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Jock McScottish

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Everything posted by Jock McScottish

  1. Jock McScottish

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I don't know if its been mentioned before on this thread but I used this site to check if I could run Dayz. by typing your specs in to see what score your machine gets. Its straight to the point, your processor, video card and Ram will get a score out of 10, and a tick to say yes you can play, or an x to say no. Simple as that, and it puts you out of your misery once and for all instead of asking and praying for a reply here! http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=9221&game=DayZ Standalone just click on the link, scroll down to 'can I run Dayz standalone' and enter your machines specs. Simple as that. It worked for me, quickly let me know my old PC wasn't Dayz ready! Hope it helps :thumbsup:
  2. Jock McScottish

    Bandits Make DayZ

    BUT that's my point Skyline my good man! Dayz ISNT real life, so we need to find better ways for the good guys to live long and prosper. Its loaded towards the baddies at the moment.
  3. You sound so excited, was this guy your first kill?
  4. Jock McScottish

    Bandits Make DayZ

    Bandit skins for baddies. Hero skin for goodies. It aint rocket science. You KOS? Bandit skin. You had to act in self defence and that's how you got your bandit skin? Makes for interesting scenarios with neutrals trying to convince them that you aren't the bad guy you are painted as while you try to get a neutral skin back. Living in Glasgow, I can spot trouble makers a mile off. How they dress, how they walk and how they talk. I wont be right all the time, but I have lived into my 40's by being as streetwise as I can be. Dayz SA takes away that streetwiseness by making everyone anonymous. I mean, its made players LAZY. Why play nice? Why interact? Just run up to players throwing fists to get what you want. If you die, come back and throw fists again until you get your own way. Its as easy as that. Dayz cant replicate life, although I absolutely love the rocket man for trying to so in this game, so my backup plan is bandit skins, or at least a voice in your head saying "theres something about this guy" when you meet a person who has racked up the kills. If not skins, why not have a sixth sense mechanism that warns you about your opponent? It doesn't have to be spot on all the time, in fact it would be more fun if it was a bit random maybe 10% of the time, and your character made mistakes just like real life. Anything has to be better than everyone running around killing each other for the sake of it with no punishment whatsoever!
  5. Jock McScottish

    [Guide] Surviving as a Lone Wolf

    You kidding me? I love sneaking around the north of the map filling my survivor up with food and drink, gearing him up and looting 'til my hearts content. If you play with survival as your main goal, it changes the way you look at what is fun and success in the game. To me, bumping into another survivor means you have let your guard down, and put all of your hard work at risk. In fact, I have became so adept at surviving, I haven't seen a player in weeks! Just the way I like it :D Just knowing at any point I am one mistake away from a bullet or an axe in the head means I am never truly bored. Its that fear that drives me on!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBwS66EBUcY
  7. Jock McScottish

    My Last Rant

    No worries blissful my good man. I spent money I didn't really have last year just to build a PC to play Dayz, beforehand I was happily playing red dead redemption multiplayer on the PS3, and having a great time! I always heard that the PC players were the gaming master race, and it was an utter bloody shock to then play Dayz, and the community were such a bunch of stab in the back little shitheads compared to my fellow console players... I always have a sly chuckle to myself when I see people say that consoles aren't worthy of Dayz, due to console gamers not being mature enough to understand the wayz of dayz.... but that's for another day. z ;)
  8. Jock McScottish

    The bullet that broke the bambi's back

    Try telling that to an American fella who trailed me on vanilla mod and then offered me his help when he could have easily finished me off with a bullet in the back near the junkyard. So you seriously played the mod and never bumped into a good guy in a years worth of playing? Shoot first, the language of a Dayz coward.
  9. Jock McScottish

    The bullet that broke the bambi's back

    No punishment for murderous players. That's why they keep murdering. Give 'em a bandit skin for their murderous activities, and at least the rest of us have a chance. I admire the game for trying to be lifelike, but it will always be a game. So safeguards are needed. There needs to be a penalty for the bad guys, or the game will be ruined. Im sure the rocket man has a plan for these guys though, he wouldn't have made a survival game just to let the idiots win so easily in the end. Fingers crossed...
  10. Jock McScottish

