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Chaos21 (DayZ)

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About Chaos21 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Gaming, making money, ARMA, building computers, upgrading computers, anything computer related, console gaming, all of that good stuff. Oh and I like to skateboard here and there, used to be an everyday thing but I'm getting older I feel fragile when I skate now xD
  1. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    [S.F.C] Survival Comes First [S.F.C]

    I play Arma 2 OA/ Dayz mod. No money for SA or 3 yet. Anyways, I'm 20, my name is Kenny, I prefer tactical realism, I have a mic, and I'd love to join. Can I add you on steam?
  2. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Looking for DayZ Mod/Arma 2 Wasteland teammates.

    I don't have skype, what's your steam name?
  3. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Gateway desktop DX4860 - Can it run dayZ?

    All it needs is a new GPU, the CPU look fine. I say look because the specs are good lot of memory each core, speed is decent, and its 4 cores. But, it doesn't say what CPU it is. Grab a Radeon 7770 GhZ edition your good to go.
  4. Sorry to bring this up form the dead, but by the way, I ended up getting the FX-6300(Turbo @ 4.1Ghz) with Radeon 7770 GhZ edition and 8GB DDR3 Memory. I max out everything and besides anisotropic filtering and AA, view dist. 4,000+. I get GREAT fps, 20-40 in cities, 50+everywhere, I couldn't be happier with my decision. Max out skyrim with all visual mods I want plus the 50 other mods I prefer with my game. Planetside 2 runs on Ultra I always get at least 30 fps mostly 40-45.
  5. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Real Life DayZ Trailer

    When will their be number four?? The last one displays perfectly that you can't trust anyone, it's a little harsh but eh that's how DayZ is.
  6. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    CPUs and DayZ.

    This thread is helping me a lot, I'm on very tight budget and need a new motherboard and CPU, and just recently discovered I'll need a new PSU as well, as the 7770 I bought has a 6-pin connector, which I'm new to. I want the 3570k but the AMD 8 core sounds nice, and it's just enough cheaper to where I can get a nice new PSU, with 6 pin connectors this time. Also, aren't the motherboards cheaper? What would be a good pair for an AMD FX-8350 or 8320, with a radeon 7770 Ghz edition? Or would I be fine with an AMD 6300? I'm only trying to play all current games on med/high/max, not worried about future games. I somehow managed to get 10min 25max fps on a AMD Athlon II x2 215 @ 2.7Ghz, 4gb RAM, 250w PSU, and a Nvidia 8400gs! I'll edit this for better viewing later, I'm at work ATM
  7. Sorry I haven't got on, I recently bought a Radeon HD 7770, and a psu I much required, as long as a new case. The problem is, my psu just doesn't want to work with my motherboard. When I plug it all up, even without the gpu, it won't start it just makes this beeping noise. I've spent hours trying to resolve this. I'm woorkin tonight 11pm-7am since I get overtime and now that my PC is down why not.. But, my next step is to just try and throw my gpu and processor into my sisters computer, see how that goes.. If it all fails and I can't get help online I'll have to go get ripped off at some computer store where they will charge me 40 bucks to plug a mis-placed cord in.. Anyways, I will get to it, sorry for the holdup everyone. I'm very upset about it myself. I don't want to be at work all night and morning :( ah well extra 100 or so for the new mobo and CPU next week, and possibly the jerks that rip u off to out it together.
  8. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Real Life DayZ Trailer

    Watching as much as I can at work, freaking epic!
  9. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Looking for around 3 people to play epoch with

    Look no further, what's your steam name?
  10. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Looking for a group / clan to roll with.

    Run with me and my few friends :) steam name: kmor1994 add me on there, easiest way to contact me. When we play we get on my TS3 server, here:vs26.tserverhq.com:7152 Only admins are Chaos(me) and Calypso. Don't trust anyone else, only those two and only when they have an S by their name, it indicates Server Admin.
  11. Well how much better would the i5 be ON DAYZ ONLY, fps wize, with max setting and 2500-4000 view distance?? Anyone know from experience? Or anything close to that, I doubt someone has a radeon 7770 and has tried both the amd and intel, but feedback from either will help! If not reccomend me a CPU that won't have me palying below 20-25 fps and staeying in my $220 budget. If I can get confirmed minum 25 fps cpu paired with 7770, I'll pay 250 maybe a little more, but I could REALLY use a motherboard suggestion. How about this. Tell me your exact specs, what settings you play on, and how much FPS you get (min,avg,max) and I will be very greatful. This will also help the many people who want this same goal, budget or not. I searched everywhere, for days... Please help me out. Use this: (Don't have to be this specific, but I'd appreciate you being specific about it. Also you don't need to include motherboard but again I'd appreciate it. Example:(What my setup is looking like so far, minus some extra things, ) CPU: AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0GHz (4.2GHz Turbo) Eight-Core Processor, 8MB L3 Cache, 4x 2MB L2 Cache GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 7770 GHz edition 1GB @1000MHz(4500MHz memory clock) and 640 stream-processors Motherboard: N/A (Undecided) Memory: 8gb (undecided brand and amount) Menu FPS: N/A (only if you can) Game FPS: Min: Average: Max: Screen res: 1920x1080 All settings: (maxed, high, medium, low, very low, or closest you can get it too. feel free to show all custom settings for my benefit and others reading) SSD: No (If yes, please brand and/or speed + size) PSU: (not required) Or, you could just do this... CPU: AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0GHz GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 7770 GHz edition Motherboard: N/A Memory: 8gb Menu FPS: N/A Game FPS: Min: Average: Max: Screen res: 1920x1080 All settings: (maxed, high, medium, low, very low, or closest you can get it too. feel free to show all custom settings for my benefit and others reading) SSD: No (If yes, please brand and/or speed + size) PSU: (not required) Or just make your own template. I don't care how you do it, but please let me know so I can figure out what I'm getting next week, I just want to play DayZ with good fps and be able to enjoy its beautiful graphics.
  12. Chaos21 (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to team-up with?

    Take a look at this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/151177-looking-for-trustworthy-adults-to-play-with-join-us-today/#entry1510305 We are a smaller group looking to get bigger, but stay highly organized and tight-knit. We are in the beginning stages of making our group, have yet to decide a name, are open to many suggestions, and have high positions available. Let me know if you want to join. We all usually get on TS3 at once, until we are bigger, so I'll just give you my steam name for now. Add me: kmor1994