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Everything posted by NuckFuts

  1. NuckFuts

    How do/can servers MAKE money?

    Why do you even need to ask me to re-read the thread? You answered your own comment.. All I comprehend is the fact your biased in some way toward server hosting, for what reason I don't know.. but meh.. it's fine and dandy to make money by any other means regarding video games right? I play this game, as does everyone else here I should imagine.. I chose to buy it and did so because I like the game, so I have in turn supported the development of this game by buying the product.. yes? So I ask.. what's so wrong in supporting server owners, the very people whom allow us to play the game by purchasing the servers we play the game we like to play on, huh?? I mean, does anyone say Dean Hall is wrong for making a profit from making DayZ... or Bohemia? Pfff.. Put yourselves in the shoes of the people spending money to provide such services.. it's not all about greed as I think you may be looking at it, its about providing a good service and that service is worthy of contributing to. As was stated any profit made by server owners is a bonus, a by-product as you put it, for providing a great, worthy service! I mean, if not for them.. then where would we play our favourite game?
  2. NuckFuts

    How do/can servers MAKE money?

    That's like saying developers should make games.. not for money... but for love of the game they want to make and provide for people to play. Curious... Do you guys tell gameplay streamers to stop their dedicated watchers donating money?
  3. NuckFuts

    How do/can servers MAKE money?

    Ask kind people to donate to keep your server up and running? if they do and it goes over the monthly cost of the server, that's profit? Not sure of any other way. Having never owned a server, I can only presume that's what can make money.
  4. NuckFuts

    I haven't seen 1 other player yet!

    I have stumbled across a person in the woods whilst heading north, on a low pop server (no more than 10 people) I thought at first he was a mirage.. then I got the black screen of death which confirmed human.
  5. Cool story bro. :thumbsup:
  6. NuckFuts

    If i was dean hall

    Even so, What's up with that opinion? One mans gold is another mans tin.
  7. NuckFuts

    If i was dean hall

    randalmcdaniels, You need to learn how to love everything Rocket says, does and delivers, otherwise your opinions are moot and will not be looked upon with any credibility. Re-wording your title might have saved you from being bashed.. anything to do with Rocket in the title will tend to set a negative mood for a discussion. As such has been evident. Unless of course you light-heartedly use him for emotes.
  8. NuckFuts

    You are dead?

    You are dead? I'm guessing you see a black screen with that little passage in the middle? It's ok man, I get it all the time.
  9. NuckFuts

    JayZ in DayZ - It's CrayZ

    JayZ in DayZ - It's CrayZ See what you did there :thumbsup:
  10. NuckFuts

    what your missing out on at night

    When the mod first came out I was throwing flares, really immersed in the fact it was dark.. then I read a post somewhere on the internets where you could turn up a setting to allow you to see in the dark, to save yourself from them deaths from nowhere.. and BOOF.. right there went my epic Dayz night time experiences. yep, it's surreal.. the flashlight is beacon of death and gamma tweaking nullifies it even being night.. without using said things its unplayable at night as you just cant see. As pictured above. if you cant see how can you play? and if you cant play how can you have fun? I like the idea of night time play, especially in this open world setting with zombies but they need to find a better method of achieving a playable night time environment to bring me back to the dark side. I mean why should I disadvantage myself by playing as intended against those who bypass the system? It's one of those things.. and it's a real shame.
  11. NuckFuts

    Books ? why they exist ?

