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Jock McScottish

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Everything posted by Jock McScottish

  1. Jock McScottish

    Rookie needs help!

    best advice I can give you is start arma 2, press single player and choose 'boot camp' all the basic training is in there, its a good way to get used to the mod.
  2. Jock McScottish

    Starting Over - Arma II DayZ Mod - Ep 2

    Nice episode brother, you are a damn good shot but the secret to being a popular Dayz mod player IMHO is to try and communicate before firing, would be good to see how you handle that side of the fight! Hope you don't mind my constructive criticism sotnas my good man
  3. Jock McScottish

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Looks like you have been rewarded for fighting the good fight brother :)
  4. Jock McScottish

    So, after a looooong break...

    As the bullet man says, its that mob of zeds waiting on you at every turn, knowing that every wrong move attracts the zeds and gives your position away, every stray gunshot making things worse... and that's just for starters.
  5. How do you know the clan is wonderful if you aren't a part of it? Just thought I would ask...
  6. Jock McScottish

    I miss the public hive

    I think maybe people made the same mistake as I did, but don't know how to rectify it, and that causes the switchover to 1.8.2 problem. So heres how the story goes... steam automatically updates my Dayz mod, and I didn't notice. So I hop onto Dayz launcher and it says theres an update. So I update, and then hop onto Dayz commander, and yippee! Theres an update there too! Good 'ole dayz commander is BACK!!! So I think I am updating when in fact the launchers are throwing me back to 1.8.1, I scratch my head and start wondering how my updates didn't update, if you know what Im saying. So I jump back onto steam and figure out how to get 1.8.2 running, and I live happily ever after, for now. Its confusing times for the less tech savvy of us!
  7. Jock McScottish

    I miss the public hive

    What happened to origins if you don't mind me asking?
  8. Jock McScottish

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Dayz SA isn't moving along as quickly as we would like it to? Lets get rid of the guy who came up with the idea of the game we all love in the first place, that should get things moving along!!!
  9. Jock McScottish

    The Worst Dayz Admin Ever!

    deary me fella, you sound very much like David Mitchell from peep show! you know when people say to Frankieonpc "are you Frankie???" when they hear him speak? If I met you I would be saying are you david Mitchell from peep show??? :) if ever I needed a reminder as to why I stick to vanilla, its this. You guys in a kick ass military vehicle KOS'ing, and you KOS an admin. Admin gets Dayz rage and uses his powers to get revenge, throw some personal insults at you and ban your ass. Its a shame IMO to see good players like yourselves wasting their dayz talents on mindless pvp severs.
  10. Jock McScottish

    New DayZ Mod series

    Nice vid brother, Josh nearly had you :)
  11. Jock McScottish


    fair enough fella. P.S when I said who would surrender to that voice? I didn't mean your voice, I meant the tone. When someone is excited sounding and yelling? You know that person is just itching to bullet you in the head... and that's exactly what happened! Nothing personal brother. Just try to go easy on the death squad routine lol
  12. Jock McScottish


    Player knew he was dead meat as soon as he heard the squealer, so went out fighting. No wonder. Who would surrender to that voice?
  13. Jock McScottish

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    forgive my ignorance good people, but I haven't been able to play in a while and am wondering how you attempt block a zombie attack? Sounds like a dance routine, but I want to know how to do the zombie block :D
  14. Jock McScottish

    There Are no Vegetables in DayZ.

    come back to the mod if your missing your veg, theres cans of peas and even corn to be scoffed there!
  15. Jock McScottish

    How many times have you screamed "Fuck DayZ i quit" ?

    Only when I got ill drinking water from a canteen on the latest patch, took me ages to find a well as I had no map and to start coughing and losing blood when I filled it up and had a well earned swig of water, that was bloody hard to take! Only time I cursed the game, and not my poor judgement.
  16. Jock McScottish

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    Its a zombie sim, so you could argue that upon death, the body should turn into a zed in about 10 minutes max anyway and that explains the disappearance, the dead player turned into a zed and shambled away :)
  17. Jock McScottish

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Never put all your eggs into one basket brother. People getting all butthurt about their beloved Dayz being moved onto console, from my Ps3 experience, I met many more friendlies on Red Dead redemption than I ever met on Dayz on my PC.
  18. Jock McScottish

    I miss the public hive

    From what I saw on another thread, the company that ran the public hive went out of business.
  19. Jock McScottish

    UK410 server

    Well, I like my vanilla, so tried to pop on the last two nights to the UK410 server. I have never had any probs running mod or standalone, but UK410 I keep getting a white screen every time I try to open a door, climb a ladder etc. I hopped onto the US3480 vanilla and its working fine, so thought I would pop in and ask whats going on, as although the American server is fun and busy, I would rather play on a lower ping vanilla server closer to home.
  20. Jock McScottish

    I miss the public hive

    I wouldn't worry about the private vanilla hives brother, played on a couple and met helpful admins and friendly players. If anything, they offer the lone wolfer greater protection than public ever did.
  21. Jock McScottish

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Thank you kind sir. Found a full canteen, swigged from a well, then drank from canteen to refill it. Got unwell. got all butthurt lol! that's good to know brother, cheers!
  22. Jock McScottish

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I don't complain either, love the new patch! well I complain just this once. Playing on vanilla Europa as a lone wolfy, its thirsty work. Then when I finally find a well and drink from it I start to cough and my blood starts to down arrow... Its a bitter pill to swallow! or should I say a bitter water to gulp down... theres tough, and then theres TOUGH. Punishing you for finding a fresh water supply? It sticks in the throat a bit, just like the water nowadays!
  23. Jock McScottish

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    Great post Fulcrum. Unlike your good self though I am not yet good enough at the game to be able to do the stuff you do, I just survive on my wits! Grab food, drink water where I find it, grab whatever guns I find, whatever vehicle I stumble accross and travel. Like you say, everyone prefers their own challenge, which is why we all do the things we do.
  24. Jock McScottish

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    I hear you brother, and you make good points. However, adapting to PVP/KOS servers by stealthing around knowing everyone is out to get you is just as unappealing as a server where no-one is out to get you IMO! Like I say, total PVP or PVE is two sides of an extreme coin, the perfect servers are the ones that offer a fair balance. Like vanilla dare I say?
  25. Jock McScottish

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    I wouldn't say that brother, its just two sides of an extreme coin. You get the PVP donor loadout servers, where people play like its COD. Then you get players who like to team up to fight the zeds and AI without the fear of other players trying to kill them all the time. One game, two different play styles.