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Everything posted by NuckFuts

  1. NuckFuts

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    I didn't say anything about fault.. OP was talking about deserving death. Re-read and then ask yourself if I 'deserved' to die?
  2. Just call them "Pointless", until zombies become a threat :P
  3. NuckFuts

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    What if I'm simply looking in a house for a new pair of trousers, with more than two pockets? I'm unarmed.. then out of nowhere I get hacked in the back of the head until I'm dead.. did I really deserve it? Your logic is flawed. Stop trying to cover up the fact your a ruthless bandit, by telling people they deserved it if they die, what a cheap shot man.. thats how your post comes across to me anyway.
  4. You know what the man from 'Del Monte' always says? I agree with him :)
  5. NuckFuts


    Progressive beard growth would be a great way to tell how long a person has been surviving for :) +1
  6. NuckFuts

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    No, it wasn't a troll post, to 'YOU' maybe it can be perceived as such but I don't expect anyone who is connected in some way to the game such as yourself to do anything but defend it and belittle anyone who speaks against it and that's OK if you feel you must. One thing though, perhaps, you should follow your own forum rules and not incite a potential flame war. Also OT.. These are exactly the niggling things within the game that seriously put people off playing it, as such, one would think this issue would have been addressed by now.
  7. NuckFuts

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    Sorry but 1-2 years is a hell of a long time in gaming, especially in this day and age where new hardware and games are being pumped out constantly. I would assume Dayz will be a dinosaur in two years. You should hope your estimation is wrong.
  8. NuckFuts

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    These are still in the game? I aint played for a while.. Can someone kindly PM me when this game becomes worth the money I paid for it?
  9. NuckFuts

    DayZ Dicks

  10. NuckFuts


    The only floods I wanna see is... floods of zombies!
  11. NuckFuts

    DayZ Standalone - How to Wall Glitch [NWAF]

    Stop quoting it.. wow.. the brainpower.
  12. NuckFuts

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Nothing runs as good on 32 as it will on 64, for the simple fact 64bit windows can utilize more RAM, though I'm not sure how RAM hungry DayZ actually is..
  13. NuckFuts

    What do you do when you're under siege?

    If there was absolutely no way out.. and I was outnumbered, I would take off all my gear and slash away at it so at the very least, the tards cant use it. Either that or turn on Rambo mode.. depends on the feeling at the time I guess.
  14. NuckFuts

    Shotgun most worthless weapon the game?

    Might as well remove all melee weapons going by that logic then huh?
  15. NuckFuts

    Invisible world in a certain radius around me

    I call hacks! :)
  16. NuckFuts

    Isn't "DayZ" quite possibly the dumbest name ever?

    I used to like to make DayZ chains whilst lying on the grass sunbathing. I strung together a few hundred of them this one time.. I then proceeded to wrap them around my body and pretended to be king of flower land, my neighbours thought it was quite funny.. so they sprayed me in the face with some weed killer in some kind of mild joking manner, subsequently I lost an eye and half my face is burned like the dude off Batman. I aint made one since. Un-True story.
  17. NuckFuts

    How to avoid people going after their own corpse

    Simple, Camp the dead body for a little while, I mean what else is there to do in this game? when he comes to get his stuff back.. give him a reason to not want to try again :) Problem solved.
  18. NuckFuts


    Anyone here could have given you the results of such an experiment, without you actually having to do anything practical.
  19. NuckFuts

    Spray Painting

    They don't necessarily have to be erect ones.. ya know? Perhaps one could draw a flacid one.. or even a Pen-Vag concoction.
  20. NuckFuts

    what would you do in this scenario

    Just kill him by headshot and help yourself to all his good shit. After which say "That's what you get!" while he is staring at the "You are Dead" screen. Simple. Or on the other hand, let him do that to you, your choice.
  21. What I don't understand is the progression aspect of DayZ... I was under the impression that Dean Hall wanted to make DayZ into a standalone product so that it would be much more stable and feature filled than the mod was.. this would allow for a much better experience than the mod, meaning more players, more zombies, better gameplay, UI and survival aspects ya know things like that? Yes, Perhaps its gonna take time to deliver all these things. So I can only wait in anticipation of such things and hope it becomes as good as the mod was but I can't say that I'm very optimistic that the DayZ SA will ever become what I envisaged it being, or becoming, I don't know why, but I just don't.. maybe it's a negative attitude to have but none the less it's my thoughts. Oh, I know it's Alpha, I know it's a WIP.
  22. NuckFuts

    Character reset...

    I dont know about useless shit, but prepare yourself for the 'alpha' onslaught.. haha!
  23. I stopped playing months ago, had enough of reading the Alpha warning then realizing soon enough when playing why the warning is there.. I will come back to DayZ at a later, more polished time, when hopefully it will live up to and hopefully surpass the awesomeness of the mod. I would suggest that some people perhaps do the same and give it 'even more' time.
  24. NuckFuts

    Play Style

    Having awesome, high value loot that took a while to get your hands on should be enough for anyone to value their life so much as to not recklessly KoS or act like they are playing a FPS, but then if you have all the top tier loot.. You have the classic dilemma.. What do you do now? Where do you go... The very fact you have better things than someone else only makes you a target for someone who is considerably less better off than yourself. It's more of a forced game mechanic, than an adopted play style. Simply put... It's the way of DayZ. On a sort of related note, I feel like the only time you can safely assume a person 'MAY' be friendly and will not kill you on sight is if they are a fresh spawn from the coast, and even then they sometimes want to punch your face to death, to take your hard earned stuff.