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Everything posted by GrappleX

  1. The machete takes a metric ass ton of hits to kill a zombie. Seriously, thing blows.
  2. GrappleX

    Problem with W button (Walk/Jog/Sprint)

    Hes right, sometimes your character won'y run because you tapped right click and are in some sort of aim mode, you just can't tell. Worth a shot if double tapping shift won't work.
  3. GrappleX

    The Sporter - Scope for it?

    I can attest to this. Was at the NWAF when the server got quite, so I figured I'd test the sporter. 175 meters, first shot misses, second one pops a zed in the noggin. He went down, no getting up. Pretty impressive.
  4. GrappleX

    It's too easy to get guns

    Again, I agree. Kind of a down the road thing.
  5. GrappleX

    It's too easy to get guns

    Ahh, thank you Zjasuu, I've been thinking about Far Cry 2 style jamming. Personally, I found it to be simple yet effective.
  6. GrappleX

    Good Job!

    Fair enough. In light of that, I'll rephrase my post slightly. OP, this topic has been discussed to death, and I'm positive the devs are aware.
  7. GrappleX

    Good Job!

    Redundant thread of redundancy is redundant. Search function bro, search function.
  8. GrappleX

    The Sporter - Scope for it?

    Probably a Long Range Scope (LRS). Standard looking scope, pretty big. Fits on the mosin. Hopefully they will introduce a scope for the .22, would make it much more usable.
  9. GrappleX

    And again.

    Mmmm, i'm quite enjoying it.
  10. GrappleX

    A Little PSA About The LRS And SKS...

    I'm sure Gews could be all over this, but I believe the SKS has something like a 1 in 3 chance to hit a man size target at 200 yards (correct me if I'm wrong.) So, about 200 yards, which you could probably already do with a PU scope.
  11. GrappleX

    Unfortunate fate

    Quite good writing my friend. Nice story as well.
  12. GrappleX

    Where the game is going

    Yeah, right... I mean... Ughh, who would uhhh, eat that stuff... Dont judge me.
  13. GrappleX

    Where the game is going

    A thread whining about tactical bacon? Ummmm... at least its not about zombies? I guess....
  14. GrappleX

    Join = Kick servers. Remove them!

    Report the servers. Don't make a thread about it.
  15. GrappleX

    New Patch - Who's still having fun?

    170 hours, still having fun. Best $30 I've ever spent.
  16. That's some good ass acid.
  17. GrappleX


    Your fucking killing me man. :D
  18. GrappleX

    How to make friends

    Anytime I see a woman with a man's voice it reminds me of that one summer in Bangkok.
  19. GrappleX


    Post of the year right here.
  20. GrappleX


    Holy shit im agreeing with pacific...
  21. I've theorized that hes a developer of star citizen incognito, but thats just me.
  22. GrappleX

    Possible to snipe with M4?

    To add to this, bullets fly really far really fast. An M4 fires bullets. Therefore an M4 can fire bullets really fast really far.
  23. Crafting knives out of bone, wood and stone. I don't know why I want this so bad, but I just do.