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About SlasherMcGee

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Lots of good vanilla servers out there still.. In addition to 3480, there's 3533(Has a new IP now) and 1257 are a few that come to mind.
  2. SlasherMcGee

    US 3533 Connection Issues - HFBServers.com

    Just a quick update that I spoke with a few other regulars on the server tonight and all of their stashes and vehicles are gone as well :(
  3. SlasherMcGee

    US 3533 Connection Issues - HFBServers.com

    Hi Splinter, A friend and I had a tractor, multiple bikes, 4 stashes, and a tent that are all missing today(they were there last night). I know the tractor and bikes could simply have been stolen, but the 4 stashes all disappearing is very strange. Was there a server wipe of all saved data?
  4. Hi there, This is my favorite server but I've noticed over the past few weeks that if you play for 5 minutes or longer your FPS will continually degrade, down to about 5-10 fps. If you disconnect and connect the issue is resolved for 5 minutes again. I've also noticed that when the fps drops, if you open your gear or the chat menus, the fps immediately improves, until you close the menus. I haven't encountered this on any other servers and a restart of the server does not seem to resolve the problem. It's not only me experiencing the problem as other users complain about the same thing. Hopefully this gets resolved as this truly is one of the best Vanilla servers out there!
  5. Great server!!! k0rd1c
  6. SlasherMcGee

    What am I missing?

    I see a lot of topics around KOS, the game sucking now, the community sucking now, too many mods, etc.. What am I missing? I'm having a BLAST playing this game! I play on a completely vanilla/veteran server with day/night cycle. Thinking back to the last 3 times I've died: 1. Was alive for a week straight. Acquired a ghillie M4A3 CCO with a butt ton of ammo, binocs, antibiotics, blah blah blah. Long story short I had a great setup and was just enjoying exploring different parts of the map. Ended up getting one shot by who knows while laying outside of a town up north. Some bandit/KOS'r I assume. 2. After another week long run I was sneaking in a barn in Novy Sobor and a bandit shows up right behind me. He asked me to drop my gun, do this, do that, I said screw it and let him shoot me. 3. Acquired another great setup on a 3 week run. M249, 370 rounds, pdw, Ghillie, all the other fixins, and then whack! Sepsis and I'm dead 20 minutes later. Sure I was mad being KOS'd but it made my play a lot smarter moving forward. I know I'm going to be KOS'd. Sometimes I think the people bitching about KOS/community are just angry because someone got the jump on them and murdered them after they had worked so hard to loot for their gear. Well you know what? That's how people are. People are assholes and it's what makes the game fun. Every day I survive I win.
  7. Hi All, I've found that randomly I won't be able to "slow" crawl. I hit "Z" to lay down, start moving forward, hold the left shift key, and instead of crawling more slow, I crawl at the same speed. I've checked my controls, tried logging out and back in, but nothing seems to fix other than it will randomly start "working" again. Has anyone else noticed this? It basically kills my chances of being able to crawl around zombies because the normal "fast" crawling alerts them to my location..