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Everything posted by NuckFuts

  1. NuckFuts

    0.51 Ghillie Showcase

    One thing that video proves? other than the addition of a cool looking Ghillie suit.. Everyone who is anyone will be cranking down to low settings to see them Ghillies better haha! I'm also curious at what range affects the camo visibility, which was indeed always a major issue (I thought anyway) in the Arma 2 Dayz mod.
  2. NuckFuts

    Do we really need more towns?

    Point the compass west and keep walking.. sooner or later you will see enough baron land to build yourself a small country, not many people like to go there so you can also be safe in the knowledge that its gonna be left alone. Until the day we see helicopters in DayZ at least :) We also have a prison to look forward to one day.. pretty sure that's still planned.. no?
  3. No matter how you look at things, Shooting a tire should burst said tire.. Which causes the vehicle to become hard to handle, also fuel tanks on trucks tend to be exposed.. a couple shots to the tank should cause a few detrimental sparks. In both cases, it's a combustion/pressure thing.
  4. NuckFuts

    I'm RICH!

    You should apply for Modship.. then you could do it without needing to post. OT - At least you know where to go if the shit hits the fan IRL haha
  5. NuckFuts

    My first bandit experience

    That's a stroke of luck.. usually fully geared people have gone to great lengths to get all that stuff and I would say at least 90% of these people would certainly not just hand over there stuff, without a fight. Also, this used to be commonly known.. but if your in NWAF you are fair game, new spawn, fully geared.. whatever, you go there to kill or be killed, not talk, take and/or survive. Every encounter I have ever had at that place has not ended well.
  6. I will never forget the days gone by.. when asking if there is friendlies in Cherno, only to hear back "Yes".. so hey that's where we all go, most of the server, but when we get there all that happens is WE DIE haha
  7. NuckFuts

    Do I suck or....?

    You don't necessarily Suck.. per se, your just learning.. Embrace these early times! once you plough 500hrs into it DayZ becomes a different game.
  8. NuckFuts

    How much of DayZ have you experienced?

    Gotta say I have done nothing of any of them things, not one thing.. zip.. zilch.. nada. Whenever I spawn, I get Pk'd before an adventure can even begin.
  9. NuckFuts

    "Warning" Military Base - Death Pit

    haha! LoLed.. Put the fucking lotion in the basket! you just know its gonna be something that WILL happen :)
  10. NuckFuts

    Why nobody want to play in the night time?

    Perhaps it's because its harder to see in the dark, especially over distance and people cant KoS as easy? Other than that, night time is just not convenient for anything. It's a shame people don't like it, as you say it adds a whole different feel to the game sadly though most people just nullify the affects of night by raising gamma and brightness, in the early days of the mod you would be surprised how many flares you saw on night time travels around cherno, it was truly epic back then. I really miss them days :(
  11. KoS will always be prevalent, lets be honest we have all done it at one time or another.. i think someone always wants to either.. * Ensure that your gonna be staring at the 'You are Dead' screen for a few minutes contemplating your death.. what you shouldhave done differently, questioning your actions and beating yourself up about it and the other numerous things that pass your brain as you sit there mouse in one hand, forehead in the other (insert picard facepalm .gif here) * OR, they do it for your 'shit' so they can have what you have in order to survive or to feel safe. But never fear comrade, I have a tip for you.. When you first meet someone in the open world.. never stand completely still, or your fucked. That's just from paragraph 34 and is number 231 of 500 things to 'NOT' do in DayZ.. of the DayZ 'Things 'Not' to do in DayZ' handbook. (I will sell you a copy for 2 Million, British pounds sterling, YES.. its that helpful)
  12. NuckFuts

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Welcome to DayZ.
  13. Books are a waste of a loot spot for something useful, who really would sit there in game reading them. Pointless in a video game, if they had a purpose, such as telling a story about the game then i guess they would be more worthwhile
  14. This is the Internet, chances are if you say to people dont do it.. they probably will.
  15. Occasionally you come across a video in the forums.. out of hundreds that get posted up, that literally surprises you in a good way :) Thanks for the share! It's a shame I can only donate 1 can of beans..
  16. NuckFuts

    Will I be able to take suicide in DayZ?

    If it's not going to be a part of the game at some point, I would be disappointed that they felt the need to have it in the official promo video for the game. Some might call it false advertising.
  17. NuckFuts

    Trouble loading up server list

    Anyone considered this might be a Steam issue? There was a Steam client update a few days ago, and since then most all games I play online have now got this 'slow' server loading thing going on.
  18. NuckFuts

    Sweet Revenge.

    HAHA! "Remember me from Svetlo Muva Fuka!" I never have things like this happen to me, I'm not that lucky :(
  19. NuckFuts

    When does the cars come?

    Yeah, I too heard that.. months ago..
  20. I'm under the impression only items stored in tents or on your body are persistent. Anything else left lying around (such as bags with items in) will be wiped after a set period of time to spawn in the world again.
  21. NuckFuts

    NEW UPDATE: what the **** have they done?

    Yeah, its broke, we KNOW, and guess what THEY know.. please, cut them some 12 month slack, while they fix it!
  22. Considering there are very few of them in the game, I think its great that they are dangerous.. until more Zombies are added I would prefer they keep them deadly for now. In any case, a player is still more of a threat than the Zombies are and I really think it shouldn't be like that.. players should be helping each other through the Zombie threat, which can help forge friendships and alliances. I'm still waiting for that day to arrive, when this will be the case.
  23. NuckFuts

    Castle near the International (NW) airfield?

    hmmm, not sure, i would have said devils castle which is closest to there is quite big.. infact biggest of all them on chernarus.. but since you said very small? im confused.
  24. NuckFuts

    Dynamic Loot Spawning

    Maybe this is why I saw a line of trousers and trainers in about 6 neat rows, almost making a perfect square shape in the middle of a street?
  25. NuckFuts

    Pen and paper!

    I have left a few in the past, I used to leave them in popular loot buildings for maximum effect.. never on my body. But then I noticed myself not bothering to even look at paper when I see it, on the ground or anywhere else, so I wonder how many other peoples notes I could have missed? I shall check them from now on in the hopes I come across something. I would have loved to see a post on here saying one of my old ones was read. I read about other people having notes and some great stories around them, I'm just unlucky I guess.