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FLMedic Doc

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Everything posted by FLMedic Doc

  1. FLMedic Doc

    Sorry to whoever I might have just killed

    Well whoever it was to make you feel better i didn't take a thing (enfield in electro? no thanks) and i glitched and dropped down the ladder. zombies saw me and went NOM NOM NOM what a day
  2. FLMedic Doc

    Sorry to whoever I might have just killed

    I'm so sorry! on top of the hospital where the box spawns?
  3. FLMedic Doc

    Sorry to whoever I might have just killed

    ...but i had no weapons... you saying my flashlight went off and killed the player? XD
  4. at electro, got hit a few times, blood went down to 4000 and still bleeding. when i was about to give up and get myself killed, i see this survivor charging into the shop with a flashlight, of course bringing all his zombie followers in and left. at this point i have ran out of ammo completely and i was surrounded by zeds, vault out of the broken window and charged into the station, and once again i see this same survivor, now with a crowbar running all the way up to the roof. when I managed to kill the zeds coming up to the roof i took a look at this player; tried communicating with him but of course that didn't work. you guys want to know what happened next? take a wild guess i dropped my shotgun and ammo on the floor so he picked it up, i took his crowbar and ran outside into another building, found a camo cz backpack, grabbed that and ran right back to him, dropped the backpack and ran out again and finally I bled out So what the hell is the moral of this story, you ask? Nothing. I am just crazy, should you find me again in the future...
  5. FLMedic Doc

    Survivors, bandits, and crazy people(me)

    LOL i never killed people before and it's going to stay there the title's that cuz i ...kinda forgot to put the poll up, my bad
  6. what happened today: restarted at a small town and the very first lootable spot was the outhouse right in front of me. Who the hell leaves an Alice pack and a hunting knife in an outhouses? no matter I'll just take them and....*close door* no i don't want to close the door i want to loot the items *close door* *close door**close door**close door**close door*....-_- omw so after 15 min of trying to get 2 items out of the outhouse and got the shock status, i gave up. at least i didn't break my legs? XD
  7. Lee Enfield -12500dmg/hit I ran into some friends the other day at boleta and we all died by the hands of a lone survivor with enfield, it wasn't much of a battle since we all got shot and died within 10 seconds is it confirmed that enfield actually does 12500 dmg? because that would be one hit on any parts of anything and anyone WILL KILL THEM INSTANTLY, right?
  8. FLMedic Doc


    tbh i really don't see any disadvantage/downside with this rifle Zombies spawn when you shoot too many shots but then again most sniper rifle/assault rifle does that too; i got this as my 1st weapon at a barn and i finished all the zombies that spawned with it, no more aggro if it's audit range is really a mile then it would be no problem since it's so far away even if other survivors/bandits heard it they wouldn't know where to look BAMMM bandit- that's a enfield right there, we got ourselves a beef! bandit2-AWESOME....wait, where do we start looking? bandit-...damnit enfield why you so loud???
  9. FLMedic Doc


    It was at night but no van, my friend that just started forgot to change to fire mode so at that whole 10 seconds you see 3 people getting shot with one of them throwing flares all over the place XD i guess it was a lol death
  10. FLMedic Doc


    A common rifle with very common ammo with one hit kill? if you are already pking sound shouldn't matter that much, as long as you kill the survivor before they see you, such a powerful weapon
  11. First of all, no I did not get to play DayZ on the first install, in fact it finally worked on my 7th try in a week, I know how you feel right now. Take a deep breath and let me show you how I did it All downloads can be found on ARMA official site and DayZ, if you still can't find them, google Install ARMAII Now most retail version DON'T COME with the updated version (1.01) so this is what you need to do Download ARMA2_update_111.zip and Install it Download ARMA2_update_105.zip and install it Run the game as admin once, check bottom right to see if your version is what you installed Install ARMAII OA again most retail version don't come updated even CO Some of the retail version will update for you while been installed, but it may not be 1.6 so CHECK AND SEE Download ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip and install it Run the game as admin once, check bottom right to see if it's 1.6 NOW FOR THE BETA PATCH ARMA_OA_Build_XXXXXX (Now my very last install i updated with the latest patch and i could not connect to any servers at all, so be careful about this. The good new is that if you update the wrong one, just download the one you need and install it again, it will overwrite regardless of if its newer version or not) That damn BATTLEYE sometimes you will get instant kick from server because your battleye is not updated and ARMA didn't bother to do it for you so what you do now: go to http://www.battleye.com/download.html download BE Client for Windows (32-bit) and BE Server for Windows (32-bit) Now what you need to do is put these 2 files into where the BattlEye folder is located and overwrite them (NOTE-if you have multiple copies of ARMAII whether free, pay, demo, OA, CO you HAVE TO update all existing battlEye folders. ) Now for the DayZ Six launcher- not going to cover it, check other guides Manual- Download DayZ mod unpack it in a new folder and you should see files like XXX.pbo and so on. Rename the folder to addon with a lower case “a” and put it in another new folder and name it @DayZ Put @DayZ where your OA.exe is located Now some of the retail version puts OA in its own folder but some also puts it in the folder where ARMAII is located, that will NOT effect anything, just put it wherever you see OA is at Your almost there! One last thing to do If you have followed all the instruction you should see another .exe in your ARMAII folder: Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch (shortcut) Now what you need to do is to right click it, properties and change the target, it should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion –nosplash –mod=@DayZ Now launch it, and click expansion, this is what should be in it ARMAII (actually, I don’t know about this one, some have it and some don’t) Operation Arrowhead PMC (lite) British armed force…or something (lite) If you do not have the 2 Lite, that means YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG From now on whenever you want to play DayZ remember to use the OA BETA PATCH (SHORTCUT), not ARMAII, not OA, not CO, beta patch damnit! Let me know if this still doesn’t work, I’ll see what I can do for you Sorry my English is not good…well because I am not an English teacher XD
  12. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Seeing alot of people asking for help on the fourm, this calls for bumps
  13. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    some more bumps
  14. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Good to hear that you got it to work :) congrats! hmm did i forget to mention you have to launch the game from OA beta to play? lol let me check
  15. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    LOL well you gotta give me the Beta patch number not just xxxxxxx XD OKAY so DayZ uses the OA beta patch so when you get to the menu it should be 1.61 xxxxxx that's your ARMAII OA's version the 1.7.x.x that shows up on the six launcher is not the version of your OA, it's the version of DAYZ
  16. FLMedic Doc

