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About SovietWomble

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  1. SovietWomble

    ZF Epoch anyone?

    I played on this server once. 25 minutes later, I became a black man. Also, the aforementioned bullshittery thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/147409-random-dayz-bullshittery-series/?hl=bullshittery Play on this server and you too, could be a part of it. Well, a small part of it...to the side of the frame...slightly out of focus...before Cyanide molests you with a jar of Chicken Korma...
  2. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Part 11 added to the first post.
  3. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Footage from a recent little bird fight event added to the top of the first post.
  4. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Part 10 added to the first post.
  5. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Third Willow Lake video added to the first post.
  6. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Updated. Two new videos added to the first post.
  7. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Part 9 now available in the first post
  8. SovietWomble

    Day Z Videos

    A survivor reveals his position on Sniper Hill, whilst bragging about how well connected his clan is. Gets himself killed pretty quickly.
  9. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    A survivor reveals his position on Sniper Hill, whilst bragging about how well connected his clan is on side chat. Gets himself killed pretty quickly.
  10. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Part 8 now available in the first post
  11. SovietWomble

    Day Z Videos

    Random DayZ Bullshittery - 7
  12. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Part 7 now available in the first post
  13. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    More random bullshit with part 6. Original post updated.
  14. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    The ZF clan have nearly finished setting up an Epoch server. Feel free to drop in and cause mischief with us. We'll put the details in the bullshittery videos instead of here :)
  15. SovietWomble

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Nah, Rowan is dutch. We've got Yanks, Brits, Dutch, Indians, Canadians...an Irishman can only add to our drunk, dysfunctional, team-killing pantheon!