    My Last Rant

    Blissful, I hear your pain brother as a fellow do-gooder. Trouble with you is, you never played the mod, so didn't get brought up the 'hard' way. To enter the dayz community thinking that handing out bullets and food on the coast to washed up noobs like some charity worker will gain you respect when you cant even earn a hero skin for all your troubles? Its asking for trouble, and with no reward, whats the point? I quickly learned that playing an anti-game like Dayz, being a hero simply means not KOS'ing. That's the secret IMO, if you bump into a random fella and don't shoot, that's being a real hero in Dayz. I arrived on Dayz with delusions of grandeur, myself being the heroic guy people sung songs about a thousand years from now around camp fires. The cold hard truth though is that the Dayz community doesn't exist. You have to look after numero uno at all times, no exception. PS, if the standalone isn't rocking your boat, buy the mod. Its still amazing!
  11. Jock McScottish

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    "ITS ONLY ALFA DUDE, STFU" sorry kacsor my good man, couldn't resist ;)
  12. Jock McScottish

    Tryiing to like Dayz

    No worries, glad to help. The game is a steep learning curve for people who haven't played arma before, but once you get used to it, it quickly becomes second nature. here is a quick list of the keys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pthrA5_5zg its G to check your gear btw, and the inventory is the biggest pain in the ass to learn playing the mod, so don't get too upset about not being able to master it right away! If you want to find a certain server, i.e Vanilla, epoch or whatever you have to download dayz commander if you haven't got it already. Then you type in the one you are looking for in the filter box. It sounds a lot to take in for someone new I know, but just stick with it and before you know it it will become second nature, trust me!
  13. Jock McScottish

    Is It Still Worth Buying The Dayz Mod?

    I am at a crossroads. I played SA, got all geared up and all that. Felt good, being able to enter all the buildings and all that. Plus the beautiful new graphics, but it is alpha, the zeds are awful and the community seems to be one giant troll fest. So I snuck back onto the mod last week on vanilla. Guns, tractors, sidechat, zeds everywhere, food on doorsteps, and just general mayhem. Within 15 minutes of logging back on I had a zed chase me over a field, ran into a farmhouse jumped into a tractor with a bit of fuel and made my escape while the zeds pounded away at it. saw a guy on side saying to someone else 'was that you I saw running from a zed through a field in the north' & it felt good. I had more fun in that quick visit than I have honestly had in the whole time playing the standalone so far... Theres no doubt the standalone will be king, but right now the mod still kicks its ass IMO for all round entertainment, and more importantly, the feeling of danger. Head up north in the standalone and you can loot for hours without seeing man nor zombie. Up north on vanilla mod, its a different story...
  14. Jock McScottish

    Tryiing to like Dayz

    My good man, first thing to do is play the arma 2 basic training. That will get you used to the controls a lot better, and its a fun way to learn the basics! Practice the training as much as possible, it will be a big help to you, like it was to me. Teaches you ALL the basics from how to run crouch crawl etc to how to administer first aid and fire weapons. Hell, I still pop onto the firing range from time to time to top up my shooting skills as you don't really fire weapons that much if you play the way I do. As for fists, theres no fist-fighting on the mod. If you don't have a weapon you cant do damage. trust me fella, you get out of the game what you put in. Get some training practice in, & you will feel like a completely different animal next time you jump onto the mod. There will be no more throwing flares around and scratching your head while watching zeds beat you to death, you will have had your basic training behind you and will feel ready to take the game on on YOUR terms. Play on the vanilla servers too to ease yourself in and play the game the way it was meant to be, don't jump onto epoch or panthera right away, those places are like dayz on acid! as for the beans, you click on them if you like someones post. Good luck :thumbsup:
  15. Jock McScottish


    Day of the dead. Staying over at a friends house he had a vhs video and tv in his room, which meant he was pretty spoiled back in 1985/86 and his dad was heavily into movies. So we watched Day of the dead with the lights out at night. As a 13 year old back in a more innocent era this film was dark, & claustrophobic. Above ground overrun with zeds, and below ground overrun with psychopath military guys with guns, & a mad scientist doing experiments on the dead trying to find a cure. Throw a few do-gooders in and it was a movie masterpiece. Due to the low budget it hasn't aged so well, but just because of the utter terror as a young laddie watching my first zombie film and watching the demise of the survivors you felt you were stuck there with down in the depths, its always been my favourite.
  16. Jock McScottish

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    cigarettes or cigars & lighters. Just how cool would it be to be able to whip out a packet of smokes or a cigar and light one up like Clint Eastwoods blondie character from the good the bad and the ugly? It may not be healthy, it may not serve a purpose, but it would make your character look film star cool.
  17. Jock McScottish

    Dayz obsession, is this too far?

