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Posts posted by vaelorth

  1. Feel free to fill this out.




    A quick note, the clan only has a few members who are willing to play right now. We had at one point around 12-15 active guys but the clan had a falling out due to betrayal issues. I and a couple others want to revive the clan in hopes to becoming the sidewalk cracking sick mfers we once were. So if you want to help out I welcome you but it will require some patience.

  2. heeey, I am looking for an overpoch group at the moment. Tired of being KOSed and just want to run with a group instead of solo

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15KuarbyAQPzR-sujtunDb2Go4WOEN1nsIcBJ_tS67BE/viewform Fill that out and make sure you join our teamspeak. the info to it is in the application. if no one is in there stay in there until someone comes in to help, even if you go afk try to leave it open. the clan needs revival and we need people to help.

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