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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. Jfiles

    Dayz not starting but it's "running"

    Dumb question. But have you restarted your computer and tried?
  2. Are you referring to a combination lock?
  3. Jfiles

    The problem with keyboard

    I use AVG and they keep my computer well protected. And its free. So I'd give that a good try and see what happens.
  4. Jfiles

    The problem with keyboard

    I don't think so as I have never had that problem. But lets just run through a couple of things. Have you tried unplugging the usb (of course gotta try dat) or changing the batteries? Or anything really? If you can uninstall the program, restart the computer and see if it works. If not just send er back to the manufacturer as malfunction. That is if you have the warranty still.
  5. Jfiles

    Few small quesstions

    - No idea - I have found one. On a body. -Salute by pressing \ (button underneath backspace)
  6. Jfiles

    Buying a used rig (tips appreciated)

    Just ditch the cards and get a new one. With 3 cards you will make uneeded heat inside and just cause more problems.
  7. Laptops generally do get hot. But overheating is starting to seem more apparent. Like said, best bet rig a fan and run the programs. If it reaches high temps. Then u best figure a way to keep it as cool as possible.
  8. You can get a few simple Temp recording programs and see whats going on. If its overheating damage may have already occurred. But hey, its an HP. They'll overheat like its nothing. My very old HP laptop had the same problem. Nothing a simple fan close by can help. And as you mentioned a good dusting.
  9. Ive seen the battery problem. My brother shared such problem. The battery is just shot and needs replacing. As for the sleep mode, unsure. What happens before, does is it just go into sleep mode or is there any sort of prior idling? EDIT: When it goes into sleep mode, what happens? I am unfamiliar with HP's version of "sleep mode" Im assuming the screen just goes black and you move the mouse to get it back?
  10. Jfiles

    Face paint

    I believe somewhere a dev said that was being looked into.
  11. Jfiles

    Problems installing mods?

    Have you started both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead before installing your mods?
  12. Jfiles

    Add vodka

    I do believe, now if I am wrong correct me, alcohol does keep you "warm" or atleast stimulates body temperature right?
  13. Jfiles

    Can't install any mods?

    Have you launched both Arma 2 and OA first? I know its rather dumb but it MAY work?
  14. hmm. Ever tried to reinstall at all? I really am out of suggestion to be honest.
  15. Try reinstalling battleye? I have little to suggest. I had a similar problem. But slight difference.
  16. Jfiles

    Error | Can't join a game

    Well What I used to do when I got that message was just take them out of the folder (those files) launch the game. get the error again and then put them back in. It worked for me.
  17. What I mean is, run that command while you play. And when you get disconnected we can look at CMD and see if your ping spikes or you lose connection to the router or something.
  18. Jfiles

    As soon as I step it freezes!

    Specs? And check your connection to the server. Doubt that will help but we can have a better understanding, and make sure to quote my post, as it will not notify me that you replied. god damn spam measures...I am just active OK forums...
  19. Jfiles

    Can I run DayZ mod on this rig

    Eh. It will work. But barely. That CPU may need to replaced. Along with the gpu. But it shouldn't run medium. I have a 3 gb card and an 8 core 4 ghz processor and I have an odd trouble running. DayZ runs better for Intel things and Geforce products for some odd reason. But that rig may have troubles with large populated servers. So steer clear for safe measures. EX 40 + people 1000 cars.
  20. Run a CMD check. Meaning ping -t google.com while you play. It should show us a spike in ping. If that is the problem we can work from there. If not, we can also see what's going on. But make sure to quote my statement. It doesn't notify me if you don't.
  21. ahahah that would be great. Then we shall break all the chemlights on all the zombies. Then it shall be a night at the disco
  22. But....flares are cooler....Cause they go pfffffff
  23. Jfiles

    I need a good Narrator for a DayZ short film

    I just purchased my new studio microphone. If you'd be interested just PM me on the forums and we can get into touch