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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. Jfiles

    make sounds more realistc

    I believe what he means, is that it is old software recording it. More than likely not even recorded, more from a public audio library. Like the Colt 1911 in that game. Identical noise to the SilverBallers in Hitman. Many old games like Arma did that. And many games now do it.
  2. why do i find this so damn funny.
  3. Jfiles

    Truck Tires pops 3 feet away from the tree

    HIGHWAAAAAAAAAY TO THE DANGER ZONE! Sorry.....I saw it....I took the opportunity
  4. Jfiles

    DayZ SA crashes with no message

    Well, i know of crashes every so often. There isn't much I can do for your specific case. I guess submit a bug report. But really unless somebody else has ideas, you are just kinda have to deal with it. Or find something to just prolong the process?
  5. Jfiles

    DayZ SA crashes with no message

    How often is it?
  6. Jfiles

    help ?

    there isn't much I can really say. I am not too informed to give you much more than I have. All I can really advise is endure? EDIT: I have the same CPU I run the same frames. The game just really is so badly optimized. Try Arma 3 DayZ for sometime. Overpoch brought me some fun. Much better FPS. But your choice. until you figure something out. cause that processor should run that like a dream.
  7. Jfiles

    help ?

    the game isnt using ur 2nd GPU not that it would make a HUGE Difference but 5-6 frames should help. Look on youtube how to force DayZ to crossfire/SLI
  8. Jfiles

    help ?

    sorry, was away. Go to your DayZ config files, find GPU max detected frames ahead change 1,000 to 1 and the one below it should be like 3? change it to 1.
  9. Jfiles

    help ?

    It is more than enough to run. But I can give you some Config tips to help you. But the game wont look as good. If that is what you want. But the game isn't optimized.
  10. Jfiles

    Starting Loadout

    Good to see it worked!
  11. Jfiles

    game unplayable

    This is also true OP try that and report the results to us.
  12. Jfiles

    game unplayable

    Have you gone into you config files and edited GPU max detected frames ahead blah blah? EDIT: I run an FX-8350 and this game still runs like shit XD
  13. Jfiles

    Can't open DayZSA

    Now, basic questions. Have you re-installed, and or verified integrity of cache?
  14. Jfiles

    Can't open DayZSA

    Yes, I can help you with that. PM me please.
  15. Jfiles

    Did I Pass Lumberjack Initiation?

    Oh lol XD
  16. Jfiles

    Did I Pass Lumberjack Initiation?

    Holy shit. When the fuck did that get in the game??? LOL.
  17. Jfiles

    Dayz Doesnt RUN!

    Have you re installed? Verified integrity of the cache?
  18. Jfiles

    Starting Loadout

    Can't say I have. But it looks like it is blocking Battle Eye. So maybe reinstall BE? Best guess.
  19. Jfiles

    Messed up the view. not sure

    Dumb, really dumb question, but have you tried double tapping +, or pressing -. (Yes, my question was dumb.....)
  20. Jfiles

    Starting Loadout

    I believe that there are plenty of tutorials on youtube. I could be wrong, if not, I can ask a few friends on my steam list if they know anything. But try youtube, they should be your best bet, if not. Shoot me a PM and ill see what I can do for you.
  21. Jfiles

    Front flip in a V3S [VIDEO]

    If this happened to me you could say I would..........Flip out.
  22. Jfiles

    Aircraft: Planes

    I see where you are coming from yes, but i'd have to disagree slightly, Over kill yes for the planes. But one heli a server like the old days I find OK. That type of thing just gives an endgame, and I find it rather fitting. But the whole thing needs reworking. Just getting into a plane/heli and knowing how to fly, well, unlikely. But again, needs reworking.
  23. Jfiles

    Receiving loading screen

    Just to start with the basics just to get a hold of the situation. Have you tried reinstalling the game? (Dumb question yes, but again, basics) And have you tried verifying the cache of the game?
  24. Jfiles

    DayZ Impressions.

    My god....that is so old.........The memories.......God.
  25. Ok. This shit got way to technical. Dont know much about guns....But ya.......Repairs! Make em after every magazine use! Ya!