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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. Jfiles

    I have a question for YOU

    lol. this bandwagon continues!
  2. Jfiles

    I have a question for YOU

    What he said.
  3. Jfiles

    Falling animations

    Later. Dont really need them now.
  4. Jfiles

    How to transfer my character to new HDD?

    What this one said.
  5. Jfiles

    What to do with the edges of the map?

    Radiation. Like island life did. (Just a suggestion)
  6. Jfiles

    Better inventory

    What stuff shouldn't fit? In reality you could fit a lot of guns in a mountain backpack or a hunters back pack in real life. With the ability to maneuver them within the backpack for more space.
  7. Jfiles

    Better inventory

    its ok. I want it
  8. CPU? Gotta hook us up with more detailed specs.
  9. Jfiles

    A "framerate killer" rain

    Maybe the GPU is killing you when the rain comes?? All i can really guess
  10. Jfiles


    Get rekt
  11. Jfiles

    About Global Bans

    The forums do not deal with global bans because they are not directly associated or directly in contact with them,
  12. Jfiles

    Bipod removed?

    yes. they also do not work if you put them on mosins
  13. Jfiles

    Your fetish item

    Rotten Zucchini
  14. Jfiles

    [Private Shard] Team Defected DayZ Server

    Lol. I can guarantee few people will do this. If it's private there is no real point.there is nothing different between a private and public server only being that private wont let you keep your gear over servers.
  15. Jfiles

    Logo Creation

    I am in need of some help here. I am ok with photoshop but not entirely to skilled. I need some help to create a logo for my new podcast being posted on SoundCloud. Like I mentioned before I am not that great with photoshop. I was wondering if somebody who is very skilled and has a little time on their hands to help me out. I just want a basic logo that says Run And Hide Podcast. I have no real expectation or look I want. If anybody does create a logo for me or decides to do it, use your imagination! Have fun with it! Sadly, I have no form of payment, As I believe I am not allowed to give payment on the forums regardless. -J
  16. Jfiles

    Logo Creation

    Sorry, not currently. A new brand is being made. If you'd like to listen to the new episodes, I will pm you a link if you'd like. All old episodes have been scrapped and archived on my computer instead of the old youtube it was created on.
  17. Jfiles

    Starting a town...

    Sounds like fun! PM the details if you'd like!
  18. Jfiles

    Emotions-Possible KOS Deterrent

    Could not have put it better
  19. Never liked the fatigue system, rocket has said he does not want it in the game. WIth it in it would take a lot longer to get around in a map that already takes ages.
  20. Jfiles

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    I don't understand. all I said was that he can't do it.
  21. Jfiles

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    There is. It's called the gallery. You can post your screenshots and videos there. What you may not do is post stream in links in a post, this Post here is where you do that.
  22. Bubbles strikes again! Just started rewatching all the seasons XD
  23. I have scrolled once. This post is no longer worth my time, we do not condone such actions here.
  24. Jfiles

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Mate, you arnt allowed to post that kinda stuff here. Links to youtube vids is different. This you cannot do.