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About ahughes3

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Apparently you are unable to receive new messages so i'm posting it here. Saw your post. I am interested in you doing some scripting for me if you're up for it. I have used a guy previously but it didn't go so well. He was fine scripting for my current version but was then unable to fix the script when the version was updated. I'm looking for someone that will be able to maintain the scripts when the server version is updated.....or at least show me how. The scripts I am interested in are: self-blood auto-refuel salvage vehicles remove fog night lights Cargo Drop Always sunny I'd like to be able to make it permanently night on one of my servers and short nights on the other if thats poss. I'd be interested to know about infistar antihack, never heard of it before. I used to use BluePheonix admin tools but they keep breaking the server when a version updates. I am using two DayZ servers through DayZ.st. One is NON PVP and the other PVP. Let me know if you need any other details. Cheers Andy
  2. ahughes3

    Assistance with Scripts and Patch 1.8

    Ok so I too followed this, although my init.sqf doesn't have the line quite like yours so I just added it beneath the last line of my fine. I then copied and renamed the three files (mission, init, description) and placed them in the pbo mission folder. Then I added back in, my admintools, refuel and bloodbag scripts, checked the paths, repacked it and uploaded it. Hey presto, it worked..............well kinda! The self blood comes up with the menu but nothing happens when you click on it. Also the game goes really laggy when I'm using multiple elements of the admintools feature. Other than that it works ok. Has anyone else had any similar problems and has a workaround? Andy
  3. ahughes3

    Assistance with Scripts and Patch 1.8

    Hey there, I too have the same problem with getting scripts to work from to 1.8. I have been following what Dienark7 said but when I open my init.sqf I can't find the include line mentioned anywhere. The line at the bottom of my init.sqf looks like this: #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"I have looked at the init files from both the dayz.st original download and the one in the dayz_code on my pc. Both finish with the same line. Am I missing something? Is it contained in a different file or something? Any help you can give would be great, thanks Andy :thumbsup: