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Everything posted by [Gen]Adzic

  1. [Gen]Adzic

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Can't wait for 2030!
  2. [Gen]Adzic

    3rd Party sites making profit from DayZ

    You do have choices, there are hundreds of other servers to choose from that are entirely free, Vanilla, RP, 1PP forced, whatever floats your boat.. simply play on another if them kind of practices irk you.
  3. [Gen]Adzic


    .. when you don't have a community manager anymore.
  4. You've neglected to add promised features from as far back as 2013, which have still not been delivered... Moderator edit: Picture removed due to insecure http-link
  5. [Gen]Adzic

    Status Report - July 2019

    It was not in the original post.. I can't tell you how depressing reading this status report was for someone who has stuck around, watching, waiting, listening to the hype, the feature promises, dev roadmaps and the hardcore DayZ forum defense league blasting everything and anything anyone who had anything negative to say about how slow and cumbersome this whole DayZ early access through to half ass release experience has been over the Years and you know what? Fuck it, I have almost nothing left to say. I just hope my money all them years ago went to Dean Hall, just for the experience of experiencing DayZ, ever since he left Bohemia I've always assumed the worse for DayZ. Well, Worse Confirmed. I rode the new engine bandwagon, it had to make things better and for sure it has, hell I play modded servers and can actually enjoy playing the game, I've had more than my moneys worth if you factor in time played.. but honestly there's ZERO excuse for the multiple broken promises from you guys over the years (please don't make me quote posts or provide proofs, those who know, know), it's actually quite disgraceful how you've gone about things. We should get an apology, are you (BI) man enough to say sorry for years, of frankly, bullshit? Unless of course you are going to eventually deliver? actually nah.. trouble is, given your track record.. people probably won't believe you either way so just forget it.
  6. [Gen]Adzic

    Status Report - July 2019

    Wow.. just Wow. Having a paid DLC is a broken promise (was said you pay once for this game.. all through testing up until this very day where you say we now probably ain't never gonna be getting what was foretold) but then whats new with you guys. Crash test dummies indeed. Oh how I'd love to see the look on some of those "but its Alpha.. have patience.. and faith" faces right now. Suckers.
  7. [Gen]Adzic

    Nespesney just quit DayZ...

    Tell us new people, is it a good game, could it be the best game you've ever played? because back in the DayZ mod days I found it to be one of the best games I'd ever played, it was just so different from anything else. The intensity of encounters and sheer "oh fuck" feeling of being lost in Chernarus overwhelmed me for months, DayZ had me and my real life friends hooked better than any Class A's ever could. What's important to remember is that people and players who have been here for years, through it all, have different mindsets and expectations, and it's understandable. I think a lot of people are always going to be searching and waiting for the DayZ they once loved to play come back and honestly it's like anything in life, you do it enough times and it all starts to get stale, dare I say.. even boring.. I doubt it's even possible for us to get them initial feels back, ever. Oh what I'd give to have fresh eyes and hands on DayZ 😢 I envy all new players of DayZ, make the most of the feelings and experiences you have while playing, if us older players are testament to anything.. they wont last forever. Before you know it you'll be on the forums slating the devs asking for opinionated game saving changes and additions to the game, in a rabid attempt to get your DayZ fix back 🤣
  8. [Gen]Adzic

    The real reason why there won't be a Roadmap...

    Coming soon only works if whats said to be coming soon, actually comes.
  9. [Gen]Adzic

    Nespesney just quit DayZ...

    Maybe he didn't quit, maybe he took all the monies and ran? OR.. he was perhaps an employee under contract. A contract which had a time on it? It's a little presumptuous to say he "quit" DayZ.
  10. [Gen]Adzic

    Okay guys...WTF?!?!?!

    KOS breeds KOS. I used to be cicvilaized whilst playing but far.. far too many people have simply shot me dead (whether I be geared or a freshie) for me to have that trust anymore, so guess what? I KOS, I do it because the game and its players have made me that way.
  11. [Gen]Adzic

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I think you broke binoculars and rangefinder.. at least they don't work for me.
  12. Yep, had the same issue a few times. I thought at first it was tied to severity of damage of the item your trying to fix (the more it's damaged = more of the kit it would use) but it's not.. seems to happen randomly.
  13. [Gen]Adzic

    everyone please read this *this needs to be fixed asap*

    Bravo, Thanks for telling a bunch more people how to do it. You can use the Personal Message/Direct Message magic forum function to alert mods or devs of the issue, then no more public eyes need to see it.. you are only gonna make the problem worse otherwise.
  14. [Gen]Adzic

    New player... mag placement in inventory

    Was gonna do a big write-up on how to make really good use of the hotbar (quickslots, whatever they are called) but then I realized you are posting in the Xbox section.. doh. Sorry don't know.
  15. [Gen]Adzic

    Full Ghillie

    OK guys I have a query.. so I found enough shit to craft the full ghillie and the ghillie hood (and a mosin wrap) but my assault (camo) vest pouch is sticking out the front of the suit, what's best to use with ghillie for maximum storage returns without compromising concealment?
  16. [Gen]Adzic

    The Extreme Parkour Team!

    Hahahaha! Subbed. Why do I never see this kind of shit happening in DayZ? All I ever run into is axe wielding madmen who wanna cut me up for meat.
  17. [Gen]Adzic

    I'm sorry if I killed you, but safety comes first.

    Being geared.. they would have killed you in a heartbeat, with their bare fists if necessary.. freshies have nothing to lose when they are up against a seasoned lone survivor, never say sorry, you simply did what had to be done.. what I'm sure we'd all do in the same situation. Safer to trust no one and live than make a rash decision and lose it all.
  18. [Gen]Adzic

    Full Ghillie

    Where are you guys finding the netting? I've checked about 20 small boats along the coast and all they seem to spawn is drinks, food and drybags..
  19. [Gen]Adzic

    [UK/EU]All WELCOME-MGDAYZ.com-HIGH LOOT-Active Admins

    I'm from Staffordshire and an unfortunate supporter of Stoke City haha! Next time I play (usually weekends) I'll jump on your discord.
  20. [Gen]Adzic

    [UK/EU]All WELCOME-MGDAYZ.com-HIGH LOOT-Active Admins

    Had some fun on your server last night, thanks. Ran into someone at Electro who said he was friendly (I did point my weapon at him though) we quickly parted ways since I figured why PvP when both of us were relatively fresh spawns and I'd only just found the gun and 5 rounds.. but a bit further down the road that same dude shot me dead whilst I was dealing with some zombies, hope you read this! Whoever you were.. lemme guess.. you were hiding that pistol in your pack huh? Next time let's chat man to man? I'd have straight up given you some of my shit. Anyway you know it's popular when your waiting in a queue of 15. Also being an EU/UK server is perfect for me. I'll be dropping by again for sure.
  21. [Gen]Adzic

