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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. i dont believe a gun has copyright #1 but i could be wrong. But i dont think the CR75 is not fictional weapon. But keep in mind this is not factual. This isn't set in stone information.
  2. i believe its called that due to it being different. Different back end. Different barrel. I would rename if it i made such upgrades.
  3. Jfiles

    Sports/military Bag

    but dont they already have that kinda? Like the taloon in my mind is like a hiker-sport backpack. But more is awesome. Also quick suggestion id think is cool you could get a gun bag, i might post a link, but they are equipped with a holster along with sufficient space for rounds and misc items.
  4. Jfiles

    Last Of The Rangers (They call me a hacker)

    lol. I hate those people that calls hacks because they die. LOL
  5. Jfiles

    Poor performance?

    are your drivers up to date? Figured they are but you never know, what settings do you run your game at? Because you could lower them until this situation is handled
  6. Jfiles

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    Its good. As good as my IBS when i was young (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) just kidding the game is fucking awesome
  7. apocalypse does that. Though i do find my chair kinda sexy.
  8. Jfiles

    DayZ on MAC?

    james may. TopGear. You sneaky bastard you. I like you. or it looks a lot like him with a lovely mustache
  9. Jfiles

    2 suggestions

  10. Jfiles

    Random Global Banned? Have Evidence If Needed

    shhh battleeye shhhh we cant help you here shhhh mr. hacker manshhhhhhhhh
  11. Jfiles

    Last Of The Rangers (3way gone wrong)

    i was strangely concerned before clicking this.
  12. Jfiles

    I the game doing it on purpose?

  13. Jfiles

    I the game doing it on purpose?

    well we hate players that hate players because the way they play. Get over it.
  14. i came here for the title spelling error. but good thing i dont play epoch as much as i used to.
  15. Jfiles

    My Elektro Pet Peeve

  16. the title+ my dirty mind = Weird thoughts.
  17. Jfiles

    Super Zombies?

  18. Jfiles

    Baby blue login screen

    does that screen make you, blue? PUN PUN PUN PUN PUN PUN AHAHAHHAHAHAH. Damn i love this
  19. Jfiles

    Time to be a hero

    SO MUCH BREATHING IN THE MIC IN THE INTRO. Nah jk. Good vid. I use that same intro where is says dayz standalone. I use it for my channel. Very nice
  20. Jfiles

    "My leg hurts... You are dead!"

    one day i shall reach that number. one dya....
  21. Jfiles


    Don't think has been suggested exactly. But either way, is there going to be different types of vest like the press, such as a swat vest, well not exactly a swat vest but one like it, such as a police vest that says POLICE in Russian. But, another quick question, where dafuq is the supressor for the 45. I want to be hitman, with my sodium bicarbonate (injection vial)
  22. Jfiles

    Lootable Garbage Cans

    This isnt Fallout. Naw Jk good idea. Have to make as many picture jokes as possible, if i get 10 i get $10. im at 4 i think.