or just camp the tent until someone logs in
  2. You just suggested Fortnite...which isn't a bad thing, just seems Arma 2 can not handle even basic collision let alone building your own base and have it work properly. This might be something added to the full game and not the mod
  3. jamerific

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    Just last night I was killed, respawned a few times till I was close to my kill location, went into town, actually found my body UNTOUCHED, and recovered all my items. It shocked me that none of my stuff was taken. On that note I say I am not bothered with the ability to hide a body. If anything I say there should be an option to SEARCH for a body when you hear the flies.
  4. jamerific

    Non-enterable Houses

    Instead of loot spawning outside of the front door, I say all garbage bins should be loot able and have a chance to have some food or water inside as well as some other random items.
  5. jamerific

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    I agree, the spawns of ammo is too common, mostly shotgun, markov, and enfield ammo. If you want this to me a simulator, then ammo has to be a rare item. "But how am I suppose to kill zeds?" An easy solution is to add more melee weapons suck as 2x4s, Bats, Metal Pipes, Shovels (Entrenching Tool), Knives, so on. You can have both 2 handed and single handed melee weapons. Right now the ax can kill a zed in 1-2 hits and the same can be said for players (tested). Another option, add non-lethal weapons such as tasers, flash bangs, beanbag shotgun shells, and tear gas to temporary stun or knock out both players and zeds. These items and ammo would be just as rare as the rarest weapons in the game. Lastly I suggest the idea of body armor and riot shield to protect players from being 1 hit killed from other players or to survive hordes of zeds. Body armor can reduce damage, but also slows down the running speed of the player, while a riot shield takes up a primary weapon slot and deflects bullets.
  6. jamerific

    Non-PvP Servers

    For all those that are getting tired of getting shot at 5 mins after spawning or just flat out don't want to do PvP to begin with I am suggesting that there should be Non-PvP servers. And before you all start posting that PvP is what makes this game or any other BS on trying to justicfy PvP, know that not everyone plays games for PvP. And don't pass off the "simulator" crap either. This is still a game. Would there be server hopping? Yes, there isn't anything you can do to change that. But what about people stealing your gear from your tent or safe haven? If this happens on a Non-PvP server you become flagged from PvP for a few minutes much like any other game. A message pops up or the bandit icon appears on your UI and will slowly fade over time so long as your not in combat.
  7. jamerific

    Non-PvP Servers

    It isn't up to the DEV team, it is up to those building servers. And this game right now has nothing to do with survival at all at the moment. It is all about how quickly I can get the sniper gun so I can kill new players. Survival would be if you found a shit load of guns and ammo was rare. Right now it is the reverse. Tons of ammo and no guns. As for what the DEV team has planned, you have no clue unless your on the team, which your not. Idiot I am not sir and/or madam!
  8. jamerific

    Aging System Suggestion

    The idea I have is that the longer a player is surviving the harder it should be to survive. This is where my Aging System idea comes in. The more days your character has survived, the slower they start to run, the quicker they get hungry or thirsty, the easier it is for them to get sick. Now you might ask why am I wanting to punish those that are able to survive longer then the others, but here is the thing. If you managed to have a character over 24 hours old and still alive, you are a champion, so why not make it harder for you? I constantly see people posting they need to make this game harder, more challenging, more like a simulator. Well I think this is the way to do it without ticking off new players or players that have to constantly restart. With each day of in-game time your character survives (every 24 hours), it gets a little harder. Maybe small things like your hunger drains slightly faster, or your run speed is slowed a little, until finally you have the survival rate of a 70 year old man. This will show us who are the true survivors.
  9. jamerific

    Blood etc

    Right now hunger has no effect on your character in a positive way other then not starving. That is a poor mechanic. Since everyone wants this to be a real "simulator", allowing health regen is actually the best situation. When your hunger meter is green you should be slowly regaining blood, same with water. This is how it works in the real world, it should have the same effect in the simulator. It means people have to constantly control their hunger and water beyond waiting for them to turn red and then decide to eat or drink.
  10. jamerific

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    I totally agree that vehicles should have a 24 hour timer on it. I don't care about you guys that only play once a week and are crying in the thread that you would loose your stuff. That is the damn point! Your hogging all the stuff and no one else get's the satisfaction on experiencing the full content of the game. Another way to fix this problem, allow ALL vehicles to be repaired. I see a bunch of them looking just fine, yet I can not get into them or they are just missing a wheel. I too think there should be some sort of crafting/cooking mechanic in play
  11. jamerific

    Primary, Secondary and Melee Weapons

    Rocket has stated in interviews that he wants to change the inventory system completely, so this might happen
  12. I agree, give me a 2x4 the very least as a starting gear
  13. jamerific

