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Everything posted by gregrmrz

  1. if (isNil "igodokxtt") then {igodokxtt = 0;}; if (igodokxtt==0) then { (vehicle player) removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; (vehicle player) addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { false }]; (vehicle player) allowDamage false; igodokxtt=1; hint "GOD mode ON"; sleep 0.001; } else { (vehicle player) addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { true }]; (vehicle player) removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; (vehicle player) allowDamage true; igodokxtt=0; hint "YOU ARE NO LONGER GOD"; sleep 0.001; }; Godmode script for those curious
  2. Filter for "Freeside 2" Location is 048 (top) 024 (left) Watch out, there is one person guarding it. BONUS: Duped tent city around 002 126. Has tool belt set in each tent + M4 Holos + AS 50s + ammo + satchel charges + NVGS/Rangefinders + you get the picture. Picture of the tents: http://i.imgur.com/gNP1N.jpg Didn't get a picture of the helo site, sorry.
  3. Good luck, placed a satchel next to it but got shot in the process. Helicopter is all red, so I reckon they are trying to repair it right now.
  4. Welcome to software development 101
  5. Did they die after they shot you? Because a desync could explain that. (Or you missed) The rest of the stuff doesn't sound bad unless you have evidence.
  6. LOL Yeah, it's called low population servers. This is DayZ, tactics are useless when a noob with an AK can spawn in anywhere and shoot you in the back
  7. gregrmrz


    It is an Arma 2 glitch, fire textures get scaled way too big and look like a giant fire. It also means that there is something on fire in there.
  8. gregrmrz

    The pc i am building is it Good for arma

    Here you go: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/9p60 ~$530 budget build I built that about a month ago and it runs Arma and BF3 gorgeously. Ended up costing me only about $450 because I had the harddrive from another computer and I found some deals on the parts at the time.
  9. On the main site, there is a torrent linking to a patch titled What happened to 1 and 2? No announcements for any of these changes? I do all this shit manually because the updaters and launchers suck. What patches should I have right now? EDIT: Apparently was JUST released, this caused for some confusion. Carry on.
  10. Here is a fun infographic that showcases the problem: http://i.imgur.com/akWaa.png Scavenge is spelled wrong in the homepage HOW TO GET THROUGH A DAY: pictures. Someone call Rocket, this is an emergency.
  11. The chance that a zombie will detect you increases (exponentially) the longer you stay in a zombie's line of sight.
  12. gregrmrz

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This game is suppose to be hard, the infected in the past have never been more than an afterthought. I welcome the new difficulty.
  13. That's great, but everything you suggest has either already not worked or taken out because it compromised the game's core philosophy.
  14. gregrmrz

    NW Airfield...

    Go to NW Airfield on an empty/low population server > Win
  15. gregrmrz

    PC build will this run DayZ?

    700w is way overkill, 500 or 600w should be more than enough. Corsair Builders series is fantastic. The 500 and 600 are only a couple dollar price difference: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004W2T2U6/?tag=pcpapi-20
  16. gregrmrz

    PC build will this run DayZ?

    yer looks good i will look into it what other games can it play? I haven't played too many other games yet because of DayZ, but I did install BF3 and have played a little bit of that. It runs great on high at 1680x1050.
  17. gregrmrz

    PC build will this run DayZ?

    http://pcpartpicker.com/p/9p60 I just built that a few weeks ago and it runs DayZ great.
  18. gregrmrz

    Day Z Urban Legends

    The OP is not true, I have seen similar stories to that told on different dayz community sites.
  19. gregrmrz

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Steam Name: Papafoxytrot TS3 Name: Papafoxytrot In-Game Name: Papafoxytrot Forum Name: Papafoxytrot Timezone (UTC): UTC -5 (EST) Role you would like to fill: Gatherer, and organization. Always willing to fill-in as a guard as well.
  20. gregrmrz

    Freeside Trading Co.

    It seems like there are a lot of people in the steam group now. Be careful though, I feel like if too many people try to work at once it will quickly turn into chaos. That and untrustworthy people waiting for the right moment to strike. Perhaps there should be some sort of access levels, like a green zone - only certain people should be inside the zone where trading/storage or whatever is and excess guards/whoever else on the perimeter. I just foresee this being very chaotic come the dry run. I think everyone involved knowing their duties and roles beforehand with an established chain of command will be beneficial.
  21. gregrmrz

    The average life of an Zombie

    The new zombies and mechanics have forced players to begin kiting zombies. Instead of sneaking around, people just full out run, grab all the aggro, find something to run around and then lose it. This ruins the game. There is no point in trying to sneak anymore - it is almost impossible anyways. And since it is now possible to lose aggro, who cares if you get it. This is a serious mechanic conflict.
  22. gregrmrz

    To easy to be detected by zombies?

    The new zombies and mechanics have just forced players to begin kiting zombies. Instead of sneaking around, people just full out run, grab all the aggro, find something to run around and then lose it. This ruins the game. There is no point in trying to sneak anymore - it is almost impossible anyways. And since it is now possible to lose aggro, who cares if you get it. This is a serious mechanic conflict.
  23. The new zombies and mechanics have just forced players to begin kiting zombies. Instead of sneaking around, people just full out run, grab all the aggro, find something to run around and then lose it. This ruins the game. There is no point in trying to sneak anymore - it is almost impossible anyways. And since it is now possible to lose aggro, who cares if you get it. This is a serious mechanic conflict.
  24. gregrmrz

    Legit or Hack ?

    :) :D
  25. gregrmrz

    Name ideas for DayZ fansite

    dayzed dayzee dayzfanz dayzombiez dayzand.me beancanteen chernonightlife