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About me@kevinkraft.net

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. me@kevinkraft.net

    People just dont do role playing anymore

  2. me@kevinkraft.net

    People just dont do role playing anymore

    Doesn't role playing include whips and ropes? Maybe some lube? No? To each their own. I personally find role playing funny (as in laugh out loud funny).
  3. me@kevinkraft.net

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Noise Trap Trap other players and attract zombies Input: bear trap, dirt, fireworks Output: Noise Trap Tools: Hammer, Shovel Fail Chance: 0.5 Enchantments: none Action: unknown
  4. me@kevinkraft.net

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Build a wall section . . <-- Posts ----------------- <-- Wooden boards DDDDDDDDDD <-- Dirt ----------------- <-- Wooden Boards . . <-- Posts Input: wooden boards, 4 x posts, dirt Output: dirt wall section Tools: Shovel, Saw Fail Chance: 0.5 Enchantments: none Action: unknown
  5. me@kevinkraft.net

    How much are you willing to pay for DayZ Standalone ?

    $249.99 but that's tops.
  6. me@kevinkraft.net

    Creating a larger map for Dayz?

    A larger map would be awesome!!! Awesome. Just feels better, even if there are less towns and more woods.
  7. me@kevinkraft.net

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    Sounds like we are all mostly in agreement... eating other people (players) should be a viable source of food. It could come with some chance of sickness or maybe enhanced stamina. Maybe players could open a food stand and sell fried fingers for those passing through?! Or even better, the fried finger food truck?!
  8. me@kevinkraft.net

    My and your reason to Kill on Sight (KoS)

    Hahahaha... Thunderdomed.
  9. me@kevinkraft.net

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    FoS rather! Fried on Sight
  10. me@kevinkraft.net

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    Oh man... gross. Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creutzfeldt%E2%80%93Jakob_disease) Beans? Where is the protein? :) How many cans of beans equal one human leg?
  11. me@kevinkraft.net

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    Updated. Just for you guys. Removed the "as last resort". Sickos :)
  12. me@kevinkraft.net

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    True, but now we have a poll so we can see some numbers :)
  13. How messed up would it be if you could eat other players. Hey, it’s the end of the world and food is running out. There is no more Kraft Dinner or McDonalds Drive Thru. So why not get a little fire started and grill a leg or two?!
  14. me@kevinkraft.net

    My and your reason to Kill on Sight (KoS)

    Having a poll on here is so much better than those stupid polls on external sites.
  15. Yup, another thread about Kill on Sight also referred to as KoS. Why? Because: I wanted to know what your reason is for killing another player on sight I wanted to have a poll that is a bit more generic and applicable I wanted a poll that it not on a ad-filled site