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Everything posted by NuckFuts

  1. NuckFuts


    I think its great but smells of mod and after release shenanigans, whenever that will be, aint keeping up lately.. cant wait to see what the future brings so I can play the game I bought and was told by a one dean hall to wait until the game release if I expect a polished gem.. still waiting lol.
  2. NuckFuts

    My two bob.

    Oh, I reckon he reads the forums.. incognito.
  3. NuckFuts

    Status Report?

    There's time left of today yet for it to drop.. but brace yourself for an excuse, just to be on the safe side :)
  4. NuckFuts

    Stuck in military base death pit at 079/007

    Sorry dude but they didn't put you down there and what's more.. with that attitude, I hope you rot down there.
  5. NuckFuts

    How did you discover DayZ?

    I first heard about DayZ on a popular torrent site forums, I did some research and found myself buying Arma 2 and OA and installing it, it was just a zipped up bunch of mod files that had to be manually extracted into the OA file structure then launched with some funky command line parameters. From what I remember vaguely anyway. I shall never forget my first few times playing DayZ.. and I very much miss the initial lost, lonely and scared outta ya pants DayZ feelings I got back then, it was something truly unique and I'm grateful I have experienced it but honeslty those days are gone for me.. now its like spawn, loot, die, respawn, loot, die.. rinse repeat, it becomes more like a chore than an experience so that's usually when I take a break and try it again 3 months down the line. I'd give my right bollock to go back in time and get that mod and them same feelings and experiences back..
  6. NuckFuts

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    They should also consider re-adding that eerie music the mod had, that seemed to come from nowhere.. it was part of the reason (as a lone wolf) i got so immersed in the game, in my early days.
  7. NuckFuts

    Terrible Graphics and Game Crashes

    Looks kinda like what a PC/Laptop thats struggling to run the game looks like to me. Always check system requirements before purchasing games.
  8. NuckFuts

    DayZ Standalone 0.59 Update - What To Expect

    Beans for subject matter and also the awesome Scottish accent!
  9. NuckFuts

    Rocket's contribution

    He went off like a 'Rocket' to develop a space game. It's all written in the pre-planning, the clues were already there.
  10. So, Dayz it's been a while.. at the least 6 months maybe more, can't remember I'm getting older. but what the fuck, I heard good things about recent updates thought I'd give it a bash and so the story goes.. Logged in, not sure where.. on a coast near a lighthouse, that's all I know, this map has changed so much I aint got a clue tbh. Was going dark, character is already complaining of being hungry.. fair enough, time to look for food I guess, start to run and see a guy to my immediate left who must have spawned just like me around the same time, similar clothes, no gear, he stops to give me a wave but I know them waves, they usually mean your gonna get your head punched so I keep running to the nearest building hes a fair way back, gives me time to have a look I'm thinking to myself.. Get inside and oh boy there's a blue child briefcase, a can of pipsi, an empty shotgun and a knife, so I loot it all and never got time to see what make the shotgun actually was before the dude (who was) behind me is fists up throwing them at me, I figured he's wanting what I just found.. so I run out the door, he gives chase naturally and I notice the knife is in my hand as I'm running, I made a chioce to square up to this guy having the advantage of a knife.. I've never been so wrong. were running in circles he's trying to punch me (and he's hitting) and I'm furiously slashing away, hitting him as he's bleeding. This dancing went on for a minute or so.. until finally my screen goes black, the dreaded 'You are unconscious' I know hes probably taking my shit and stabbing me, but Nope.. what he actually did was to rob me of my stuff, all my clothes and shoes and ran off leaving me there all naked and shit, I come around and immediately start running while the screen is fading back into color.. my feet are sore apparently. The dude who just owned me with his fists is dust and smoke, cant see him anywhere, oh well. Now I need more than food, I need everything. I see a deer stand and climb up there's a half moon shaped magazine full of ammo and something that looks like it fits on a shotgun with two shells on it, I cant fit any of this on me except take something in my hands so I take the shells, assuming shotguns are probably more commonly found than rifles. I go to climb back down but the prompt confuses me and I climb back up, I go to press to climb back down but I'm pressing forward and fall of the edge hitting the ground I hear a crunch and my character is prone, it's only a darned broken leg.. I lay there face in palm for a few minutes wondering what the hell is happening, NOBODY is this unlucky on their first time back playing. I start to wonder how I can fix it, can I find some morphine? how long will that even take me crawling? and does that even work for broken bones anymore.. fuck it's been so long I don't even know what does what anymore.. it dawns on me I'm a DayZ noob now. So what do I do, I decide to crawl to the sea as I hear you can drown yourself now.. on the way I see a shed type building and make my way there hoping to find a weapon or something.. anything to end my suffering, takes a few minutes to crawl there at full speed, inside there is a fucking grandpa trilby hat and a hammer. I press F12 hoping I can kill myself with it but no joy, it's just fingers and they aint doing shit but an animation. So off I crawl once more getting closer and closer to the coast, I eventually make it into the water.. so I lay there and wait.. it took for some stupid reason.. about 5 minutes to drown and that's my first experience back playing DayZ. Thought I'd share it, since it will stick in my head every time I go to click play on DayZ in my Steam library. I'll probably see ya in 6 more months! when my palm is finally surgically removed from my face haha!
  11. NuckFuts

