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Everything posted by NuckFuts

  1. NuckFuts

    Rollback the patch?

    I'll tell you what.. when the game starts lagging like crazy on you and you feel the need to share your misfortune (as we have here), since it literally makes the game unplayable.. just dont bother coming here with the concerns OK? Please, jump off Rockets 'Man Rod' for a second. Honestly, if everyone thought like you the game would stay in a state of shit cuz everyone be like.. 'its perfect', something is evidently wrong with the patch since so many people have reported the issues and when the devs post about it on twitter or wherever.. we hate to say we told you so.. mmmmkaaay?
  2. NuckFuts

    The Lag is Real

    Same here :(
  3. NuckFuts

    Rollback the patch?

    I'm getting real bad FPS drops (sometimes as low as 2FPS :( and immense lag since this hotfix/patch, especially in the cities.. I didn't before this patch and I aint changed nuthin my end, so something is wrong.
  4. NuckFuts

    Guns not casuing bleeding?

    I have been shot twice since the patch today, survived both times but I didn't bleed.. just came a blurry, saturated screen.
  5. NuckFuts

    Abandoned Campsite

    I came across a tent and campfire setup behind some rocks on the coast side of the road somewhere between Electro and Cherno.. Thought I'd hit the jackpot for a second... Then found it was a decorative tease.
  6. NuckFuts


    Wait until server population is raised from 40 to something like 100.. pretty sure there will be no places on Chernarus without a player or two :)
  7. I got into a firefight earlier in Berezino, armed with only an axe, motorbike helmet and clothes I spawned in with.. I survived the flurry of bullets coming my way and managed to lose the line of sight of these would be murderers. I darted straight into a two story building and promptly guarded the stairs just incase they did see me and followed me up there. So I'm just there waiting to crack a skull.. when my actual front door bell rang, I was home alone at the time so I had to answer it. Naturally I logged out and went to answer the door. I was only a few minutes at most and promptly logged back in, unfortunately just as the screen came up with color I saw two guys right next to me, got insta killed and started being called a combat logging little fucker. Now, the moral of this story is this.. I know that DayZ is a video game and real life comes first, hence the answering of the real life door in my real life house. I didn't combat log, I never have, I will die proudly 99.9% of the time in knowing that I'm a better person for not just aimlessly shooting on sight. So whoever you guys were earlier... FUCK YOU... I died honourably, how dare you try and take that from me by calling me something I am not.
  8. NuckFuts

    A new way to use books in DayZ :D

    I am going to collect them and have a big book burning party in Cherno, everyone is invited.
  9. NuckFuts

    Will somebody please come save me?

    Jump man, whats up with ya?.. DO IT!! Just press V near the edge and end your pain.
  10. NuckFuts

    Wish I could do this with a baseball bat in DayZ

    I wish I could shove it up someones ass, some kind of baseball bat buggery.. but that's not likely to happen either.
  11. NuckFuts

    People Start Cheating

    I don't know what I hate more, the fact he was cheating or the fact he shot a new spawn. Fuck it... I just hate him.
  12. NuckFuts

    what do they mean 'FRIENDLY'

    Ahhh, the good old 'Friendly' card. It's a staple of DayZ.
  13. NuckFuts

    Always on direct chat

    People will just turn off their microphones.
  14. NuckFuts

    Only in DayZ.

    I was on the shipwreck on the NE coast, near the top where the control room is and a guy came running up to me armed with a Mosin, so I put my axe away to show him I meant no harm, gave him a wave.. he then proceeded to strip down to his smalls, dropped everything.. his gun, all his loot, then turned and ran off, so I followed him he then just jumped off the boat to his death. I was like WTF man. OK. Weirdest thing I have ever seen on DayZ to date.
  15. NuckFuts

    Want this mask so bad!

    Guy Fawkes mask + Mask of Loki
  16. NuckFuts

    Need some kind of self healing...

    There is self healing, its called consuming plenty of food and drink, after which you will start to regain blood.
  17. NuckFuts

    Average life time

    Berenzino is the place I go if I wish to die. Literally every journey I have took there has resulted in my death. I really do think that absolutely no one is friendly in this game, even if they say they are... deep down they are murdering sons o' bitches.
  18. NuckFuts

    DayZ SA Auto-Running

    I use a piece of folded card lodged between the W key and the S key, which holds the W down after I double tap it :)
  19. NuckFuts

    Death is final?

    Hang on a second.. I just had a thought, there is an item in this game that has the ability to resurrect a dead person. So, has anyone tried the defibrillator yet? maybe that will jolt a dead person back to life?
  20. I play as a light skin semi-naked male, who loves to stalk Asian females with green shirt and green jeans :P OT - Anyone know how the hell you change your character name, so that its different to my Steam name? and.. how to turn off head (camera) bob?
  21. NuckFuts

    Desync when near friend

    Who knew desync can be used to alert you of nearby players? :) You learn something new everyday.
  22. NuckFuts

    Hitch a Ride

    +1 for a thumb up animation. Good idea, also a way for a no mic survivor to say thanks to a fellow man.
  23. NuckFuts

    This is why I love DayZ

    To think, your friend unknowingly saved your life, if not for his death (and your waiting where you did) you might have been caught from behind as he was :( In almost three weeks of playing I've not been lucky enough to this very day to bump into any players who are friendly. I must be playing the wrong servers. I will keep looking, hoping :) I liken your situation to the first time I stumbled into two people, my heart was racing like crazy, luckily these guys didn't see me approaching, I could hear them talking in direct chat, there were a couple of dead bodies near to where they were, I naturally imagined that these guys were the culprits so I took the decision to take them on. I'm not a bandit, I dont ever kill on sight as 9 times out of 10 I lose in such situations, but this was different, at least it felt the right thing to do at the time. So I crouched next to a wall and leaned to the right to see them.. I waited for them to come out of the building they were in and a bullet each from the Magnum I had only moments before found soon sorted them out, both hit the floor.. I took a hit from one of the guys pistols but got away with it bleeding, nothing a quick rag didn't fix. I just couldn't believe I got the better of them.. especially going by the stuff they had on them. It was the very first time I got full military grade loot and sexy camo clothes. Needless to say I was happy, although my heart wasn't in agreement! I looted them with the gusto of robbing a bank and then give it the Usain Bolt. That was a good day, the saddest part of the whole thing was that a few hours of play later I sadly lost that character to falling from a rock. On top of that I hadn't even had the chance to play with my newly acquired toy :( I wish you well!
  24. NuckFuts

    This is why I love DayZ

    Your friend needed the Pistol mag (FNX45) filled with 45ACP rounds, you needed to manually fill the mag with their corresponding bullets ie. the 45.ACP bullets into the empty FNX45 mag then load the mag into the pistol. Same applies for the M4 except you use 5.56 rounds to fill the mags then load the filled mag into your weapon.. the Magnum takes the 356 bullets direct.. I'm actually not sure why it didn't fire when you filled it and it didn't fire. For future reference the Mosin rifle takes the 7.62 ammo type directly the same as Magnum. I like watching videos like this, I remember being new to the game and was exactly the same :)
  25. NuckFuts

    Just got hacked [solved]

    Sounds more like the epic 1k sprint followed by complete throwback to where you started bug.