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Everything posted by Sanityy

  1. Backstory on me: I play as sort of a bandit hunter, I don't KoS unless it's a confirmed bandit. If I encounter friendlies I go oldschool and stick them up for what is needed and proceed on with my day. I play with a squad of 8, we are the Bandit Brothers. We started as a 2 man bandit squad back in vanilla and have progressed with Epoch and gradually increased with size. We play on two different private hives, and this is the only one with more than an hour of nighttime so I usually do my solo hunts on here. Enjoy! It was sunset, I spent this evening like I do most on DayZ... running through the hills stalking each and every military spawn. With 22 people online, I knew I'd find a chap wandering about sooner rather than later. And within moments, it happened. A fully kitted guy comes sprinting from the Lopatino barracks to get what I thought was cover behind a building. Until I heard IT start up... It was the sound of a GPK rev'ing its engine up to head out. Luckily, I'm a smart bandit and had a mountain bike (silent for the most part and easy to stash, not the fastest thing but it's what I prefer for stalking solo) stashed nearby in a bush. I followed behind the lad in the trees nearby so he couldn't see me as he brought the both us back to his base. As we pulled up, I ditched my bike and got into range, about 300m out. He got out of his GPK, and walked up to the gate and it just...opened. There was no lock. No safety. Nothing seperating me, from him. Unfortunately for this server notorious wannabe bandit, he was laying his head down at night on top of the rocks... of Skalka. I thought to myself, he's just asking for it. I approached from the back with my SVD SD Camo, and got within range of direct and put it simply; "Listen mate, my team and I have you completely surrounded and we don't want no bloodshed. Drop your pack and guns inside and come out proned." I had already RF'd, knew my distance and had my gun straight on the door with the GPK in sight as well. At this point, I didn't know what he had inside this base. He could have some serious fire power.. Or friends. So of course I lied to him and tried to do it how I like to do it, no bullets, no blood, just free loot. I received no reply for about 2 minutes I spoke again, calmly; "Mate, we really don't need to kill you. And we don't have the space to take everything. You be cool, and we'll be cool." Finally a reply; "Alright, alright one moment. I'm coming out." "Are you alone?" I chimed back immediately. In sad, solemn voice he said "Yes... Yes I am." About 20 seconds later he came crawling out, with a ghillie on so I couldn't see a pack. But he held no guns. "Right then, I know you can see me out here. What comes next?" "I need you to crawl about 100m away from your GPK, into that open field so my other sniper team can get a better visual on you. For our safety of course." I replied. "Will do." The poor fellow replied. I expected him to pull something, anything. He didn't even stash his ghillie incase we decided to kill him, so of course I was ready for him to pull a gun from his hidden bag and blast me as I ran into the base. So I waited for him to get to the 100m mark, and I slowly moved in crawling tree to tree hoping he would not see me. "Alright mate, we're sending someone up. Be still. We don't want any accidents here." I made it to the point where I was nearly 40m from his GPK, and during this short 20 second period of time I made the only mistake I knew I shouldn't have made. I had no visual. Not even in 3rd person. For 20 seconds. By the time I was nearly able to see him again, I heard foot steps plowing towards me, or so I thought. Within moments the door open, closes, and there he stands up on the gunner searching and searching. Luckily, I was behind cover in my ghillie and there was no way in hell he could see me. I waited until he was peering out into the fields to quickly roll my way into the base and hug the inside walls. "Your friends need to learn how to elevate. They could've killed me by now ya know?" He replied with laughter following. "Steady now mate, we don't mean no harm. Just need a bit of supplies and we'll be on our way. We'll give ya about 10 seconds to climb on out of there or our mate off to your right is going to slap that RPG through your teeth." He immediately began to scan his right side and began blowing away into the trees... This was my time to move. I used his base to my advantage and climbed a set of stairs onto the top of the rock to get elevation to peek down into the gunner seat. While he was wasting over 500 rounds, I scoped up and blew his brains out of his mouth. "YOU SAD MOTHERF**KERS I SWEAR I WILL HUNT YOU TO NO END TELL ME YOUR NAMES" He screamed with a slight crack of the voice. "Well unfortunately for you I'm alone. And you sir will remember this day as the day that the bandit brothers have claimed your life as revenge for the many deaths of innocent friendlies. We shall see you again, but again on our terms." I replied as I took the keys to his GPK and began to load what little supplies I wanted. Before announcing on sidechat the coordinates to the base; "Just cleared this bandit house, loads of shit left over for everyone!". Thanks for the read, this is the first of many stories I'll be sharing with everyone from now on. Hopefully I'll be able to get a good adventure with the group here soon.
  2. Howdy ya'll, I'm one of the original Bandit Brothers with my good friend Wiley. We're a tactical hunting squad based in Epoch. We started as a two man squad back in vanilla and have moved around through Epoch since it's release hunting major bandits on servers (We usually don't mess with the friendlies too much, just bandits :D ). Currently we play on one main server that has about 5+ other active squads on it. In total there's 8 of us now, as others have moved on in their live's but not everyone is as active as the main 6. We're looking to change this, as we're on a very competitive server with many 6 or less person squads. Requirements: - 16+ years of age (none of us are under the age of 20, but we're open to the idea of a very skilled, mature younger member.) - Working Microphone/Headset, with Teamspeak & Skype - Good knowledge of the game, and a good amount of experience - Willingness to push your skills further, and help further the group as a whole - The ability to relax and have a good time Please send me a message with your abilities, age, timezone, and hours of availability.
  3. Sanityy

    Another good night in the woods

    Haha all good brother, I'll get you hooked up tonight.
  4. Replied to the both of you. Thanks for your interest.
  5. Sanityy

    Another good night in the woods

    Thanks :D I don't do it often but this guy was kind of a douche to people. Kind of person that camps the coast for new people on the server. So I gave some stuff out to the new guys... Justice was served.
  6. Sanityy

    I'm physiologically instable

    This is beautiful.
  7. Sanityy

    The bandit killer...

    Already been in progress since mid vanilla mate. The Bandit Brothers, bandits who hunt bandits. Coming to a server near you
  8. Sanityy

    How I became a hunter...

    Somebodies new to DayZ? OT: Good story, glad to see another cross to the darker side. Bandit hunters ride or die
  9. Sanityy

    Best gun for player hunting

    SVD SD or DMR, M4 CCO SD, and PDW would be my setup. I like the SVD for general player hunting with a small group since it's better to be unseen/heard incase you're out numbered or in a heavily trafficked area. The DMR is my ideal weapon for large squad hunts since I get the luxury of being loud with no real worries. Designated fire team with silenced weapon switches? Zombies are no problem for me sitting in a tree in the back.
  10. Bump. Still need 1-2 guys to fill our spots
  11. Sanityy

    [VIDEO]DayZ SA Balota encounters (No KoS)

    Hands down one of the most entertaining and bandit inspiring videos I've seen in a long while haha
  12. Responded. In need of 1-2 more guys to fill our spots.
  13. Do you guys have access to AI? I'm very interested in getting a server within the week