    Nice one! You are not the only one brother, my missus mistakenly referred to Jay z as Dayz the other day cos I talk about the damn game so much...
  18. Jock McScottish

    Take On Me - Day Z Music Video

    Beans for the song choice my good man!
  19. That guy in the vid is the REAL Dayz. Forgive the language, but that's a real fuckin hero right there.
  20. Jock McScottish

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    Calibre, I was trolling Now the laughs are on you my friend! :D Don't worry I play as Jock Mcscottish on Dayz, so you can shoot me dead if you ever meet me :thumbsup: Seriously though I wasn't trolling.
  21. Jock McScottish

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    young noob kid gets trolled & humiliated, unarmed player surrenders and gets murdered, lets just say I have seen funnier Dayz vids. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I suppose.
  22. Jock McScottish

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    zedsdeadbaby, for some reason my quote function doesnt work, so I have to reply to you in this manner. I hope you notice brother. So if you get killed, you have to start again. Back at square one. Big deal! You can use the super sprint option and if you know the map be back with that group of yours in next to no time. I always play alone, so admittedly don't know the pain of being separated from a group. Then assuming nice people play to get a cookie in the shape of a hero outfit. When did I say I play to look good? Its the bandit skin that is important to me. You turn up in a hero or survivor costume just like the mod, it means I treat you as neutral. Only a fool would lower his weapon and open his backpack to a payer just cos he aint a bandit. bandit skin? You have been up to no good. Anyone else is for the watching. This standalone can be a cunt and players kill, kill and kill again just to respawn again again and again, under the cloak of anonymity again and again is good for no-one in the long run. zedsdead baby, before I finish my post I have a question for you. Who would you rather meet in game behind your back with an axe. A guy with a hero skin, a survivor skin or a bandit skin, or a random standalone guy. You value your in game life just like I do, so its an honest question. My good man, I don't want to argue with a man who has promised never to agree with me, I am just posting as an honest good guy player who has never killed on sight. On the mod, and on standalone. I value my life just as much as any other serious player, and that's the point. There needs to be a basic bandit/hero system to save the game from the people that don't value their life, and just respawn to kill, kill and kill again.
  23. Jock McScottish

    Zeds killing Zeds

    Even the zeds are KOS'ing now, what chance do we good guys have?
  24. Jock McScottish

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Until there is a real punishment for death in a videogame(which wont happen anytime soon) then there has to be a system of sorts that seperates the good from the bad. That's why we need hero/bandit skins. The utter randomness of being able to log on all new despite what you have done in a past life has ruined standalone to the point that I went back on the vanilla mod, where bad guys get hit with a bandit skin for killing, and good guys get a hero skin for trying not to. Dayz is the anti-game, I understand that. However, without punishment for being a cunt time and time again & with no reward for playing nice, whats the point of being the good guy? I only bought Dayz to be the good guy in a bad world, and the standalone seems to go against everything I loved the mod for. & hero/bandit skins isn't as simple as it sounds, cos playing dayz mod vanilla I met a bandit who swore he had turned good, and followed me around despite me telling him politely to fuck off. He stuck with me though, and he seemed a good bloke. He was unarmed though, & I had a choice to make. Trust a bandit who said he had turned the corner? Or kill him cos he had a bandit skin. In my eyes, he was waiting till I got into trouble to betray me and steal my gear. So I killed the unarmed bandit fella, and to this day I wonder if he really was a bad guy turned good, or a bandit opportunist. Compare that to the standalone where its just a bunch of thugs on a server killing friendlies without any comeback? I am sure you will agree that goodguy/badguy skins are needed. Either that or its axeguy weirdos running around for the next few years ruining everyones game with no penalty. Skins are good in a world where death isn't a true penalty.
  25. I was toying with the idea of 1st person, because deep down we all know 3rd person is a cop-out, but we take the easy option cos we can. The game is tough, we tell ourselves without not being able to see around corners either! Now you have a choice. Hardcore or Normal. Or should that be Hardman or Noob? Masterstroke from the devs, I have always wanted to play 1st person, but always pussied out and chose 3rd person, due to feeling the pressure and taking the easy route knowing I could justify it to myself. Now the gauntlet has been thrown down. 1st or 3rd? Hardman or noob? Man or mouse? I imagine the youtubers who make a killing from dayz will hate the thought of this, cos 3rd person is more fun for people who don't have the game to watch, but watching a man in 3rd person will now have their legions of followers ask, 'you can do it in 3rd person but its time to man up! I had a fully geared up guy, but am glad now that hes been wiped and forced to accept the 1st person challenge. Its time to find out what Im really made of on this game.