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Everything posted by vaelorth

  1. Would you be down to join a clan?
  2. were looking for people who want to get better at the game if they are new and enjoy it but at the same time be serious when it calls for it. the base we had recently got raided but were rebuilding fast. looking for loyal people that is the most important thing. you are expected to earn your keep and you wont have every privilege starting out so don't expect that. teamspeak below ask for steve or message me Fill out the application before joining teamspeak please. http://soadayz.enjin.com/home soaclan.typefrag.com
  3. vaelorth

    (EU) LFG or someone to play hardcore experimental

    This is the DayZ mod forums bro.
  4. vaelorth

    Recruting for Epoch

    Just to point out vehicle expert and scavenger are usually rolled into every experienced DayZ player.
  5. vaelorth

    DayZ overwatch looking for partner

    You down to play with a clan perhaps?
  6. Think you would ever play with a clan ?
  7. vaelorth

    Looking for a clan

    added you on steam. lets chat for a bit.
  8. vaelorth

    Looking for Teammates for DayZ mod.

    Are you open to joining a clan? add my skype footballnerd474 we will talk man.
  9. That's odd try going on this teamspeak then soaclan.typefrag.com
  10. ARe you playing the mod? Are you perhaps looking to join a clan that is in the works of reviving?
  11. Apply here, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15KuarbyAQPzR-sujtunDb2Go4WOEN1nsIcBJ_tS67BE/viewform add me on steam tricksteriscool429 make sure you message me first, I have so many friends that I wont find you on my friend list.
  12. Are you open to playing with mostly US but some EU players? How about helping reviving a clan? fill this out if you are interested, have your friends do it as well. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15KuarbyAQPzR-sujtunDb2Go4WOEN1nsIcBJ_tS67BE/viewform
  13. Are you playing the mod or the standalone? I am aware this is the mod forum but I just wanted to be sure given you said you were new. I don't mean to offend you if it came off that way.
  14. vaelorth


    Are you interested in helping reviving a clan? If you are fill this out here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15KuarbyAQPzR-sujtunDb2Go4WOEN1nsIcBJ_tS67BE/viewform PM me with any questions you have via this website or talk to me on teamspeak.
  15. Feel free to fill this out. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15KuarbyAQPzR-sujtunDb2Go4WOEN1nsIcBJ_tS67BE/viewform A quick note, the clan only has a few members who are willing to play right now. We had at one point around 12-15 active guys but the clan had a falling out due to betrayal issues. I and a couple others want to revive the clan in hopes to becoming the sidewalk cracking sick mfers we once were. So if you want to help out I welcome you but it will require some patience.