    Lots of reasons I guess, pass times?, the fact that books are really in peoples houses? or what I like to imagine... They are but placeholders for pushing loot count boundaries maybe? As in one day they will be replaced with useful items.
  12. You could argue that there should be lots and lots of vehicles scattered around the land, various types too.. especially on main roads away from Chernarus, they should be clogged with traffic jams that would have erupted when this whole situation happened, when the virus or whatever the cause of the outbreak occurred and widespread news got out about it, no doubt this caused public panic and general chaos broke out across the land.. Now say we have been plonked somewhat in the future, after all the panic.. there would surely still be clogged up roads and vehicle wrecks all over the map. These cars should be unusable but some parts of these vehicles should be salvageable, like certain engine parts or wheels, fuel shortage should be very much a factor, petroleum stations empty and gas tanks syphoned, so when fuel is found its very rare and there's not much of it. So when you really think about it, Bicycles and horses would be the very best option.. who needs a car that has no fuel? say you manage to scrounge enough to make a solitary trip to the north.. you are back to no fuel, stranded and with a car that risks being stolen or broken for parts by other survivors. Therefore, a car or other motorized vehicle should be a very expensive, time consuming luxury that is a real pain to not only keep fuelled but also keep maintained.
  13. For Valentines Day I gave the lady of my life some flowers, we went ice skating and now we are about to share an Indian curry infront of the fire. Each to their own I guess.
  14. NuckFuts

    dean this, rocket that

    You gotta admit, this guy Rocket is a likeable fellow.. he interacts with his fans and shit, I mean the guy has climbed a snow covered mountain.. and is making a game we all like to play! but all this comes at a significant cost to the game in some ways. Lemme explain it in a nice way, Most are too quick to jump on the 'I frikkin love rocket' train.. so no manner of bugs or game busting entities will ever (EVER) break that love, but its that very phenomena that clouds their ability to give full and fair feedback.. these 'Rocket' followers tend to call other peoples legitimate concerns about the game, lies or even go so far as call bullshit and take it upon themselves to guard Rocket from such negative feedback. I dont know about anyone else, but if I have a problem, I will damn right post up a thread about it since I spent money on the game he is making. Now do I post it and think, 'I know, he will read it and fix it'.. nope. I worry more that people would inundate my thread with 'Fuck u man,u are full o' shit.. game is top notch for me.. y u hate Rocket' kinda posts. Ya know?
  15. NuckFuts

    am i going crazy or am I hearing things?

    I get it too, sodas, tin can opening.. even the reloading/logging in sound.. it has me on a knife edge every damn time.
  16. NuckFuts

    Were should I go next

    Go west, keep going and going in that direction to a place called "debug plains".. Safest place on the map!
  17. NuckFuts

    For the life of me..

    I dropped two earlier to make room for a magnum and yellow box. Found one of them in balota prison and the other off a guy who thought it wise to follow me without stating his intentions.
  18. It wouldn't be 'secret stuff' if we wrote them in here.
  19. NuckFuts

    Same spawn 14 times

    ahhh, lemme guess the little island just a lil east of electro?
  20. NuckFuts

    Next time I will kill every girls

    Probably not 'girl'... Probably little boy with a girly unbroken voice.
  21. NuckFuts

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big thanks for fixing this bug.. and also say a big 'fuck you' to all those people who upon hearing of said bug after the last patch that we who were affected by it were somehow wrong and saying the game was/is perfect 'all the time'. Grow some balls, and tell it like it is, if something in the game is broke then it needs to be addressed, DONT keep up the 'i love you rocket'.. 'you can do no wrong'.. 'dont listen to them haters' type of attitudes 100% of the time as its not only very annoying, its detrimental to the games progress. We all like the game as is evident by our passions, but please... keep it real people for the benefit of all of us, you can easily resume sucking Rockets man pole after the game is finished, to your hearts content.
  22. NuckFuts

    Dayz standalone in a nutshell

    I expected to see something like this..
  23. NuckFuts


    To change all the texture colors, on trees, buildings, car wrecks.. literally everything snow has a habit of covering, I can only assume would be just as much work as making a new map. On Chernarus scale, its a massive change.
  24. NuckFuts

    I'm not trying to start a war

    So you can see your character? I would be all for keeping 3PP but removing the ability to move the head. Would probably take some getting used to but it would fix that magic ability to see over and around a wall/building.
  25. NuckFuts

    New melee sounds

    Yep, noticed. Seems to be a little a faster and a more fluent action too. swing.. swoosh.. thump :thumbsup: