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Jock McScottish

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Everything posted by Jock McScottish

  1. Jock McScottish

    New to Dayz

    guys guys guys... Listen. Im on your side here. Of course the game is great when you are on a busy server for all the aforementioned reasons, but the thread starter asked a question. He was getting disenchanted with being constantly killed when trying to be a good guy, so all I was offering was my opinion on another way he could play so he wouldn't get sickened. Cos the game can be sickening at its worst if we are being honest here. Don't shoot the messenger!
  2. Jock McScottish

    New to Dayz

    I feel your pain, brother. Maybe you should just play on less populated servers with five or less players on them, that's what I do. It seems every man and his dog wants to be a badass in standalone, robbing torturing and killing, so the game can be enjoyed more in a quiter server IMO. Theres still the danger/buzz of bumping into someone, but you don't need to be worried about getting clubbed to death every time you stop to feast on a can of Czech tuna fish.(remember, always check to make sure the tuna can says dolphin friendly before you eat it) Also I find that the players who play on the less populated servers are playing for the love of the game and not for a pvp fest so more of a chance they wont chop you up if they bump into you. A zombie apocalypse was never meant to be about survivors here there and everywhere outnumbering the zeds anyway! I like the standalone, but am starting to miss the mod a bit cos it was fun with cars and heli's and stuff, and dare I say I even miss the madness of the glitch zeds chasing you all over the place! Mod was a lorra lorra fun in its own unique way...
  3. Jock McScottish

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    hooray! a fellow dayz'er who grew up on speccy and amiga like 'ol jock! beans for you Dayz master!
  4. Jock McScottish

    DayZ Music

    Shadowghoul, Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. One mans meat is another mans poison etc So stop bitching cos the guy likes to play to an atmospheric soundtrack to entertain his style of gameplay, that's what I preach.
  5. Jock McScottish

    Anyone else bored?

    I hear you loud and clear Baker brother. I remember back in the late 1990's I spent £750 quid on a PC, and I bought a shitload of games. Included was the first arma game, & the minute I played it my gaming life was never the same. That feeling of 'the world is against me' mixed with the loneliness, no game series has replicated it. Fast forward to nowadays it has evolved into Dayz... I don't see any game ever toppling it, cos arma's incredible attention to detail mixed with Rockets realistic zombie fantasy world is the gaming equivalent of the perfect storm.
  6. Jock McScottish

    Anyone else bored?

    Fair points my finnish friend, oh dear on my behalf! I cannot believe I made such a huge ass of myself, the thing is, when I played for the first time last night, it was after I had been out drinking vodka with a few buddies. I never realised how much vodka had, In my head I felt fine. So I came home, in the mood for the new Dayz experience before bedtime. Drunk as a fart, I came on, got battered by zeds, couldn't pick up stuff and thought the game was RUBBISH. To make matters worse, in my drunken state I felt the need to moan on here, convinced the game was broken when in fact it was my brain that was broken with too much vodka. Woke up this morning, rough as a badgers bottom, and realised that the night before I was shitfaced! Then remembered failing at Dayz standalone, and moaning my ass of about it here in a drunken stupor... So back in the land of sobriety I jumped back on the horse, fired up Dayz standalone again after watching a couple of YT vids to figure out the inventory system(thanks to Rhinocrunch for the helpful vids, how not to be a noob and his hero antics helping a noob through the basics of the inventory system on his other vid was an instant gift) & I was ready to go. Now I am having a blast playing dayz standalone, & playing sober realising just how much more beautiful the Dayz world has became! So 3 lessons were learned. Lesson1. NEVER play Dayz drunk. Lesson 2. NEVER post on forums drunk. Lesson3. NEVER be too full to eat humble pie.
  7. Jock McScottish

    Anyone else bored?

    I love the vanilla mod to bits, but finaly threw my money at the standalone two days ago, and had my first go at Dayz's brand new world. I was shocked. Shocked at how bloody bad the alpha was on first impressions, I was hyped about how I would deal with the new zeds. Five minutes later I was utterly bored, do the new zeds have bloodhound tracking skills? I run for a while, take a few twists and turns round a building or three and finally go prone and hide inside one, just to see if the zeds can find me. About 10 seconds and a yaah and a bleurrgh later, 3 come through the door right at me, swatting away and making me bleed. Great how they limp faster than I jog. Then I was reduced to hanging around trying to pick up a backpack and baseball cap like a shoplifter due to the clunkier than before inventory system, and within 15 minutes? I just wanted to go back to the mod, with all of its flaws. They say anything successful relies on first impressions, and my first impressions were to say to myself 'fuck this' see you in 6 months time, and go back to the vanilla mod for now! I know its an alpha fine folks, but to me its a step back from the mod. Even the trailer for standalone was awful. I don't blame the rocket though, cos the dayz community have been on his case to let them play the standalone since last December. He gave them their wish, and now they must realise why the saying was coined 'be careful what you wish for' Im sure the standalone will become the greatest game ever, but its a LONG way away. So its back to happiness on Vanilla dayz mod for me for the foreseeable future, see you there brothers!
  8. Jock McScottish

    How to eradicate bambies the fun way

    Its weird, I am a huge fan of the dayz mod and my missus bought me the standalone for my xmas, but I cant bring myself to play the standalone just yet, as the players on it sicken me. Most vids are like this featuring players getting cuffed and force fed for fun then being summarily ececuted en masse... At least in the mod death is usually quick, and fun and dramatic in a Hollywood sense. Many times I have been gunned down in an blaze of glory from all manner of geared up bandits., But I am straying from the point. Players using a 'bored' excuse for hunting unarmed players on the standalone, torturing them and then filling them with bullets? I don't get it. I really don't. If bored, why not help the noobs? If someone on your team is a sicko who kills to be the big character?Man up, make your excuses for leaving the group and go lone wolf. I always see players here pleading to team up with anyone who will have them, as its often said that playing together on Dayz is the ultimate experience. Well if teaming up with fellow humans means standing back watching guys in your group being murderous bastards??? I know its only a game, but... its a game where you have a choice. You can be a real man in this game who gives people a chance, or a guy like this who stands back giggling while his group humiliates and murders unarmed players. The choice is yours...
  9. Jock McScottish

    I Can't Get On To Servers

    Don't disconnect just click OK, and and you should continue onto the game without any trouble. Unless of course you are trying to access a version which you haven't downloaded yet.
  10. Jock McScottish

    TO Everyone Who Camps Coast (Read)

    Man, this opening post reads like one of those trailers for a 1990'a action flick... One night, his 13 year old son was washed up on the beach, cold and hungry and alone, and they hunted him and gunned him down in cold blood like an animal. They didn't realise whose son they had slain though , and he swore to bring order back to this post apocalyptic world- armed only with a gun and a thirst to avenge his sons death... TWISTEDORDER In cinemas near you.
  11. Just wondering folks, but now that standalone is out, all of a sudden Dayz mod stands alone(excuse the pun) Checking Dayz commander, its still full to bursting on the popular servers. However, those that have tasted the standalone experience today, could you ever see yourselves returning to the mod? Or has today heralded the start of the end for the now 'old' Dayz mod?
  12. Jock McScottish

    Looking for a Good Vanilla DayZ Server

    Well said Dagwood. US3480 is the server Im using and, its a blast to play on, with a nice mixture of players. Only a few days ago I met a nice American fella who had sneaked up on me, only to ask how I was and see if I needed anything! hell, I even met a bandit a couple of days ago who wanted to be friends, he was unarmed right enough! I had to kill him though, cos he kept following me around after I had told him in the nicest possible way that he was cramping my style. So Preston, don't attack on sight unless you are that type of player, cos there are quite a few 'friendlies' kicking about, myself included :thumbsup:
  13. Jock McScottish

    Looking for a Good Vanilla DayZ Server

    Just type in vanilla in the filter box on dayz commander, and bobs your uncle, fannies your auntie.
  14. Jock McScottish

    Loving the Standalone......real apocalypse feel.

    Damn, that line has sold it for me, enuffsk is enuffsk and a cant stands no more!, I have to purchase this brilliant but buggy bad-boy tomorrow :)
  15. Jock McScottish

    Loving the Standalone......real apocalypse feel.

    Drewsta my good man, I enjoyed reading that post. However, im not sold on standalone yet, character wipes and buggy gameplay have made me decide to sit tight a while longer, and continue with the mod, which is still full of players on vanilla and great fun! Im sure the standalone will end up being brilliant, but for now im sticking to the mod, it just seems the cons outweigh the pros of playing standalone at the moment. Cant deny your post is tempting me to abandon the mod though and dive into this buggy but brave new world...
  16. Jock McScottish

    So is this the beginning of the end for the Dayz mod?

    I hear you loud and clear brother. Only good gameplay I ever had was Vanilla, hated epoch the most. Full of tarts, that place.
  17. Jock McScottish


    Oh Dayz is much better than infestation. Last time I had an infestation? I had to shave off my hair. Playing Dayz is much more fun.
  18. Jock McScottish


    30 dollars (twenty quid in bonnie Scotland) to get early access to the greatest game that's ever going to be made? People should be celebrating the price, not complaining about it. Theres no game comes anywhere near it for many reasons, so shaddup and get those hands into your wallets and do the right thing by giving Rocket and the boys some of your hard earned for their hard work, that's what I preach! I don't get paid until next week, so looks like I am going to have to scavenge around for a twenty pound note so I can get this tomorrow.
  19. Jock McScottish

    Need some info on DayZ Standalone

    Im afraid its time to splash the cash agen my fren...
  20. Jock McScottish

    Unsurvivable, thanks.

    Not at all, friendly players are still out there if you don't shoot on sight & engage in a conversation with them. All this trust no-one nonsense is just players who want any excuse to KOS. Most assholes have a bandit skin, I have met lots of friendlies on my lone wolf travels cos I talk first instead of firing. All this trust no-one nonsense is due to players watching youtube troll vids, & believing everyone is at the piss-take. The reality is different, most people who don't shoot on sight can be trusted. The game is still full of friendlies if you talk first instead of shooting. Oops, forgot to add that's if you play on the original dayz mod. Overwatch, Origins, Epoch & the rest? Expect to be shot on sight by the pay to win hoarders who cant handle the brutal reality of vanilla.
  21. Jock McScottish

    Unsurvivable, thanks.

    aah the holy grail of noob Dayz'ers to hear the camp voice of Frankie 'hey buddying' you & taking you on one of his adventures... I hope your dream comes true bud.
  22. Jock McScottish

    What's the deal with epoch.

    Epoch to me is for players who are bad losers. Don't like the idea of being killed and losing your gear? Build a big base with big indestructible black safes in it. Which takes me to my next point. Ugliness. I tried epoch, & in the middle of a field I stumbled over a dozen or so big black unbreakable safes. Absolutely killed the immersion aspect STONE DEAD. Epoch is just plain horrible on the eye, random walls and floors all over the map... Then there are the regulars on the epoch servers teaming up to kill noobs to boost their egos knowing if they get killed they can always run back and gear up in their safehouse. what a cop-out. I have tried most of the mods, and the base building ones have the scummiest KOS players IMO. I have met many friendlies on Vanilla, but on Epoch the heroes are as bad as the bandits. For people who want build comfy houses that let nobody pass but their friends? play the sims-. That's what I preach.
  23. Jock McScottish

    what happen if SA sucks?

