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TangledScience (DayZ)

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About TangledScience (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. TangledScience (DayZ)

    Manual installation of Reality server, 99% there but....

    Double check Battleye, you said it updates in your post but the issue sounds very similar to the Arma server not being able to find battleye in the location specified in the server config / batch file, that or your mission file could be named or placed incorrectly.
  2. TangledScience (DayZ)

    Private Personal Server

    You can run an Arma 2 server and client on two machine at the same time with one CD key so no need to buy another copy. Install Arma and OA on the machine you want to run the server, run them both once (just open to main menu then close), copy to one directory and then follow the private server instructions found in the link before.
  3. TangledScience (DayZ)

    Private Personal Server

    Hi, To run a private server you do not need to apply, that's only for public hive servers. The files you want for the latest version of DayZ are here http://opendayz.net/threads/dayz-private-server-files-pack-1-8-0-1.28/ You do need to copy all the Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead files into one folder, which is why people recommend copying all the game files to a separate directory and also allows you to run the server on the machine you play DayZ on. The install instructions and support can be found on the OpenDayZ website, this is also a great place to find server mods like self bloodbag etc. For Whitelisting (only allowing your friends to play) I suggest BEC - Batteye Extended Control http://ibattle.org/ Hope this helps.
  4. TangledScience (DayZ)

    ELYSIUM server now introduces.............

    I'm one of the admin on this server and I've never played DayZ this smoothly, I can assure you it'll be the highest fps you've seen and I personally know the owner works tirelessly to make the server lag free and constantly enjoyable. If anyone played on Elysium Wasteland and you'd like to be a member of the same group signup on www.ElysiumDayZ.com we're friendly with active admins and are always on the lookout for new players and staff, try it for a while, if it's not the best server you've played on you get free beans ;)