    My Story

    I've been trying out some DayZ since 1.0, figure it's about time since I've been sitting on this title for years and 1.0 means we're now there right? (yeah let's not go into that) Anyway here's a little adventure I went on over the space of three separate nights, all happenings in the same server. Spawned at Solnechiy (I don't know why but I spawn there 90% of the time!) and went on a looting trek, looking a bit like this (remember over three nights of 2-3 hour sessions) I basically circled around the map Got quite lucky near spawn and found a Scorpion with mag and bullets in a police station (the small ones that usually only seem to spawn police clothing) found myself a backpack and a couple water bottles, enough for a fair sized trek anyway. Stopped by a few military spots on the way, but by far the most fruitful lootspot of the whole journey (in regards of weapons and clothing) was by killing two highly stacked up guys who were looting some tents near Staryoye. I did ask if they were friendly but the crack of a bullet just missing me was enough to know that wasn't gonna be the case. I only just scraped through the encounter which went on for almost 10 minutes, it was like a wild goose chase, one of them went down quite easily, I was taking hits, running away to bandage in cover whenever I could.. my heart thumping the whole time, my fingers slipping off and miss-pressing keys in a panic I aint felt in DayZ for years, loved it! Anyway looted one of the guys grabbed all his mil gear and weapons, went over to to check the other guy but his body had already disappeared (you need to fix that devs!) so waited for my blood and health to get back to relative normality, keeping a close eye on the are incase anyone else turned up and off I went. For the next two nights of playtime nothing really eventful happened, I did have a guy run into a hunting cabin I was also inside looting but he just saw me, turned and ran off without interaction, like he saw me in my mil gear and thought "fuck that see ya later pal" and I never ran into him again. So it was just me and my trusty compass, stopping at small towns and random houses in the wilderness to find food and eat, to top up water bottles that I'd managed to swap out for canteens over time.. all the way around the map until my journey came to an abrupt end near Balota, a rather silly and very DayZ way to end any story.. twas this kinda door that killed me I was running from some zombies as I'd ran out of ammo in my pistol and went to open that stupid door while running toward it, it opened and I thought I ran inside turned to close the door (all this happening very fast so I could get in, shut door and be safe) but I got stuck in some weird laggy void between the door and outside, like the game didn't know if I was in or out of the building and them zombies just smacked me to death, all I could do is watch as the screen went black, my health icon turn red and you know the rest.. generally a lot of cursing while blankly staring, face in palm at the "You are Dead" screen. I enjoyed myself for sure but I think I'm gonna wait some more before embarking on another adventure.. honestly the game is getting better. I especially didn't think those unique DayZ feels would ever come back but they did! Nights were darker than dark, lighting up a fire or sparking up a flare looked brilliant and the day times looked like typical DayZ.. beautiful. I regret not taking any screenshots of my character visiting landmarks and castles, things like that...... and oh before I go I'd like to mention those hiking trails are an excellent addition to the map, they have given new means of transport rather than sticking to roads, love them too!
  22. [Gen]Adzic

    My Story

    Yeah I've been critical. Also maybe gone a little to far in things I've said but I'm a firm believer that if everyone was all like "love the game, be patient.. it's alpha" (to the point it gets your back up since we can all see the game has had a rocky ride in terms of stability, content etc) bla.. bla then what message does that send the developers? that gamers enjoy playing broken unfinished games? In the real world I'm a calm person I don't get mad at trivial things but I think a lot of people have forgotten we bought into a promise, that we'd get a DayZ that was infinitely better than the mod.. in some ways yes we have gotten that but by god had we known it was gonna be this long (and still going) until it even caught up with what we had.. it takes a special kinda person to just be happy and content with how things have gone. I actually applaud the devs for sticking by the game through all the turmoil. Let's just hope and that's really all we can do, that the future is even brighter for DayZ. Honestly since I've given it another fair look I do think it's getting there, it's definately better than the last time I tried it (without zombies) but for me it's still not there yet.. the zombies still need work and a whole lot more content needs to be added whilst maintaining stability. If you asked me "Is this the 1.0 you were expecting?" I'd have to say no sir.. this game should not be considered stable and bug free, as it is not.
  23. [Gen]Adzic

    My Story

    Thanks, back in the day I used to sit on top of hills (or anywhere safe really) watching PvP'ers in Cherno, through binoculars. I had no balls back then to get involved, or rather I knew better. I'd often go down there after calm to mop up any leftover loot, then straight back to my spot for the next show. As much as I miss them old times, this past few weeks (even parts of this story) have learned me that them times can in some ways come back.
  24. [Gen]Adzic

    How to unlock bullet jammed in gun?

    On PC you hold the reload key to unjam (so I'd assume whatever button on the Controller reloads your weapon).