    Friend Spawning

    if it is a set location like a base, and you have to be part of that person's group, AND can only do it when creating a new character, I see no problem in this kind of system. You are just assuming you can spawn on your friend ALL the time which I do not see happening
  14. jamerific

    Friend Spawning

    There is already talk from Rocket to make it more group friendly which includes making settlements. This might become a friendly spawner idea
  15. jamerific

    Zombies should always be a threat

    Ok everyone stop suggesting the zombies need to be harder, they are already hard and broken as shit. They need to be fixed first before they can be tweaked. Too many times have I seen a zombie spawn 10ft in front of me, go through a wall or door without open it, or punching me through a wall and 1 shot crippling me. They are unbalanced. You say they are dumb livestock? You are not going into cities then cause they can be a real bitch when they are hiding around the corner and you THINK your sneaking by them only to have them suddenly run up on you.
  16. I like the idea that doing certain things determines your skin. Healing others a certain amount of times makes you a medic, killing animals gives you a hunter's outfit, fixing a car could make you a mechanic, and so on
  17. jamerific

    Friend Spawning

    I support this function, I prefer playing this game with friends and not solo. If your a solo player saying NO to this idea, well gets some friends
  18. Their warping has very little to do with their speed, it also has to do with their path finding AI and collision which sucks. They still are moving through walls, unable to walk on docks, punching through walls, even slipping through the floors inside buildings. All around, they need a lot of work and we are seeing them change daily. Currently I find with the current setup they are too difficult. Not only can they make you bleed or even cripple you in 1 hit, they can hear and see you yards away even when crouching. Considering you start with only a flashlight and expected to go looking for supplies, only to find a zombie spawned inside buildings now, makes the difficultly curve even higher. Throw in the human factor and you are lucky to make it 1 night.
  19. jamerific

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    That sounds horrible. They are hard enough as it is. You people seem to forget about the human element in this equation. Other players can be even more difficult then the actual zombies themselves. They already spawn inside buildings, vision has increased, they deal more damage, and hearing improved. Now you want them EVERYWHERE?
  20. After the 1.7.1 update changed the starting gear, a lot of people did not like this while others seem to be ok with it and don't want to change it. True that this does pose more of a challenge for players, but perhaps instead of changing ALL load outs again, my suggestion is to base a person's starting gear based on what difficulty the server is set to OR have it that the player can choose an individual setting when ever they spawn. The idea for the individual setting is that upon spawning a new character you are given a window that asks what you want your Survival Skill to be much like how one pops up if you want to be a man or woman only this one pops up every time you start a new character. These different levels can be also called "Classes". Rookie (Very Easy): Makarov 1 Magazine 1 Bandages 1 Baked Beans 1 Water Bottle 1 Morphine 1 Painkiller 10 Roadflares Coyote Patrol Pack Officer (Easy): 1 Soda 1 Revolver 2 Magazines 10 Chemlight Coyote Patrol Pack Medic (Medium): 1 Canteen 1 Morphine 1 Bandage 1 Painkiller Coyote Patrol Pack Hunter (Hard): 1 Crossbow 2 Bolts 1 Canteen Flashlight Coyote Patrol Pack Survivor (Expert): 1 Painkiller 1 Flashlight 1 Bandage Coyote Patrol Pack *These are all subject to change for balance but you get the idea
  21. jamerific


    I think the zombies should have a range where they will give chase and when they eventually give up running after you. It is an issue that zombies will continue to chase you no matter how far you run until you are dead. This isn't just a problem with running, it happens when driving too. Last night buddies and I were driving in a jeep. We passed through a town and had no idea if we attracted zombies or not. We drove half way across the map and stopped in another town to get supplies. We took care of the zombies around the town but then suddenly we were swamped by a huge horde that came out of nowhere. To most this sounds cool, to me it sounds unbalanced
  22. jamerific

    New Starting Gear Based On Difficulty

    Then it only seems the fair way to do it is as my second option where you are asked each time how you wish to play. So far the only draw back to the first suggestion is that saved data can be transferred between servers. Frankly I think that system should be taken out and you only have data saved per-server.
  23. I like the idea that you can choose to be a male or female, however I do not like that you only have that option the first time you start up. It would be nice that each time you start a new character you have the option to choose either or. Also I suggest being able to customize the look of your character either by choosing from a few different skins or different styles. EX: Different color shirt, hair styles, different hats. The other thing I suggest is the ability to have team colors and logos for those that enjoy teaming up and forming clans. This can be a simple arm band on the shoulder, a hat, shirt, or combination of all three.