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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. Jfiles

    My Buddies 2nd Day

    Ya I know XD I told him but he thought he looks patriotic
  2. Jfiles

    Definition of Bandit vs Murderer?

    Nothing better than dropping a running away hostage 300m away with one shot man. In the end. Everything is for grins.
  3. Jfiles

    Losing character's constantly

    might be that something kills you when you log out aswell. Like a zombie or person etc
  4. Jfiles

    Put headphones on playermodel?

    Yes. Custom skin stuff.
  5. Jfiles

    Dual screen DayZ

    The one the left seems to be laggier. Maybe I am just crazy.
  6. Jfiles

    Dual screen DayZ

    I personally don't like it. Frozen Face's poor quality makes it just seem shitty. I recommend you go back to old style. And Frozen, shrink your resolution, windowed mode. something. Your quality is poor, for my, I do not enjoy it. But Bases' is fine. But, do not mix like that.
  7. My god....The best analogy...No sarcasm. Really.....But at BK they have it their way ;)
  8. Jfiles

    Silenced weapons works incorrect

    maybe it's just me, but when I read people who type use the search function I only read it in the snarky twat voice. Sorry if you meant it nicely.
  9. Jfiles

    Silenced weapons works incorrect

    No need to be rude.
  10. Jfiles

    Screen Shots from the Meet & Greet. (Sun. July 13th)

    I just laughed so damn hard...
  11. It doesnt reset just for the loot. No server does. If you don't random dead bodies in suicide spots build up and clog server files and make it laggy :P hense why when a server is freshly restarted you recieve more fps.
  12. Jfiles

    I lost my pants!

  13. Jfiles

    Walkie Talkies?

    Yes. Get a battery insert and right click. Uh. dont understand the question but more than 2 people can talk on one line. If that's what you are asking.
  14. Nah. Day one it was crawler zombies. :D
  15. Jfiles

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    I havn't died in 2 weeks. You won't see me coming.
  16. Jfiles

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    Somebody who understands!
  17. Jfiles

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    Only depends if I like your weapon ;)
  18. Jfiles

    new craftable gun : Potato launcher !

    No. Potato catapult
  19. Jfiles

    lol rocket

  20. Jfiles

    Can't loot items on high shelves.

    get on your tippy toes.
  21. Jfiles

    old loot area's no longer looted

    Hm. I havn't been to the boat in a while.....but now >:)
  22. Jfiles

    Convince me to buy dayz.

    buy it or dont. If not. GTFO. No need to convince you.