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Everything posted by GrappleX

  1. You should add an option for cosmetic changes like beards/scars, but no skills.
  2. GrappleX

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Again, not my point. I love reporting bugs, that's the point of and early access alphur. My point is that it isn't the end of the world if you have to wait 5 minutes. The way some people say it makes it seem like they have to battle a kodiak bear with only their bare penis as a weapon. Like Guppy said, get a drink, report it, and move on with your day.
  3. GrappleX

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    That's not my point. Whether or no the system is fucked is irrelevant to what i'm trying to say. Assuming you, for whatever reason, are affected by this, just read a book or play angry birds or some shit. People make it seem like 5 minutes is their whole life. Again, read a book, watch a you tube video, etc.
  4. GrappleX

    How Big Is The Day Z Developer Team?

    Big enough?
  5. GrappleX


    Just as I was about to say, beans good sir.
  6. GrappleX

    2 Guns in your back

    This kind of thinking is fucked right up. "Hey, lets clutter up the forum with 50 useless threads, rather than one popular one!" If you know there are already threads dealing with this topics use those.
  7. GrappleX

    People who KoS on strict PvE-No KoS Servers.

    Its not even that it's impossible, its literally against the server hosting rules.
  8. GrappleX

    People who KoS on strict PvE-No KoS Servers.

    Because PVE servers don't exist yet. No matter what the title says, you can't enforce no pvp.
  9. GrappleX

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    Its seriously five minutes. How hard is it to entertain your self for five minutes?
  10. GrappleX

    [POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

    Nope, no, and no. Already gotten more enjoyment then most AAA titles for half the cost.
  11. GrappleX

    Can not find any guns

    Try TEC buildings, they tend to spawn a fair amount of weapons.
  12. And yet gun control advocates say only cops should carry guns... 11 bullets, jesus.
  13. GrappleX

    Leather Jacket :D

    Ah, thank you.
  14. GrappleX

    Leather Jacket :D

    May I ask where you found it?
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  16. Not a good time to fun ratio? I payed 120 + hours and enjoyed practically every second. I've gotten less enjoyment out of AAA title for double the cost.
  17. GrappleX

    2 years on and nothing has changed

    So, does he think the mod was an alpha for an alpha?
  18. GrappleX

    2 years on and nothing has changed

    Yes, the tears, they are so delicious. *slurp*
  19. Im with ricp, i've never had ladder/roof problems. Maybe I'm just lucky.
  20. GrappleX

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Apology accepted man. I only started posting around page 10. Likewise, I have nothing against hardcore, and play on it when I want a more serious experience. I normally just prefer regular servers because I play much less seriously and tend to have more fun.
  21. GrappleX

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    I called people assholes because I read through 10 pages of condescension and douchebaggery. If any thing, I returned their sentiment in kind. I would love to have a mature conversation about his, and I even tried. Yet being told I'm less of a person than somebody because of the servers I play on kind screws that whole conversation thing over.