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Jock McScottish

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Everything posted by Jock McScottish

  1. Anytime I play dayz & I see or hear a plane in the sky, it reminds me of this old music vid. classic pet shop boys song btw, and its got all the dayz aspects to it! Its got the dayz style air traffic control building with a troll inside, a real bandit in a plane, two guys driving an old banger in endless countryside, reading a map & of course what happens when you sit still in a vehicle for too long at the end... If this vid had a zed in it, it would surely be dayz the movie! Call me crazy, but I thought I would share this random thought of mine with you all. Hope you don't mind! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVBceUNs2mU
  2. Jock McScottish

    Battle royale server password

    So I haven't to mention a Frankie vid cos his vids have been discussed on here before. Sorry if I offended you static.
  3. Jock McScottish

    This 80's music vid reminds me of dayz so much...

    Jfiles my good man, I can understand your confusion. Get yourself on a server where you can jump in an old car and drive around for a bit... no matter how hardcore this forum expects we dayz'ers to be, im sure we all like to hop on a server with cars, guns galore helis and planes just for the buzz, before we go all hardcore again. Everyone needs a release from time to time! I got shot at in an old banger from a biplane on scottishsnipers, just the other day, just like the vid!
  4. Jock McScottish

    Battle royale server password

    Deary me, that Frankie guy plays battle royale, and everyone wants to go pvp crazy now, fighting youtube legends to the death. Dont get me wrong, Frankie was great for the dayz mod until about 6 months ago, but his dayz videos are rigged to death nowadays. You can tell his heart isn't in it, & hes a bored man churning out dayz vids cos he knows it keeps him relevant & keeps the hits coming. Just listening to him and jackfrags, you know they are just Dayz'ing for the fame, and not for the love of the game anymore. That battle royale vid he put up was awful, why any true Dayz player would want to pvp to the death is beyond me. He should be ashamed of himself, selling out like that. You could also tell it was rigged for him to win. Getting shot at, staying cool bleeding out with zeds all around and a player coming to finish him off... and of course Frankie pulls the win outta the bag against the odds as usual... Im not flaming the guy, but its bleedin obvious that theres jiggery pokery hocus pokus going on nowadays if you know what I mean. When someone gets you in this game? You are lucky to get a second chance. Frankie gets third and fourth chances. Who I respect are youtube guys like sidestrafe. That bloke played dayz, & scored massive hits. He wasn't into the game that much though & admitted it. He knew Dayz was great for hits, but he kept it real, & told his fans that he wasn't going to be a sellout & play a game he had lost interest in just to stay popular & relevant. I wish that Frankie and Jackfrags would do the same TBH. They make vids acting like divas moaning about people who hear them and recognize them on one hand, & on the other make half arsed fake vids of their 'adventures' to keep the YT 'hits' coming thick and fast.
  5. Jock McScottish


    I hear you my good man. I was playing on the old farts epoch server as I am an old cunt myself, and they seemed a good bunch of guys but I play as good guy lone wolf, and the zeds were so overpowered I found myself getting slapped to death by the zeds well within the half hour mark anytime I went anywhere near anything remotely interesting. Unlike your good self though, I don't last too long on any server cos I always try to be the good guy, and only shoot bandits on sight. I just love being the good guy, to the detriment of my playing ability.
  6. Jock McScottish


    Yup, only place i will shoot at zeds is indoors as they shamble towards me. Outdoors I dont dare get into shooting at zeds! I dont go hunting for the best weapons and ammo, I play for the sheer adventure aspect so gunning them zeds down in a hail of bullets outdoors like the youtube legends isnt an option for me as at best I will be carrying a pistol and a winchester!
  7. Jock McScottish


    yes, I am about to give up on epoch simply cos the zeds can land punches you like floyd mayweather from about 5 metres away while your swinging away at their head with a hatchet and getting nowhere. Total immersion ruiner. Speaking of immersion ruining, arent those human made player bases on epoch the ugliest things ever created? Im running around on an epoch server in the middle of nowhere and theres 5 safes in a field. Totally kills that dayz feeling. Its a horrible mod and goodness knows why it has become so popular.
  8. Jock McScottish

    The now what question.

    I don't get the "if your bored cos you got good at the game, KOS is the only way to relieve boredom argument. Im not good enough at the game yet to shoot people for fun, but if I ever get to be a great dayz player, I would use my experience to help folk not as good as myself. Instead of KOS, why not try to help players you encounter? Hell last night I approached a survivor, & he tried to whack me with his nailed baseball bat. after dodging him and telling him I could be trusted as I was carrying a gun and could have shot him before he got the chance, he asked me to team up & we did just that for a short while before I had to log off due to having to go to my bed! A lot of people only attack on sight due to fear, not cos they are cunts. If bored, great dayz players should help survivors, and kill bandits IMO if they feel bloodthirsty. There really is no excuse for KOS, but im an older player, 40 years young. maybe if I was younger & brought up on FPS's I would think differently. What I find sad about Dayz though is that I honestly met much more friendlies playing free roam red dead redemption on my ps3 than I have met playing Dayz, and I have played Dayz for longer. So much for PC gamers being a better class of player than console gamers...
  9. Yes I would agree with that, for a newcomer to the game its your best chance of 'interaction' with other players, as you all begin unarmed. Met some cool characters on the coast playing vanilla & had a wee chat with them before going our seperate ways, if PvP aint your priority, go for vanilla. Theres a small but better chance of meeting proper 'friendlies' than elsewhere.
  10. Jock McScottish


    As I already said in a recent post, Yeah its worth it, just to get it out of your system. People say buy arma 3 instead or wait for the standalone blah de blah... but the game is so damn original that its worth shelling out for just to experience it IMO. Theres so many versions of the mod to play also, you wont get bored for a VERY long time. Frustrated & angered maybe with the engine, zombies and other players who all seem to want to shoot on sight, but not bored. I shelled out my hard earned on a new PC just two months ago JUST so I could play this, & its money well spent IMO. I have no regrets shelling out hundreds of pounds to enjoy this unique gaming experience, twenty five dollars is chicken feed in comparison! As long as you dont expect your stories to be fun and frolics filled like the frankie vids you will have a blast.
  11. Jock McScottish

    I think I did some good today

    No doubt you meant good, but I just look at it through my noob binoculars. If you had announced yourself to me & then fucked off into the darkness, I would have been thankful that you hadn't shot me in the back. I wouldn't remember or respect you though, & THATS what Dayz is all about. Theres helping a noob, and then theres HELPING a noob. If you had watched and helped him for half an hour, that guy would never have forgotten you. you may have flattened some bandits, but he will never know you were his guardian angel. To be a proper hero in this game you need to man up & properly help a noob, show him that there is good guys out there. I say this as a relative noob myself, I play alone and have learned the ropes the hard way, but it would be awesome if some heavily armed guy turned up and said " I got your back" for a short while. You would have given that guy a great Dayz memory, & maybe tought him to play nicer! You were a hero to yourself, but that's missing the point if you don't mind me saying. You did good, but you could have done better is all Im saying.
  12. Jock McScottish

    A Noob Confused (Pls Halp!)

    No probs spidey my good man, but I did forget to mention that if you are planning to play with friends, you will have a fighting chance. Playing lone wolf? Its as hard and as bad as I made out, but still... the best gaming experience ever sadly enough! If you are a fan of tension, theres NOTHING like being on a busy Dayz server as a noob trying to survive the zombies whilst experienced player killers are hunting you down. Hearing a vehicle nearing you & slowing down cos they have maybe spotted you & you think do I hide or run? Better chills than any zombie on resident evil can give you. Even though the game is a bastard, I recommend you give it a whirl anyway before standalone. Mixed advice? maybe, but its that type of game. Its cruel & unforgiving, but it gets those spider senses tingling like no other game can. In a nutshell. End of story.
  13. Jock McScottish

    I think I did some good today

    Not helping the noob meant you did no good. Sounds to me that you just sneaked up on him to boost your own ego, then ran off & left him in a bad situation.
  14. Jock McScottish

    Done with Dayz?

    I get sunstroke just watching war Z vids on youtube
  15. Jock McScottish

    A Noob Confused (Pls Halp!)

