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Everything posted by GrappleX

  1. The sun seems to rise between 6:30am and 7:15am for me, but I don't pay too much attention to time.
  2. GrappleX

    Poll on KoS and Combat logging

    What you said. I'd wager that most people would agree combat logging is an exploit.
  3. I mean I... errr, play, uhm, a game, on, uhhhhh, my phone.... Yeah, that.
  4. What rick said..... Don't check my history....
  5. GrappleX

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    More 22's. Single shots, bolt actions, pump actions, etc.
  6. GrappleX

    Waste of my experimental time

    5 sporter 22's in 30 minutes, plus an sks and a mosin. Not even in a small out of the way town, in a big one. If your looting the coast, then your not goin find shit.
  7. GrappleX

    Here's The Deal...

  8. GrappleX

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    If this whole converstation *must* happen again, then I'll throw in. I don't play hardcore as frequently because its really hard to climb on to the high horse that seems to be a requirment of 1st person players.
  9. GrappleX

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    YAY, all aboard the redundancy train of redundancy!
  10. GrappleX

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    God that thread was a clusterfuck. Can't we leave it at that?
  11. GrappleX

    My letter to a dead guy

    Shit man, ain't nobody got time for that.
  12. GrappleX

    Would You Help This Person?

    1. No, he'll likely end up in the same situation in 5 minutes if i help him. Plus morphine is rare. 2. Yes, he seems like the kind of guy I'd get along with. 3. No, stereotypes aren't always true, but they definitely aren't always not true.
  13. GrappleX

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    I've never really looted apartment buildings, so I couldn't tell you. The only place in fire stations where I've found weapons is the very top, where there is sometimes a handgun. I've found more than a few guns in schools, mosins, magnums, etc. The problem is most of them are looted to shit by the time you can get to them.
  14. GrappleX

    Farming Hoe

    Took two hits to the body for me, so same as the splitting axe.
  15. GrappleX

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    Good loot spawns: Piano Houses (white, green trim, large piano inside) for general civilian guns + some food. TEC buildings (Large, square, office looking buildings) also for civilian guns. Both of the red/orange colored brick houses tend to have food/water. Schools generally have good loot.
  16. GrappleX

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    Wha...I don't... Serving hopping? Well, if you want to play the game like a douche, go ahead, but you'll probably be, well, kinda a douche.
  17. GrappleX

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    Where are you looting? If its within 1000 meters of the coast, your too close to the coast. If its within 2000 meters of the coast, its probably still too close.
  18. GrappleX

    DayZ feels American

    In the area where chernaurus is based off of, its a river. I believe the area is somewhere near the german-czech border.
  19. GrappleX

    M4 vs SKS

    Actually, I prefer the works of Henry David Thoreau to Edgar Allen Poe. I respect Poe, its just a personal choice. Oh, something on topic? Yeah, how bout no.
  20. Possibly, I've only had random broken legs while standing still.
  21. That truck driving is... is... That right there is some special shit.
  22. I would lean towards bug. I've never had a zombie one hit me. I have been standing around and gotten my legs broken, just randomly.
  23. GrappleX

    wish i had video of this

    A half mile is questionably short, A half mile is, what, 850-ish meters? That translates to three or four minutes of no combat. Again, its borderline. If you had been followed, it would be combat logging. If not, well, its still close.
  24. Just to add variety. Some don't want their characters to have in game skills, but wan't things like beards. Essentially, if you want to get better at something, it should be on you, not the game.