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Everything posted by GrappleX

  1. GrappleX

    Now that Rockets gone....

    I *would* respond to each point in this seemingly nonsensical rant, but..... I'd rather not step on that hornets nest.
  2. Being in high school with few friends and a girlfriend who understands my obsession for video games has helped me. But if i actually had a job id probably say fuck you dayz and focus on that. As fun as dayz is, i tend to put real life first. Mostly....
  3. GrappleX


    Ive had one for hours but never have found a reason to use one. And im paranoid that if i test one ill get hunted down by everyone within a mile so.... in my inventory it shall stay
  4. GrappleX

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    Yes, im sure encountering a racist individual in real life is hurtful to some people (sticks and stones) However, this is a game. This isnt some shithead on the street spouting racial abuse, its a virtual character with likely a high squeaky voice dropping a few n-bombs. I prefer not to simply say deal with it, but in this case, well, what else can you do. Monitor all voice chat? What if an african american calls his friend the N-word, not in a racist manner. Should he be banned for that? If some naughty words from a couple jack-offs in a video game is this upsetting to you, well then you might want to find a new game.
  5. GrappleX

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    Pretty much this. Because twelve year old kids using racial slurs they google fifteen minutes beforehand is so hurtful. The struggle is, like, totally real guise.
  6. GrappleX

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    Sticks and stones right OP?
  7. GrappleX

    Big forum family photo

    :D :D :D My names in the video. :D
  8. GrappleX

    Do I look like a bandit?

    Clown mask, plus full mil clothes and an assault rifle? Good luck making friends, an ambitious (or stupid) player will open up on you, a more cautious one will probably ambush you, and the rest will probably avoid you.
  9. GrappleX

    What Is Your Favorite Current Food In Game?

    Right now, sardines, because sardines are damn tasty. Hopefully, rabbit and squirrel, cause rabbits and squirrels are goddamn tasty.
  10. A sling. Like a david and goliath type deal. I made one myself a while back out of duct tape and clothing line. I was honestly amazed out how fast one of these thins can send a golf ball sized rock, even from my terrible form. Ammo for one of these would be everywhere (rocks) and could kill small game, knock zombies down, knock players out or cause significant injuries.
  11. GrappleX

    Cant skin animals

    I dont believe either of those bayonets work for skinning animals. I know that kitchen knives and machetes both work, and i believe that the M9 bayonet, (the M4 one) will work also.
  12. GrappleX

    Killed by hacker or skilled player?

    Watched it a couple of times, and it looked like blood to me. Looking at the area he was in, I think that the guy was in front of him to the left, probably some distance away, maybe in the distant treeline. Probably a skilled player. Probably...
  13. Feverishly masturbate. Errr..., um, i uh, read some books.
  14. GrappleX

    .49 Is not an improvement

    /thread. I mean, Grimey Rick isnt the biggest cynic in a thread. Im stunned.
  15. GrappleX

    I Give up... I really want my money back.

    So you want your money back, cuz other people our playing the game how they want? Mmkay then.
  16. GrappleX

    Game got unplayable for me

    This is game breaking for you? Random noise make the game unplayable? Mmkay then.
  17. Guise, look, he cant defend his arguments!!! Get 'em! Seriously tho, if your first thought is throwing insults rather than backing up your arguments.... well....
  18. GrappleX


    Bad luck most likely. To be honest I've always had more luck finding weapons in civilian spawn points, piano houses, red brick houses, etc. Give police stations a shot too, they normally have a weapon or two. How helpful... <_<
  19. If you have an axe, there are dozens of ashwood trees near vybor, great place to get sticks. There are a couple more scattered throughout the northern areas, but are few and far between.
  20. GrappleX

    Thanks Dayz, that's me done with you now.

    This is coming from a guy who decided he had to make a whole thread dedicated to his quitting of a game... Mmmmmkay then. And also Please relax bro, no need to make a thread.
  21. GrappleX

    Thanks Dayz, that's me done with you now.

    And who are you that you think you need to make a thread about it? Here's a helpful hint, next time you decide to leave: 1: Uninstall the game And 2: Don't make a thread about it, cuz' no one gives a shit.
  22. Dont forget those Samoan hookers. Cuz thats just how dean rolls.
  23. Ahh, I love this one. What's your reasoning here? Is it, "This game costs x dollars and has sold y copies, so X x Y = how much money Rocket has made." Because Steam doesnt take a piece of that, a new studio wasnt bought, workers dont need to be paid, and developing a game is cost free. Nope, Rocket clearly took all 50 million dollars or whatever and spent it on navajo hookers and paint thinner to huff.
  24. GrappleX

    No Reload , Hacker Magazin

    Cuz yah, the odds that there are two of you in the first place, let alone that you are dealing with shifty stuff in dayz and the "other" guy is registered to hacking sites, are pretty slim bud. Just own up and admit it. You wont be a better person, but youll have some dignity.