    after watching the latest Dayz standalone clip I was over the moon! I came to this mod late, but IMO its basically broken. Its the only mod that gives players a choice of kill, or help a player or walk away & fade into the distance. Its the only true gaming freedom. However, thanks to overpowered weapons and cool looking bandit skins on offer, the easy option of KOS AND being rewarded with a badass look for taking the easy option has ruined it. I played Dayz with the dream of playing a game that was Dawn of the deadesque. but have instead found myself being sniped 9 times out of ten. I always try to play like a hero, im too old to get a chubby when I shoot a fellow survivor. When I get killed, Im usually of the impression some younger player has done it, cos being a bandit badass is cool in this mod. badness = coolness nowadays to the younger folk thanks to the music industry. Snipers are the worst problem though, they dominate & ruin the game IMO. Players thinking they are tough, sniping anyone they see & gloating on side. Now in a proper zed apocalypse, there would be very few snipers if any. Take out the unrealistic weapons like DMR's and the ammo mixed with shutting the gloaters up by disabling side, this game will be a masterpiece. The 'badass' players will either go back to battlefield or learn a bit of humility. I love what rocket is doing, hes taking his time to make a proper badass game, stripping away the easy options/guns that will truly separate the men from the boys. The thought of being able to play this game without being sniped from all angles & players actually having earn cool gear by finding and not shooting, throwing in the fact that if you shoot a guy with a hoodie you like you will actually ruin it??? This game will be masterpiece material for the players who want the true survival experience, & a nightmare for the bandit brigade who are having so much fun just now at the expense of the honest Dayz'ers out there.
  24. Jock McScottish

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    As a bit of a latecomer to the dayz party, I thought I was in dayz heaven when I began playing and started posting here some months ago. All the mods were available, I was like wean in a sweetie shop, or as you americans would say 'a kid in a candy store' & I even defended the use of starting with a gun due to being shocked at everyone playing KOS, and the ability to find a vehicle & DRIVE. Having played the so called great mods, epoch, origins, overwatch etc I was underwhelmed. Every time you meet a player, bang bang, usually in the back. That's overwatch for you. Playing epoch? bang bang, usually from a sniper after you have ran into ugly indestructable player base buildings and random unbreakable safes in the middle of roaming fields, WHAT THE FUCK. Then I tried origins. Roaming big cities, full of loot and different zeds Hurrah! I thought I was finally home. Then I got hunted & shot on sight. All servers full of gloating KOS players. So I went to vanilla, having never visited in the first place due to the temptations of other servers that sounded cooler & better than the vanilla in the extreme, but delivered an ultimately empty survival experience. Best thing I could have done! Simply put, I find vanilla Dayz utterly difficult compared to other servers like when I rode around in a jeep wearing a ghillie, on overwatch at one high point thinking I was the shit, but scared shitless of bumping into anyone else, cos they all thought they were the shit too, all loaded up to the eyeballs and ready to take me out! That was my tipping point, I didn't want to play Dayz to be the big man, I play to survive. So I looked for the hardcore servers, & now its only vanilla for me, even though Im not very good at it!
  25. So I have been playing Dayz for a couple of months now, im no expert, but Im getting better at surviving the dayz experience. When I say survive I MEAN survive, as I just cannot bring myself to KOS. The amount of times I have watched a survivor running in the distance & thought "heres your chance jock, improve your pvp skills by hunting this unsuspecting guy down & feast upon his gear" only to watch him disappear into the distance cos I cant bring myself to shoot on an unsuspecting player. Why? Cos its a shitty thing to do, that's why. In a nutshell, end of story. Of course, I die many times due to my good guy style, cos when someone sneaks up on me & fires I run and try to reason via direct chat. Death usually follows shortly after. Sometimes my missus will pass by and stop to watch me play, & shake her head in despair watching me try to be nice only to tell me that if she was in my shoes, she would shoot first, and ask questions later. Now shes a good caring helpful person IRL, but playing Dayz? She would headshot you & feast on your beans. What I love and hate about this game in equal measures is the moral dilemma this game throws at you constantly, play good and die a lot, or play bad & become an anti-hero of sorts. The server I am playing on just now, theres a badass who sniped me, & the regulars on side-chat LOVE him for his badguyism. However, the odd time I meet a fellow good guy who doesn't shoot on sight, and its a VERY odd time may I add!! the feeling of mutual euphoria... when good guys collide and swap items & good luck messages more than make up for all those negative moments when someone snipes you in the back. Just thought I would ask you regulars on here as you guys are hardcore Dayz'ers IMO how easy or difficult it is for you to change personalities from your real life persona to your Dayz persona? Cos I must admit, when I meet a cold hearted murderer during play, I usually think to myself Im happy I don't know them in real life :D