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About calmd0wn

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  1. calmd0wn

    Day Z Videos

  2. calmd0wn

    Day Z Videos

  3. calmd0wn

    Dayz Overwatch Debug monitor

    I got it to extract but its not showing the new extracted folders. I used CMD -e dayz_mission.pbo it worked said 3 extracted didn't put them any where that I can find :(.
  4. Started a new server for overwatch join up if you're bored! Calmdown | %MOD% [%TIMEZONE%] | PRIVATE HIVE | 24/7 Day | ACTIVE ADMINS | %MOD_VERSION%/%ARMA_VERSION% | Auto Refuel/Repair | 450+ Vehicles | Journal Debug Monitor | PvP Hope to see you!
  5. calmd0wn

    Dayz Overwatch Debug monitor

    Found it, have the code saved in a notepad file. So do I just import that as a .txt file?
  6. calmd0wn

    Dayz Overwatch Debug monitor

    Yeah see I must sound like the dumbest person. But I bought a server from Dayzcommander and its all going well. Just no clue about some of those things. Where is missionPBO? Been searching. The only editable files are the ones I showed the rest is very straight forward like spawn limit, map, password, day/night etc.
  7. calmd0wn

    Dayz Overwatch Debug monitor

    http://s32.photobucket.com/user/lomgrofll/media/where.jpg.html?filters[user]=10925650&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 do you know which folder? I don't see it. :(
  8. Does anyone know how to implement the debug monitor into overwatch? Ive seen how to do it for regular dayz and epoch. But overwatch doesn't have a missionPB folder INIT.SQF etc. I have the code just don't know where to place it. :|
  9. Hey I started up a new overwatch server. Just trying to have fun, I will not participate in kills/murders being the admin. Trying to run a fair and just server. My ip is 3221. The first 10 people to join get a free gun/map/and blood. Hope to see you there!