    The Adventure of Doc

    Rules n' notes What I need to do (this one is for me, ignore XD) No LYING (exaggeration is okay, to an extent) I will only make entry if i have survived for more than 30 min in one play or have already survived and logging on again I will NOT KILL any other players intentionally and i will follow ROE rule, i'll explain why i do this once we start RP I will not be able to RP some of the chats with me and some fellow survivors, so I'll brief it or simply ignore it I will not RAGE, RANT, USE VERBAL OFFENSIVE language to named player (will be in general like survivor, bandit, that one crazy survivor...) More will be added as we experiment on this What you should/should not do Comment, rage, troll as much as you like, but YA GOTTA DO IT IN STYLE (AKA RP...surprised?) except when you want to give me suggestion on what I should do in the adventure, remember to have this in your post before posting REALIFE More to be added
  17. FLMedic Doc

    The Adventure of Doc

    Day0 Finally found some paper and some pencil, I really don't know why I am wasting my time on this, maybe another person, if any, will find this when I am gone and learn some things i have discovered? or maybe it will be a top seller in the future like Brooke's Zombie Survival Guide... I guess it's keeping me sane... I woke up on the beach today, what beach? beats me, was about to look for my backpack and my glasses when these bastard came charging at me, I don't know their reason but judging from the anger and the screams that came out the top of their lungs, i am guessing I did something wrong. I ran and ran, finally to a lighthouse, moving in as fast as I can, I climb inside to the top of the lighthouse, of course those bastards were still down there...just waiting for me to come down...and what? what are they going to do to me? I tried reasoning with them but all i could make out on the top of the lighthouse was some demonic grunts. I'm exhausted after who knows how long of being chased by them 2 bastards, it doesn't look like those 2 knuckleheads know how to climb the ladder at all. hopefully i will gather my wits and face those 2 down there in the morning I think it is safe to rest... RL So if i don't change my plan or make any big change, an typical entry should look like this. what do you guys think? comments? suggestions?
  18. FLMedic Doc

    The Adventure of Doc

    Nah that place is for people to group up, get help,and rage at bandits, i'll just use general forum to do it, until someone locks it or something
  19. FLMedic Doc

    The Adventure of Doc

    LOL i realized, where the hell should I put this? oh well, until someone can tell me where i can put the entries to, i'll continue on this post
  20. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Mahoni, if it still doesnt work, let me know what version of arma you have, should be 1.6x.xxxxxxx
  21. so i got DayZ to work finally and played hours and hours of none stop horror n' paranoia. If there's nothing to distract myself from playing DayZ i would probably be dead by tomorrow morning due to lack of sleep, food, water and sanity. I was thinking RPing and writing stories (journals) of my character's adventure, i'll be posting on the same topic from time to time, what do you guys think? will that work and keep me sane?
  22. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    NODemonZ, again this guide is for retail since hardcopy and downloads from other site do not come fully updated and sometime you will have to update it multiple times, steam does everything for you already Mahoni, if it got past the server list and the players in one server that means you have installed the game correctly (most of it) now, stuck at the loading screen may be due to the server overload, wrong beta or battleye problem, here's what you can do there's nothing you can do for server overload, just sit tight and give it sometime, remember if you connect and disconnect instantly it will result in lag and overload, the people in the server will hate you for that every server has its own beta version, you may have joined one that doesn't work with yours, use the "filter" option and type in your version's name for EXP mine version is 1.61.94878 atm so you can set if and make it only find any servers with the beta version 94878 For the BattlEye, just follow the step again and download n' paste them into your folder
  23. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Some more bumps
  24. FLMedic Doc

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Hawc, if it's working right now, leave it that way, but if you start getting kicked out randomly or unable to join because of keys/not the same version i would suggest you do update it Chr0mEBomberr, if you have ARMA CO from steam than steam will update your patches and beta to the latest (so i'm told) that's why i made this one for people having problems with the retail version