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Everything posted by xAtrocity

  1. I've been alive for 4 weeks. 180+ hours. I'd also like to add that im a bandit that kos's and is always around popular areas.
  2. xAtrocity

    Area in game with military tents?

    It was Balota Airfield. Southern side of the map on the coast, west of cherno and east of komarovo.
  3. It really isn't that bad. It was implemented in the mod and I've never seen such an uproar against it. If you die because you logged out in an unsafe place and you die, who's fault is it?
  4. xAtrocity

    Today's Pending Update.

    If you guys want a server that restarts every 4 Hours then join Adrenaline Gaming's Server. It's a great server and we even have a teamspeak for all of you! The teamspeak address is ts.adrenaline-gaming.net .There you'll find many other players willing to group up. Address: Port: 2902
  5. If you would like to find a buddy or a group then you should join my community's teamspeak! We're Adrenaline Gaming and we even have our own server for DayZ. Our Ts i.p. is adrenaline-gaming.net .You'll definitely find people to team up with.
  6. xAtrocity


    There is a way to get into the ATC and kill people from the inside.
  7. Yes this is an actual daylight server!
  8. Adrenaline Gaming DayZ Standalone Public Hive Our website is Adrenaline-Gaming.net. Server restarts every 4 hours. 3PP: On (3rd Person) If you are interested in joining our server, connect using this address and port Address: Port: 2902 We have a TS3 server with a DayZ section for any public players if you are interested: ts.adrenaline-gaming.net
  9. xAtrocity

    News/splash screen for updates and patches

    Its an alpha. Expect the unexpected.
  10. xAtrocity

    In Game Name

    Someones paranoid...
  11. xAtrocity

    Don't bother buying

    My Friend the devs are working to discourage things like kos. For me it will never end cause well its just the way i have always played even in the beginning days of the mod. As you can see in my profile picture i have -1 million humanity and every survivor killed gives you about -3k humanity heroes just a little bit more. Currently there are no such (stated many times above) servers that are PvE or friendly or pretty much anything. All servers (FOR NOW) are the same no matter what it says as the title or the motd you read whille in game. If you want to survive you'll learn to adapt to the game and learn to trust no one.
  12. xAtrocity

    What you can do with 10 bullets

    I would've done the same thing. Why even try robbing them when they're armed and will most likely fight back. When you have the advantage you should take it.
  13. xAtrocity

    Non kos servers?

  14. xAtrocity

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    As a bandit i don't mind losing the body due to a combat logger or just some guy leaving cause i get the satisfaction of knowing i killed someone(btw the humanity thing in my picture mean i have -1 million humanity on dayz mod, Yes i've killed lots of people). If someone is bleeding and they leave they're dead and will spawn on the coast. Combat loggers don't bother me much.
  15. Read other posts to check if someone already has posted your idea please. I've seen the same shit for the past few weeks.
  16. Pretty sure the weapon inaccuracy was not put in purposely.
  17. xAtrocity

    Long Range Scope controls

    Press the + Key on the numpad while not zoomed.
  18. xAtrocity

    Lets talk about the community

    When someone complains about a the games bugs or complains about it i say "alpha". Now i have to say Humans.
  19. xAtrocity

    m4 spawn nerf too much?

    You swine. You deserve what you got.
  20. xAtrocity

    Server hopping prevention

    How many times will someone make a post about server hopping with the same idea?
  21. xAtrocity

    How do I take a screen shot

  22. How many times will you take my beans sammy?
  23. xAtrocity

    Individual Character Resets

    It's an alpha. It's happened to me more than a few times. Sure being geared up is fun but gearing to me is equally as fun. You'll just have to learn to deal with it until it's solved. It's being worked on.