    Spyder, as the man before me says, take all the romantic Dayz notions out of your head if you have them. watching the jackfrags and shoshos of YT, the game looks like a blast. It isn't. It has the odd wonderful moment. but too many frustrating moments. I play alone, and its VERY difficult. Dayz loses its charm quickly when you realise that everyone is out to shoot you in the back. That's how I die most times. You sneak about for hours watching your back, hiding in the shadows, collecting stuff with the annoying zig-zaggy zombies punching holes in you while you navigate the awful inventory menu trying to grab a can of soda. Then you are in a thickly wooded area, sure you are safe and then you hear a whoosh whoosh of feet behind you, & before you can say "where the fuck did you magically appear from?" your dead, one shot in the back. Leaving you wondering if yet another hacker has ruined your fun. Servers are full of them. If you want to play as a bad ass, shooting on sight & getting a cool bandit skin on overwatch etc? I highly recommend. If you want to play to meet fellow survivors, & team up like the survivors in cool zombie films? I would wait for the standalone. I have put in a lot of hours, & have yet to see anything like those Frankie vids where a team of guys are pulling together for the greater cause or having fun dancing to songs.
  16. Jock McScottish

    Does anyone even remember what DayZ is?

    Depends on how you play the game IMO. Just because I can start with food, drink and a gun doesn't mean I will joyride around when I find a vehicle shooting on sight. I get a buzz out of surviving, & looting the bodies of the fallen. Driving vehicles on a 'casual' server is risky business. Put it this way, I played on a night server with no pvp allowed just the other day, and there was a guy on sidechat squealing that he had been pvp'd against sever rules. Shoot on sight players are everywhere.
  17. Jock McScottish

    Does anyone even remember what DayZ is?

    Neither is it call of duty. I play lone wolf, and find whether I start with a gun on a permanent daytime server or sneak around in the dark with a torch and hang around burning cars seeing the night through on a 'proper' server, its 100% intense either way. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I suppose.
  18. Jock McScottish

    Does anyone even remember what DayZ is?

    Sorry guys, but I just don't buy that starting with a gun and being able to find a working car with fuel somehow ruins the experience or makes the game easier. From my experience so far, last thing you want to do is hop into a vehicle and start driving on a busy server spawning vehicles left right and centre, your lucky to last 10 minutes before your car is shot to shreds, and then you when you have to get out. As for starting with a gun and a bit of grub and a can of juice in your inventory? It gives people the chance to enjoy the experience for a short while before they have to start taking risks by re-stocking their food and drinks if they are careful. Most of us have food in our cupboards and drinks in our fridges, & I am pretty sure we would carry them with us when we were forced to leave home due to a global epidemic of zombies. Being Scottish, I wouldn't have a gun. Not allowed on these shores. I do have a hammer though and plenty of big knives in my kitchen drawer, so realistically for me, starting with food, cola & a weapon is more 'realistic' than starting with a flare. I realise that playing the mod just after release would have been the ultimate buzz, but things change. Calling people 'call of duty whores' cos they join a server that doesn't involve running around unarmed & not being able to use their fists or feet as a weapon of self defence is a tad unfair. I hope you don't mind me saying.
  19. Jock McScottish

    Is ARMA 2 worth buying for Dayz?

    Yeah its worth it, just to get it out of your system. People say buy arma 3 instead or wait for the standalone blah de blah... but the game is so damn original that its worth shelling out for just to experience it IMO.
  20. Jock McScottish

    brand new player

    well said my good man! I bought a new PC simply to run Dayz, thinking I could quickly become a dayz god, how wrong was I? As an older player I was an arma 1 vet, thought I could breeze through arma 2 dayz due to being used to the gaming style. Its the toughest gaming mission I have ever encountered. Frankie and Frags make the game look fun, with lots of random encounters with friendlies. The truth is different though, in my 30 hours gaming, I have mainly met up with cold hearted killers who shoot first, & hunt you down even when you cry friendly and don't fire back. Its a frustrating experience giving a player the benefit of the doubt when you could mow them down in a storm of bullets, only for them to murder you and laugh. However... I have met 2 friendlies so far, & the high you get from meeting a player who plays like you makes up for all the bad times... In my opinion anyway.