    Came back.. This was my story

    If I had the time again, I'd have just simply run off from that crazy dude, my mistake was thinking a knife would kill him before he had the chance to knock me out. You live.. you learn. Last time I knew of splint crafting, you had to find wooden sticks and have some rags on you, to re-iterate.. I was left naked so i'm guessing even if I managed to find some wood, I'd nothing to make a splint with :( Next time 'before I play' I might have to go looking at some wiki's :D
  12. NuckFuts

    Can't find any damn batteries

    :lol: I read it just because you got gold stars in your forum name!
  13. NuckFuts


    You really shouldn't be suffering at all with that kinda rig WilBischof (in your sig).. I've seen popular streamers with lower specs saying they are using OBS whilst throwing up smooth 60fps livestreams.
  14. NuckFuts

    3 new vehicles and parts

    .. but can you board up the windows?
  15. Sorry twas a mild, lost attempt at humor perhaps, my bad. The titan wasn't good enough for games?
  16. I'm afraid you set your time machine too far backwards buddy, what's Dayz like in your time, is it finished yet??
  17. NuckFuts

    Question regarding my Computer

    Not necessarily. It would depend how many background apps are running using up your PC's resources, though I VERY much doubt your PC wouldn't be able to handle a tonne of processes as well as the game too. You might be better off tinkering with in-game settings rather than rolling back your PC. If you still can't get what you desire.. simply blame the game, not your PC. Everyone knows performance of DayZ sucks, even the people who swear by the game and stand up to anything anyone says negatively about it, they cannot deny it.. and if they do, they are the people you need to be asking :)
  18. As long as you can use a controller for flying purposes, I'm game for anything. Perhaps a News helicopter and a small private jet, or biplane, fitting to be occurring around the outbreak, whatever. I wouldn't imagine they'd go all out with missile launching MH-60's, but who knows..
  19. NuckFuts

    My FPS drops when I look forward

    Boil your RAM, check out Cherno.
  20. NuckFuts

    To all the "Is Dayz dying?" threads.

    I wonder if the most used word on these forums is "Alpha"?
  21. Keep 3PP but make it so you can't pan your view around and it's of a fixed frontal POV in the direction your facing, problem solved :)
  22. NuckFuts

    How to Auto Run, very simple

    I just wedge a small piece of folded up paper in-between the S, A and W key after depressing the W key.. there's a sweet spot which holds the key down :) Then I go for a shit.
  23. NuckFuts

    Why did you buy this game?

    Bought at it's cheapest price, to sit on like a hen until the actual thing hatches.. it's been a LONG wait so far.
  24. NuckFuts

    End of Map

    It cant be infinite, it must end somewhere. Someone must test, keep running and see where it ends :) I do agree though.. they should definitely barricade the edge of the map, just use mountains and steep cliffs. Imagine being on auto run.. where you jam a wedge of paper between the keys to hold the button down.. You get to map edge unknowingly while taking your bog/fag break.. Weeeeeeeeeeeee.. you come back and "What".. NOOOOOOOOO!?" Yep, you just fell off a cliff.
  25. I'm most excited to see the game actually come out of this seemingly endless state of Alpha testing. So everyone can stop using the damned word all over the place. You know how monitors get image burn-in when a static image is displayed for extended periods of time? well.. that's what burned into my retinas ALPHA.